In the theater, the Wojciech brothers were worried.

In fact, the moment they heard that the story they created had been filmed and released, the two of them were stunned.

The first thought was, absolutely impossible!

The script was written by the two brothers together. After completing the first draft, they revised it until early 1997, when they sold it to Warner Bros. for $1 million.

The company still attaches great importance to this script. The confidentiality level is very high. Ordinary people can never get access to it, let alone a Chinese who is far away from home.

Even if he wants to steal it, he must have a chance!

However, according to the feedback from Warner Bros.'s office in China, the content of the movie is very similar to the script they wrote, and the probability of being filmed first is very high, but they really can't figure out what went wrong. Let's take a look first!

The lights went out, the dragon logo lit up, and looking at the six words "produced by Youteng Pictures" on the screen, several Americans felt very dazzling and immediately fell into anger and panic.

What made them angry was that the movie called "The Matrix" that was being shown was not exactly the same as the script purchased by Warner Bros. It was exactly the same!

What was terrifying was that many of the plots and settings in the script that they had not sorted out or handled well were handled perfectly.

Many plots that the Wojciech brothers had not yet figured out how to shoot were also presented perfectly beyond their imagination.

Yes, the preparation team for "The Matrix" of Warner Bros. has only been training actors, and the director has just started drawing storyboards, and has not drawn many.

If the original historical trajectory was followed, it would not start shooting until March 1998, and would not be released worldwide until 1999.

What was unexpected was that in the far east, a young man actually made this movie at an extremely fast speed. Did he have magic?

After leaving the theater, Silver and the Wojciech brothers felt a chill on their backs, and for a moment they didn't know where to start.

In the hotel where they stayed, Silver hid in his room and made a long-distance call. The Wochoski brothers began to recall the past, wondering who had access to the manuscripts they wrote, who had told them about the ideas and outlines, and then fell into an argument.

The final conclusion of the argument was that the content of the script was definitely not leaked from their hands.

I really can't bear it!

In the small conference room of the hotel, Silver held a meeting with the Wochoski brothers and several staff members of the office.

"I have reported to the headquarters. A team of lawyers will be sent over immediately. After they come, they will first send a lawyer's letter to the other party, asking the other party to stop his infringement and hand over the copyright and all profits of the film."

"What if the other party ignores it?" someone asked.

Anyone who thinks with his brain will know that no one will pay attention to such a lawyer's letter.

Hand over the copyright and all profits, so why bother this time?

"Well, then keep suing until he goes bankrupt and bans him...!"

Silver said several methods with an angry face, and Zhao Yan and other people in the office all smiled bitterly.


This lawsuit is not that easy to win. He has been busy these days. He checked Jiang Heng's exit records. Before the filming of the film was completed, Jiang Heng had never left Hong Kong except for a few trips to Shenzhen.

You said he stole the script, so you have to provide the court with evidence of how he stole it!

He had never been to the United States before, nor had any contact with Hua Na Company.

Just like the plot in "From Beijing with Love", people should have conscience. How can you frame a blind man for peeking at state secrets!

As for the ban, what do Hollywood companies think of banning Hong Kong directors?

Please, don't mix in your circle!

But Silver is the vice president of Hua Na Brothers, and everyone can only listen to what he says.

Soon, on January 15, the day before "The Matrix" was released in Hong Kong.

Both Youteng Pictures, Jinsheng and Xinbao Cinemas received a lawyer's letter from Hua Na Brothers, requiring the former to stop infringing, hand over the film copyright and all revenue, and compensate Hua Na Company for the loss of 100 million US dollars.

Requested Jinsheng and Xinbao Cinemas to stop showing The Matrix, otherwise they would be held legally responsible.

At the same time, the domestic Bonanza Films Company also received a lawyer's letter from Hua Na Brothers.

Yu Dong had never seen such a scene before, so he hurriedly called Jiang Heng.

"Hey, Mr. Jiang, what's said here can't be true!"

Jiang Heng laughed, "Do you think it's possible?"

"It's definitely impossible, but Hua Na Brothers is such a big company, it won't do things for no reason!"

"Nothing, it's just a collision of themes, everyone's ideas are similar! You also know the situation over there, they like to do this kind of thing. Companies like Marvel and DC will steal ideas from each other, and many superheroes are made by borrowing from each other!"


Yu Dong really doesn't know much about these things in Hollywood.

"What should we do now?"

"Ignore it. If they have any opinions, they can take legal action!"

"Okay then!"

Yu Dong secretly shouted in his heart, and admired this young man even more.

Apart from anything else, this psychological quality alone is better than his.

When he saw the lawyer's letter from the famous Hua Na Brothers Company, he was so panicked, but Jiang Heng didn't care at all.

In Hong Kong, the bosses of the two cinema chains, Jinsheng and Xinbao, also disdained the lawyer's letter from Hua Na.

Even if there are problems with The Matrix, it is Jiang Heng and his Youteng Films that are responsible. What does it have to do with our cinemas?

Release it!

Just for the box office performance of the film in the mainland, the two cinemas will also increase the screening schedule!

Not only that, they also called Jiang Heng to express their support.

"Thank you, thank you, this little thing can't scare me! And I think the lawyer's letter from Hua Na Company is a good thing for us!"

"What do you mean?"

"The Matrix is ​​a big seller in the mainland, and Hong Kong people may not care too much, but now it has been sued by Hollywood. Do you think everyone will be interested if it is publicized by the media?"

As soon as these words came out, the manager of Jinsheng Cinema slapped his thigh and said, "Director Jiang, your idea is great. The audience must be curious. I will call several newspapers right now. They will definitely be interested!"

Jiahe Company, knowing that Youteng Films, Jinsheng, and Xinbao were sent a lawyer's letter by Hua Na Company, Zou Wenhuai and others were all sighing.

"It's so weird, he didn't really steal Hua Na's script, did he?"

"Although I always thought it was unlikely, but judging from Hua Na's reaction, it should be certain! Otherwise, they wouldn't have sent a team of lawyers and sent a lawyer's letter!"

"But how did he do it?"

The office fell into a brief silence, because the three of them couldn't figure out how Jiang Heng did it.

Zou Wenhuai waved his hand and said, "No matter what, he is in trouble anyway, and we have no rivals!"

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