China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 177 Did the gyroscope finally stop?

The story continues, and the setting is constantly thrown out.

Arthur is brought up by two people, and the woman played by Bellucci points a gun at his head.

Cobb said, Mel, it is useless to threaten others in a dream.

Mel said, it depends on how you threaten, killing him will only wake him up, but the painful attack...

At this point, he suddenly shot Arthur in the leg, and the latter screamed in pain.

The audience also understood that the scene here was really in a dream.

Being killed in a dream will wake you up.

And suffering all kinds of painful critical hits is really painful.

Cobb couldn't bear to see his brother suffer, so he suddenly pounced on the table and slid forward, shot him in the head with a shot, and Arthur also woke up in the dilapidated room.

The whole process was done in one go and was extremely smooth.

Arthur also seemed to have just woken up from a big dream, and he couldn't recover. He was stunned for a few seconds before he suddenly got up and started to pack up the equipment.

The people left in the old house said, you woke up too early...

"The dream has begun to collapse!"

In the dream, gunfights, shaking houses, falling statues, and falling bricks are not uncommon, but in order to wake Cobb up, he was pushed into the bathtub.

When it was transmitted to the lower dream, the first shocking surreal shot of the film was produced, and the entire Japanese palace was flooded.

The audience in the venue watched the "falling into the bathtub" and "flooding the Jinshan Mountain" switch back and forth on the big screen, and they were all shocked.

Several directors, from a professional perspective, figured out how to shoot this set of shots.

In fact, this set of shots was shot in the studio. The special effects team built a huge scene inside the palace, and then stored a total of more than 20,000 liters of water in more than 20 water tanks carefully arranged at the windows of the scene.

These water tanks were opened in sequence under the drive of the mechanism, and the "flooding the Jinshan Mountain" effect was produced.

On the big screen, Cobb and others fought and subdued Saito, who was holding a gun, and continued to interrogate.

Because Saito was prepared, he deliberately missed the most critical information.

On the street, the rioting crowd was still smashing, burning and looting.

The person who stayed behind looked at the scene outside the window from time to time, looking very guilty.

The camera turned again, and he appeared on the train, and Arthur and others were also sleeping on the seats beside him.

The audience in the venue all exclaimed in a low voice, such as Da Tiantian, wondering why these people appeared on the train again!

Those who reacted quickly understood that the people in the old house were still in a dream.

Saito in the film also discovered it, because the person who stayed behind on the train saw that the time was up, so he put headphones on several accomplices and played music.

The people in the dream knew that the time was up, and Cobb pretended to be furious and pushed Saito to the ground, and the latter laughed.

"It is obviously a wool blanket, but the material is polyester fiber. This is not my private nest. Cobb, you really live up to your reputation. I am still in the dream you designed!"

Now, the audience in the venue understood what was going on. It was actually a dream within a dream.

I have to say that the plot design of this section is really full of twists and turns, so clever!

Da Tiantian, who understood it, was very excited and wanted to talk to people, but unfortunately, she didn't know the people around her very well.

Liu Yifei, Tang Yan, Yang Mi, etc. were all in the back row of her. If they had known, they would not have sat so close to the front.

In the film, Cobb's action failed and he got off the train early at Kyoto Station.

At night, he used a gyroscope in his room to confirm that he was in reality, and then answered his daughter's call, saying that he couldn't go back now.

Later, Arthur came, and the two prepared to escape together. They went to the rooftop to prepare to board the helicopter, only to find that Saito had already taken control of the situation.

Saito did not deal with Cobb and Arthur, but wanted Cobb to implant an idea in the mind of his competitor to dissolve the company.

Cobb said it was difficult, and Saito used helping him return to the United States as a bargaining chip.

Cobb was still moved and went to Paris to meet his teacher (father-in-law) to find a new "dream maker".

After some persuasion, Cobb met his teacher's favorite student, Arieldne played by Megan Fox.

To be honest, Megan Fox on the screen is really too beautiful, not very much like a top student.

But men just like her, so they don't care about that.

After that, there are long sections of settings and explanations, such as how to set up the dream space.

The audience can still roughly understand what is going on, but what interests them more is the shocking special effects.

For example, the explosion on the streets of Paris, the male and female protagonists sat calmly in a roadside cafe, watching everything on the street explode and collapse.

Under the presentation of slow motion, coupled with the aria of opera, there is a strong sense of ritual.

And the whole city was turned over and folded with the mind, shocking all the audience in the venue.

In their impression, Jiang Heng has played special effects to the extreme, and he didn't expect that he could exceed everyone's imagination and shoot such a shocking shot.

And the next shot surprised the audience even more. Jiang Heng actually shot a lot of shots looking directly into the mirror.

Because if you look directly into the mirror, you will see the photographer, which will naturally be a mistake.

Although I don't know how Jiang Heng removed the mistakes, this set of shots is still extremely shocking.

The whole movie of "Inception" is more than two hours and twenty minutes long, but it doesn't seem bloated.

The main reason is that the film has many settings and a fuller plot. Coupled with the shocking special effects shots and smooth fighting, the whole movie is still a bit unsatisfactory.

But what makes the audience most curious is whether Cobb finally returned to the real world.

During the interview, a reporter directly raised this question.

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "The male protagonist must have returned to the real world!" Then he asked another person.

The reporter asked, "Why didn't the spinning top stop?"

Jiang Heng did not answer, saying that this question had been answered, and asked everyone to ask something else.

In the original history, the spinning top issue at the end of "Inception" caused a lot of controversy and was talked about by fans for many years.

Some said that the son and daughter that the male protagonist saw at the end were still wearing the clothes he remembered, and their backs and heads did not change. Obviously, they were still in a dream. After all, children grow very fast.

Some people also said that at the end of the shot, the spinning top was obviously going to fall down, which was in reality.

Some viewers said that for the male protagonist, reality and dreams are not important, and being with the person he loves most is important.

Afterwards, the event ended.

The guests followed the crew to the hotel banquet hall, and the reporters received travel expenses and left.

Some audiences were also interviewed and asked how they felt after watching the movie.

The vast majority of viewers said that the film has a novel setting, stunning visual effects, and a compact and smooth plot. It is another masterpiece.

As for the rumors that it was difficult to understand and incomprehensible, the audience said that the film was not as difficult to understand as rumored, and it was relatively easy to understand.

Of course, there were some people who just watched the excitement and didn't pay much attention to the plot. Although they didn't understand it, they certainly couldn't say that they didn't understand it when they were interviewed!

Director Tian Zhuangzhuang, who didn't attend the dinner and left with the audience, was surrounded by several sharp-eyed reporters and asked about his feelings about watching the movie.

Tian Zhuangzhuang said that the plot was quite simple, there was no such thing as not understanding it, and it was a good commercial blockbuster!

The subtext is that this is just a popcorn movie, and it has nothing to do with art!

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