China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 19 Like borrowing the east wind

In Zou Wenhuai's view, Jiang Heng was definitely going to be in bad luck this time.

After all, in this world, fairness and justice are only for the weak, and more often than not, strength is respected.

This is especially true in places like Hollywood. The animated movie "The Lion King" released in 1994 was questioned to have too many similarities with the animated series "Jungle King" broadcast in 1965, but Disney denied it.

Tezuka Co., Ltd., the copyright owner of "Jungle King", did not file a lawsuit, claiming that its company was too weak to compete with Disney.

How could Jiang Heng, an independent filmmaker with no background, compete with the Hollywood giant Hua Na Brothers?

However, when he turned around, Zou Wenhuai suddenly saw a shocking news on the front pages of many newspapers.

"Hua Na Company claims that Jiang Heng stole their script and filmed "The Matrix" first. It requires Jiang Heng to hand over the copyright and all profits, and compensate Hua Na Company US$100 million...!"

After flipping through several copies, there were reports like this. Zou Wenhuai was so angry that he coughed for a while.

The door was pushed open, and Cai Yongchang and Liang Jie came in hand in hand with newspapers in their hands.

"It's bad, he actually used Hua Na's lawyer's letter to operate. Now the heat has been taken away!" Cai Yongchang said anxiously.

Liang Feng said slowly: "This is so strange. The audience must be curious about what's going on. This is really a miscalculation!"

Zou Wenhuai felt the same way, but he was more angry.

As the overlord of the Hong Kong film industry, he has been aloof for too long and cannot understand the audacity of little people.

There was only one thought in my mind, how dare he, how dare he?

"Can you think of a way to suppress this heat?"

Zou Wenhuai also thought it was impossible, but there was no good way at the moment.

Liang Feng said: "It's difficult. TVB has sent a column team to interview, and all major newspapers have reported this!"

Cai Yongchang said with a bitter face: "The big newspapers are more objective. Those street tabloids are all fabrications. Some said that Jiang Heng slept with a beautiful woman who came to Hong Kong to travel, but she was actually the daughter of a senior executive in Hua Na... …!”

Zou Wenhuai felt a headache after listening to it. This was all nonsense, and the writing was so attractive.

He bets that this tabloid will be sold out today.

"These paparazzi have no bottom line at all!" Zou Wenhuai said angrily and pounded the table.

Cai Yongchang continued, "Nowadays, the plagiarism incident of "The Matrix" is the biggest gossip in Hong Kong. It will definitely attract many viewers into the theater. We have to find a way."

"How about we stir up the scandal between Aaron and the two heroines?" Liang Feng asked tentatively.

Zou Wenhuai smiled bitterly, "How can it be too late at this time?"

What was not said was that there were so many scandals about Aaron, and they were no longer news.

But at this time, there is no good way. We can only arrange staff to operate it, which is better than nothing!

But on this day, the 16th, there were actually long queues in front of the theaters of Xinbao and Jinsheng Cinemas, and more than half of these viewers came for Jiang Heng's "The Matrix" .

There have been no successful science fiction films in the Hong Kong film industry before, and the audience is not interested in this subject matter.

And "The Matrix" has a box office of over 100 million in the mainland, which is just average to them. They don't think that movies with high box office in the mainland are good movies.

But the lawyer's letter from Huana Company and its related contents aroused the curiosity of the Xiangjiang audience.

The script of Stealing Hollywood was filmed in advance, and the filming was very exciting. It is said that the executives of Hua Na Company turned green when they saw it. These contents are really too novel for the Hong Kong audience.

I have never heard of such a thing, I want to go and see what kind of movie it is.

And when I entered the theater and took a look, oh, what a guy!

The young lead actors are handsome men and women, the action scenes are exciting, the special effects scenes are explosive, and the story is also very novel. It received rave reviews for a while.

On the 17th, Jiang Heng, who was staying at home, received the box office data from Jinsheng and Xinbao Cinemas. It completely crushed Zhou Xingxing's "One-stop". As for whether it surpassed "Who Am I"? I don't know, after all, they don't know the situation at Jiahe Cinema.

But Jiang Heng knew that the historical box office performance of "Who Am I" in Hong Kong was 38.8 million, which according to his estimation was not as high as the first-day box office of "The Matrix" in Hong Kong.

Based on this calculation, "The Matrix" is probably a sure thing to win the box office championship during the 1998 Spring Festival in Hong Kong.

With such achievements, it is natural to publicize them widely.

Immediately called the major media and reported the first-day box office results of "The Matrix".

The media were naturally happy to report on this incident, pushing the popularity of "The Matrix" to a new level.

And all this completely angered the people of Hua Na Company.

Silver had already led the Wozhosky brothers and others from Shanghai to Xiangjiang. Seeing the crowds in front of Jinsheng and Xinbao's theater, he was so angry that he wanted to blow up the theater. This is all our money!

"Immediately, appeal immediately, we must make him bankrupt!" Silver was furious.

But the chief lawyer Petroche frowned and said solemnly: "Litigation is not a good option. It is difficult for us to prove that he stole the script!"

Silver was silent when he heard this. He also knew that this matter was difficult to handle.

If you want to accuse someone of murder, robbery, or fraud, you must provide a factual basis, time, place, person, incident, what exactly happened!

But Hua Na himself didn't even understand what was going on, he was completely confused!

"We have registered the copyright, so he shouldn't have it, right?" Silver asked.

Petroche nodded, "I checked, Jiang Heng has not registered the copyright of the script in Hong Kong, and we registered on March 15, 1997...!"

Silver said: "Then from this angle, we have to sue him until he goes bankrupt!"

"Well, that's the only way for now. By the way, although we can't find his script copyright registration record in Hong Kong, it doesn't rule out the possibility that he went to mainland China to register!"

"Can we find it?" Silver was a little panicked, and he thought of a not-so-good possibility.

"I can only say that it's difficult. You know, this is a very backward country, and their office system is not connected to the national network...!"

Silver heard this and felt a headache instantly.

"Is there no good way?"

"At present, we can only check a little bit!"

"Well, I hope it can be solved as soon as possible, otherwise the company's losses will be too great!"

Silver sighed, because he found that the quality of "The Matrix" shot by Jiang Heng was really very high, even better than they expected at the beginning.

If we can get all the copyrights of the film, we can open it directly in North America and Europe, and I believe it will have good box office results.

Just when he was happy, Silver's face suddenly changed, and he thought of a terrible possibility.

The other Hollywood companies will not also notice this film and want to distribute it!

Please collect it and recommend it!

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