The actors for most of the roles in the new film have already been cast.

There are only a few that have not been decided yet, one of which is the actor who plays Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Tao Huimin has been cast before, and her appearance is certainly good, but due to schedule conflicts this time, Jiang Heng will have to find someone else.

People around him recommended him one after another, and after some thought, Jiang Heng finally chose Liu Tao.

The second one is the nine-tailed demon fox, the godmother of King Golden Horn and King Silver Horn. In the 1986 version of Journey to the West, she was just an old and ugly old demon with little fighting ability.

But in the movie version, Jiang Heng planned to portray her as a graceful and unrivaled beauty.

After all, there are too few female characters in the film. Jiang Heng has to try his best to explore the charm of the characters. The old goblin is obviously not lovable.

Audiences will always like a more arrogant succubus.

There are only four words for the positioning of this banshee, which is "all kinds of charming".

It sounds simple, but it’s really not easy to find the right actors.

There used to be a lot of them in Xiangjiang, but most of them have disappeared now.

There are a few who are still active, but they are too familiar to the audience and lack freshness. Jiang Heng still plans to use newcomers.

After much thought, there are only two people who are most suitable.

One is Zhang Yuqi, who plays Teacher Yuan in "Yangtze River No. 7" and Ruolan in "The Mermaid", and the other is Zhu Zhu, who has always been tepid.

At this moment, neither of these two people have made their official debut.

Zhang Yuqi has been dependent on her mother since she was a child. She signed a contract with Xinghui Company in May 2002 and was admitted to the Opera School of Shanghai Theater Academy in 2003. Due to the failure of her mother's business, she could not afford the tuition fees, so she sold her mother's wedding jewelry in order to continue studying.

It was not until "Yangtze River No. 7" was launched in 2006 that her situation improved.

In comparison, Zhu Zhu was relatively lucky. He came from a prominent family, and his appearance was not bad, but he was not popular.

In the list of "Top 100 Most Beautiful Faces in the World" selected by TC Candler in the United States, Zhu Zhu has been on the list many times, but she has little influence in China.

Jiang Heng felt that it was better to respect the audience’s reaction!

After all, Ruolan, played by Zhang Yuqi in "The Mermaid", is really beautiful, gorgeous and badass. She walks with full aura, which is really cool!

Finally, he called Zhou Xingxing and told him that he wanted to borrow Zhang Yuqi.

Zhou Xingxing was extremely puzzled, "If you hadn't told me, I would have almost forgotten that there is such an actor in the company. How did you know?"

Jiang Hengxin said, it’s not easy for a girl who signed up for your company, but you accidentally forgot her.

Jiang Heng laughed and said, "My new film lacks a more glamorous character. Someone told me last time that there is a little girl in your company who is naturally charming!"

"Really? I think she looks quite innocent!"

Zhou Xingxing said in surprise, but he didn't believe what he said.

Because he is obsessed with movies and doesn't care much about other things.

Tian Qiwen is basically in charge of the company's affairs.

After agreeing to Jiang Heng, busy people came to Tian Qiwen and asked if there was an artist named Zhang Yuqi in the company.

"Yes, boss, I signed it the year before last. She is going to school now. What, do you want to ask her to come back?"

"No, well, let her come back!"

After Zhou Xingxing finished speaking, he explained, "Director Jiang heard about her somewhere and wanted her to play a role."

Tian Qiwen showed a surprised expression, "Director Jiang, have you heard about her? It must be Yuan De or Yuan Hua who said it. These two old boys are getting together now. They show off every time they come back and invite a lot of people to eat and drink. ah!"

In recent years, the Hong Kong film market has become increasingly sluggish, and a large number of actors and actresses have lost their jobs. Some deliver food, some work as part-time workers, some open rentals, and some sell properties and insurance.

Yuan De and Yuan Hua not only filmed movies with Jiang Heng, but also worked on large-scale productions. They also had a certain amount of power in their hands. I don't know how many people envy them.

Even Tian Qiwen had similar thoughts.

The main reason is that Zhou Xingxing has made too few films and is not very gregarious in the industry. Therefore, although Tian Qiwen is in charge of the daily life of Xinghui Company, no one is following him. They are somewhat envious of Yuan De and Yuan Hua's reputation.

Zhou Xingxing was too lazy to pay attention to this. He originally wanted Zhang Yuqi to go directly to the capital to find Jiang Heng, but then he thought about it and asked her to come back and have a look!

He has been thinking about making a movie about aliens and the relationship between father and son.

When he was a child, after his parents divorced, he lived with his mother, older sister and younger sister, living a difficult life.

But when I grew up, I didn't complain much about my father.

After becoming famous, he even bought a mansion for his father and hired servants.

As I get older, I miss the good times when I was a child and with my father more and more.

He wanted to use a movie to commemorate that memory.

The script has not been written yet, and there is no way to talk about the heroine. I just subconsciously feel that there should be a beautiful, kind-hearted female teacher with maternal brilliance in the film.

Within two days, Zhang Yuqi flew from Shanghai to Xiangjiang and came to Xinghui Company.

At this moment, she was completely confused and didn't know what was going on. After asking around, she didn't hear that the company was going to make a new movie.

But it should be a good thing for Zhou Xingxing to find her!

"Hello, Director Zhou, Hello Mr. Tian, ​​I'm Zhang Yuqi!"

She was young and already in good shape. She bowed and said hello with her unique accent.

Zhou Xingxing was a little puzzled. This girl was only seventeen years old, but she had a unique mature aura and was indeed pretty.

But he didn't talk to Zhang Yuqi. He nodded and said to Tian Qiwen: "Just tell her!"

"Ah, that's right, Director Jiang Heng, you know that, right?"

"Yes, yes!"

Zhang Yuqi felt her heart was about to rise to her throat, Director Jiang Heng, he knew too much.

"Director Jiang is preparing to shoot a new movie, and needs a charming actress. I don't know how I heard about you, so I'll let you audition! Well, the company will arrange an agent and an assistant to accompany you. If you are selected, the corresponding contract will be signed for you. Just listen to the arrangements!"

Zhang Yuqi was very excited and said hurriedly: "Okay, thank you Director Zhou, thank you President Tian!"

Zhou Xingxing was too lazy to be polite, and didn't know what to talk about with this girl.

He said with a serious expression: "Go, perform well!"

Zhang Yuqi once again stated that she would definitely perform well before leaving.

The next day, several people set off from the Hong Kong Airport and took several hours to arrive in Beijing.

Before leaving, they had notified iQiyi and Tencent Pictures, and their own staff came to pick them up at the airport. After arranging them in the hotel, they were brought to Jiang Heng after another day.

Jiang Heng looked at her and was quite satisfied.

He asked Zhang Yuqi about her dancing skills, and she danced on the spot, and she also performed well.

The only problem was the voice, but it was not a big problem, and someone would be found to dub it later.

He immediately decided to let Zhang Yuqi sign a contract to join the group, and she played a charming nine-tailed fox demon in the film.

Of course, as the godmother of Jinjiao and Yinjiao, her makeup must be older.

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