After the new film launch conference, the crew of "Dafeng Night Watchman" led by director Yuan Kui went straight to Hengdian and started filming.

As for the media, they naturally reported it one after another, causing quite a public opinion storm.

Mainly, some media were not optimistic about Jiang Heng's fairy tale drama. It's okay to make an imaginary "Dafeng Dynasty", but the word "night watchman" sounds tasteless!

The manuscript also mentioned Chen Kaige's super shocking "Lv Bu and Diao Chan", saying that they don't want Jiang Heng to follow Chen Kaige's old path, and honestly making movies is the right way.

It is said that Chen Kaige almost went crazy after seeing similar reports. If Chen Hong hadn't stopped him, he would have sued those media.

You don't think highly of Jiang Heng's new film, why do you mention my "Lv Bu and Diao Chan"?

However, after Jiang Heng learned about the reports of a number of media, he just smiled complacently and said nothing more.

The reason why he did this was to create a public opinion storm and stir up some heat.

Afterwards, he started selecting movie scripts.

Han Sanping was a little upset. He didn't know whether Jiang Heng was too picky or he was tired and didn't want to shoot. He sent a lot of scripts, but many of them he thought were good were rejected.

If it weren't for Jiang Heng making a lot of money on special effects blockbusters, he would have wanted to find someone else!

Unfortunately, there is really no one who can replace Jiang Heng in the current domestic film market.

Chen Kaige doesn't need to be mentioned. Although Zhang Yimou's "Hero" made money, the amount is really incomparable to Jiang Heng's film.

In Hong Kong, Xu Ke had a box office failure with "The Legend of Zu" and "Seven Swords" was not very good. Han Sanping really didn't dare to use him.

Wu Yusen is indeed capable, but "Windtalkers" bankrupted MGM.

Even though he can't be blamed entirely, Han Sanping still doesn't dare to use him under the premise of "The Promise".

The best collaborator at present is still Jiang Heng.

But he still couldn't choose the movie he wanted to shoot, which made Han Sanping very worried.

At first, he carefully reviewed every script he received, but later he lost the enthusiasm.

He asked his subordinates to review it once, and sent it to Jiang Heng if he thought it was almost right.

But one day, when Jiang Heng was reviewing the script, he found that although the story of a script had some flaws, the idea was very novel.

That is, the two dilemmas of "King of the Golden Horn, King of the Silver Horn" and "Blue Bull Spirit" were combined into one, instantly solving the problem of the weak plot of each dilemma.

In fact, when Jiang Heng was thinking about the adaptation of "Journey to the West", he also thought about these two dilemmas, but he felt that the plot was a little weak, so he didn't decide.

Now that the two dilemmas are combined, the plot available for adaptation is richer.

He immediately called Han Sanping, who was very excited when he heard it.

He hurriedly called several executives to drive to iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures together. When he arrived at the conference room, Jiang Heng took out the script.

Han Sanping flipped through it and was a little confused. He really had never seen this script.

After asking, I found out that it was a director named Zhang Lei who selected it, and he didn't know the original author.

Fortunately, these people left their contact information when they submitted their works, so they just asked someone to contact them.

Han Sanping talked about the cooperation with iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Film. Basically following the previous example, China Film invested 30%, Jiang Heng was fully responsible for the production work, and China Film was only responsible for investment and publicity.

The next day, China Film contacted the script author, first spent money to buy out the script, and then recruited this person to the scriptwriting team of the crew to participate in the adaptation of the script.

At the same time, the selection of actors was naturally put on the agenda.

With the previous work of "Lion Camel Ridge", the main creative staff naturally tried to keep the same.

Fortunately, it was decided early to shoot the theme of Journey to the West. Jiang Heng had greeted Wu Jing, Ding Haifeng, Lin Zhicong, and Zang Jinsheng, and asked them to leave the schedule in the first half of this year.

As for the villains, the Golden Horn and Silver Horn are mainly fighting. Even if they fight, they will transform into some huge monsters, which must be completed with special effects. It doesn't matter whether the actor has martial arts skills.

As for the Green Bull Demon, he can fight back and forth with the Monkey King with fists and feet, so he must find someone with good kung fu and a slightly stronger body.

By the way, when Jiang Heng signed the script, a friend from Hong Kong called him to seek the role of the Green Bull Demon.

But Jiang Heng didn't agree, mainly because he thought that Zou Zhaolong and others would appear too many times and the audience would feel bored.

Just like more than ten years later, Hong Kong will always have the same type of film every year, and the actors will always have the same faces.

To be honest, it doesn't seem interesting even if you don't watch it.

So this time, Jiang Heng wants to choose an actor from the mainland with martial arts skills to play the Green Bull Demon.

When this news came out, many actors with martial arts skills in the circle were really excited.

Zhao Wenzhuo also called to compete for this role.

Jiang Heng thought about it for a while and still rejected it.

Because he played the villain Golden Wing Dapeng in the film Lion Camel Ridge, it is impossible for him to play the villain in this film.

Someone recommended him the action actor Wu Yue, who played Di Yun in the film Untold Stories.

Jiang Heng thought about it and felt that it was not suitable.

At this time, Wu Jing recommended a candidate to Jiang Heng, that is, his senior brother, Li Lianjie's junior brother, Kou Zhanwen.

This person joined the Beijing Wushu Team in 1983 and made his debut in 1988. When director Li An filmed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Kou Zhanwen was the Chinese Wushu instructor.

In the same year, he played Erniu (Hou Yi) in the mythological comedy Spring Brilliant Pig Bajie, which was his first well-known role.

In the costume drama Heroes of Sui and Tang Dynasties in 2003, Kou Zhanwen played Yuchi Gong again, and his performance was also good.

He is a skilled martial artist, but he always plays the role of being beaten in the drama.

If he were to play the Green Bull Demon, he would inevitably be beaten by Sun Wukong in the end.

Jiang Heng recalled Kou Zhanwen's image in his mind and decided on the role.

Wu Jing was overjoyed when he heard this and hurried to call to inform him.

"Hey, Senior Brother, it's done, Director Jiang agreed!"

"Ah, really?"

Kou Zhanwen couldn't believe it, because he was doing so badly.

After so many years of debut, he was still playing a small supporting role.

A while ago, he went to the Zhu Bajie crew of "Happy Pig Bajie" for an audition, but he only got a role that was so small that it couldn't be any smaller. He didn't sign the contract immediately. During the consideration period, he went to Wu Jing for a drink and talked about his distress.

Wu Jing said that Director Jiang is currently preparing to shoot a movie on Journey to the West, and if there is a suitable role, he will definitely recommend it to him.

Kou Zhanwen couldn't get a good role in TV dramas, so how could he dare to hope for Jiang Heng's movie.

But since Wu Jing said so, he held out some hope and still refused the role of "Zhu Bajie".

As a result, he was ridiculed by the other party's deputy casting director, who probably meant that this person was asking for food and complaining about rotten food.

Kou Zhanwen was naturally very angry, but with his status, he had no confidence to argue with others.

But he never thought that it would actually happen.

He actually became the villain in Jiang Heng's new film, which is a bit legendary.

But Kou Zhanwen went to iQiyi Films and signed the contract as quickly as possible, and became one of the main creators of Jiang Heng's new film.

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