China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 178 Popular around the world

The release date of "Inception" is still scheduled for the summer, and mid-July has become Jiang Heng's exclusive schedule. No domestic film dares to confront it head-on, not even Zhang Yimou's.

In history, mid-July this year belonged to "House of Flying Daggers".

But because of Jiang Heng, the arrogant Zhang Weiping thought again and again, and still set the release date in early August, a full half-month gap, for fear of being affected.

And other companies are even more afraid to let their films that they have worked hard to shoot become cannon fodder.

So at the end of June and the beginning of July, it seemed that there was only one movie in the entire Chinese entertainment industry, and there were topics and GG about "Inception" everywhere.

Especially after the premiere, the distributor China Film Group made full efforts, and the promotional posters were posted everywhere, and the relevant actors also accepted media interviews to help promote it.

For example, Yang Mi, who only had a few seconds of shots in the film and flashed by with Jiang Heng's hand, was noticed by the media at the premiere of the film. Everyone was curious about who this person was?

"The Return of the Condor Heroes" has not yet been aired, and Yang Mi's "Little East Evil" Guo Xiang is not yet well known to the audience, which makes this person's "background deep" appear even more.

As for the heroine played by Megan Fox, because Jiang Heng took such a beautiful photo, she was regarded as a goddess by the fans who attended the premiere, and praised it highly in various film and television forums, which made the audience look forward to this film more and more.

Various factors combined, the result is that it is difficult to get a ticket for the preview, and there are many voices on the Internet asking for an early release.

However, Jiang Heng has no time to pay attention to these, because he is not in China at all.

After the premiere ceremony in Beijing, he first flew to Los Angeles to attend the "Inception" media meeting held there, and then flew to Tokyo, then Paris, Berlin...

Originally in history, the global box office of "Inception" was 825 million US dollars. Even if Jiang Heng does not surpass it this time, it cannot be too far behind.

What's more, he is also preparing to win a few awards with this film to make his title of "China's No. 1 Director" more legitimate, so as to avoid being secretly ridiculed for lacking connotation!

On Friday, July 16, Inception was released simultaneously around the world.

In the mainland market, the prime-time screenings of theaters across the country were almost all scheduled for Inception, and other films had almost no room to survive on this day. The first-day box office reached 47.9 million, once again breaking the mainland's first-day box office record.

On Douban Movie, more than 10,000 fans gave the film a high score of 9.4, making the film a peak as soon as it appeared and receiving countless praises.

Of course, there are still voices pouring cold water. The famous film critic Zou Liming wrote that Inception is worth watching, but it is not a pioneering work.

It probably means that The Matrix can still leave him with topics to chat about, with several unforgettable scenes and shots.

And Inception is just an intellectual game for him, and Wu Yizu's performance is even more formulaic, conventional, and without any surprises.

At the same time, he said that he did not mean to belittle Jiang Heng by saying this, and it is also a great skill to be able to make an intellectual game into a commercial blockbuster!

Another not-so-famous film critic said in an interview that it is important to understand the concept settings in the movie.

Because the whole movie is like a fantasy novel, you must accept the countless imaginative settings in it and understand all the settings mentioned in the movie.

These set concepts appear anytime and anywhere, so during the more than two hours of watching the movie, it is best not to go to the bathroom, because it is easy to miss a concept and make the subsequent plot incomprehensible.

Especially in the first half of the movie, before the dream-stealing gang enters the target Fisher's dream, it is "teaching time", interpreting these abstract concepts through actual actions and shocking special effects.

For ordinary audiences, it is enough to be exciting and good-looking.

Someone said in an interview with CCTV Movie Channel that the special effects scenes alone are worth the price of the ticket. Although they are a little difficult to understand, the special effects are really good-looking.

What the audience talked about most was naturally the scene of folding the city like origami.

In addition, the weightless fighting also made the audience feel novel.

In Hong Kong, "Inception" instantly became the best-selling movie in the summer.

Although many people are dissatisfied with Jiang Heng's long stay in the mainland and his increasing lack of care for Hong Kong filmmakers, many people still regard him as the most successful case of "Hong Kong stars going north", and they really support the film when it is released.

According to the current box office trend, the box office is likely to exceed 70 million Hong Kong dollars.

In North America, the film was released simultaneously in 3,798 theaters across the United States, and won a box office of 66 million US dollars in the first three days of the weekend, firmly ascending to the throne of the weekly champion of the North American box office rankings.

What is even more surprising is that because of the fans' pursuit, "Inception" received a high score of 9.6 on the famous movie website IMDB.

Of course, the reviews in the paper media will be more objective. Those reviews that are mainly positive did not praise the film to the sky, such as the review of the New York Times, which is similar to Zou Liming's evaluation.

They all think that this film is worth watching, but not as great as advertised online.

Some media even said that "The Matrix" is the best, and "Inception" is still a little worse.

The film is not only popular in North America, China and other film markets, but also performs extremely well in other film markets with large market sizes.

In France, Spain and other places, "Inception" has maintained its box office championship throne without any wavering.

And in the UK, South Korea, Germany, Australia and other places, it continues to rank in the top three.

The global total box office performance has exceeded the 600 million US dollar mark at a very fast speed. According to media predictions, it is undoubtedly over 800 million, but it is not known whether it can break the 900 million US dollar mark.

At the same time, some Japanese media mocked sourly, saying that Jiang Heng's single film's global box office performance has never been able to break through 1 billion US dollars, and there is still a gap with the world's top directors.

Then, another wave of Hollywood directors was praised, which made countless domestic movie fans indignant. They left messages on the Douban short comments of "Inception", hoping that Jiang Heng would shoot a blockbuster with a global box office of over 1 billion US dollars as soon as possible.

However, this topic was taken out by the "Six Princesses of CCTV" to make a program, analyzing data from all parties to prove the gap between Jiang Heng and Hollywood directors such as Spielberg, James Cameron, and George Lucas.

The conclusion is that Jiang Heng is more productive, and the quality of his films is stable. It is only a matter of time before a single box office performance exceeds 1 billion.

Just how long do we have to wait? We have to ask Director Jiang Heng!

Then, Jiang Heng, who finally had a few days off, was harassed by various phone calls.

Some were friends asking out of concern, and some were just chatting out of boredom.

Jiang Heng was so annoyed that he simply turned off his phone and took his bodyguard to the northeast to escape the summer heat.

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