Hu Jian was relatively successful in TV dramas. In 2024, he also had the hit drama "Flowers".

But the development of movies is somewhat difficult to describe. Some say it is a problem with acting skills, some say it is a problem with resources, and some say it is caused by a car accident.

As for the acting, I can't say it well. Resources cannot be given to him for no reason.

But maybe we can intervene in the car accident. As for whether he can escape, it depends on fate.

But at this moment, I really didn’t think of any role suitable for Hu Cun.

Thinking about this, Jiang Heng suddenly remembered the long-prepared "Super Seminary Heroes Company", in which Ge Xiaolun, the power of the galaxy, might be able to let Hu Jian give it a try.

This character is set up as a middle school college student, sunny and handsome, with a strong sense of justice.

Hu Jian's early character design is really similar to Ge Xiaolun.

Thinking of this, he said, "If there is a suitable role in the future, he will be allowed to participate."

Li Xiaoping smiled and said: "Then he is quite lucky!"

She and Cai Yinong were only casual acquaintances, so it was not easy to ask this question for her, regardless of whether Jiang Heng was playing a leading role or a supporting role.

After confirming the specific time and base price of the "Legend of Sword and Fairy" copyright sales meeting, Li Xiaoping left.

In fact, this matter is not that complicated. According to past rules, whenever news about a large-scale TV series is released, it is almost instantly snapped up by major TV stations, and the broadcast platform is not confirmed until the series is finished.

The drama "Sword and Fairy" is somewhat special. Judging from the cast alone, it is actually not favored by the outside world.

Hu Xian, Liu Yifei, An Yixuan, Liu Yanyan, and Peng Yuyan are all young. Except for Liu Yifei, who became famous for "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", the rest are not well-known.

If it weren't for the special effects that Jiang Heng was responsible for, there wouldn't be so many TV stations competing.

But Jiang Heng is involved in it and is responsible for the special effects. It is also a fairy tale drama, so it is more exciting.

Another day later, Cai Yinong arrived at Aiyouteng Pictures. As soon as they met, she complained that she was almost like a "husband-looking stone" waiting for Jiang Heng and others.

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "No, if you tell me that, my brother-in-law wants to fight with me!"

Cai Yinong said: "I am so busy every day, how can I find time? How about we give it a try?"

Jiang Heng was stunned when he heard this, "The two of us?"

Cai Yinong laughed, "I'm kidding you, don't think of yourself as Tang Monk, think that everyone is a female temptress, thinking about you all day long, I am anxious about when "Sword" will be sold and when it will be broadcast!"

Jiang Heng laughed, "Don't worry, I will be able to meet the audience soon after bidding this time!"

Cai Yinong smiled bitterly, "You are a big company and a big director. When you are busy, you may not even remember that you have produced such a TV series. We at Tangren Pictures are pointing to this TV series!"

When Jiang Heng heard this, he smiled.

Although he was not too busy to remember the show "Sword" as Cai Yinong said, he was still a little careless.

He just said: "Hurry, there will be results soon!"

Three days later, the bidding meeting for the purchase of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" jointly produced by Aiyouteng Pictures and Tangren Pictures was held in the conference room of a star hotel near the company.

At the event, more than half of the major domestic local stations came, most of them were deputy directors or directors of the film purchasing department.

Even though it was a competitive relationship, because we were all acquaintances, the atmosphere was pretty good.

The deputy director of Mango Channel said: "To be honest, if it weren't for the special effects done by Director Jiang, we would have no intention of buying it!"

The film purchasing director of Beijing Satellite TV said: "Who says it's not the case? Changing games into movies has always been a thankless task!"

Everyone deeply agrees, because the film and television version of game works involves a very important issue, which is the opinion of the original author.

More than ten years later, everyone mentioned "The Legend of the Immortal Family" and felt that it was a rare classic. I thought it was the beginning, and it was the peak when I didn't want to appear.

But more than ten years ago, when this show first came out, it was badly criticized.

The most criticized thing by the "originalists" is the emotional drama of Jiu Jian Xian.

In the original game, Jiujianxian is a heroic figure. He roams freely between heaven and earth and does things according to his heart.

But in the TV series, it was actually changed to have a crush on Qing'er, mistakenly thinking that he is the one who should fall in love with her. On the day of her wedding, Qing'er got drunk and had a one-night stand with Saint Nunt Ming, who came to persuade her. Later, she got married to Anu.

What's also a bit unbearable for original fans is that originally in the game, Baiyue was just the last big boss.

But in the TV series, he appears early and controls everything. And he has only one purpose for doing so much, which is to prove that the earth is round. This idea is a bit big.

In addition, the style of this drama is also a bit exaggerated. For example, when Li Xiaoyao appears, he hugs him from left to right.

When he competed with Lin Yueru, Ling'er became a "cheerleader" in the audience.

The crowd of onlookers also joined her in cheering for Brother Xiaoyao...

Anyway, from Jiang Heng's point of view, he doesn't quite understand why screenwriters of this era are so imaginative.

However, during the preview of the series, the deputy directors and film purchasing directors of satellite TV stations seemed not to notice this at all. Not only did they think the plot was good, they were also amazed by the level of special effects displayed in the film.

Taking into account the "nominal" production costs, it is impossible for Jiang Heng to make the special effects of the film to a movie level, not even without spending money, because the explanation is unreasonable.

What he did was nothing more than "fifty cents" plus "fifty cents", doubling the "fifty cents" special effects commonly seen in TV dramas today.

Coupled with the smooth action design and the already outstanding soundtrack, the special effects fighting scenes of this show are instantly brilliant.

The deputy director of Hebei TV could not help but say, "This drama is well made, it has that flavor, I finally understand what a fairy tale is!"

The representatives of the other TV stations frowned, thinking what this old man meant, you just like it, why say it out loud, do you mean you are determined to win?

However, judging from the expressions of the crowd, today's auction is likely to break the price record of domestic dramas!

The "film viewing meeting" arranged by Li Xiaoping only broadcast the content of two episodes.

But these people were addicted to it, and they watched another episode after much persuasion, and then the auction session began.

At this moment, Internet video media had not yet risen, and the strength of local TV stations was limited, so good TV dramas were only 60,000 to 80,000 per episode.

Only the wealthy CCTV could buy costume dramas at a price of about 500,000 per episode. It bought modern dramas at a price of about 200,000 per episode.

But CCTV bought TV dramas for exclusive broadcast, and at present, it has just implemented the "one drama, four stars" policy.

That is to say, the number of comprehensive channels that broadcast the same TV series in the prime time every night shall not exceed four.

If each channel offers 80,000 per episode, the total price is 320,000 per episode. Based on 33 episodes, only more than 10 million in sales revenue will be recorded.

Fortunately, all the local stations present were very optimistic about this "Xianxia drama" with special effects by Jiang Heng, and after a round of bidding.

The sales price of a single episode was actually increased by 130,000 yuan.

The four local stations in Hebei, Mango, Chongqing and Shandong started the bidding.

iQiyi, Youku and Tangren Pictures will receive 17.16 million in sales revenue.

And when the TV series is broadcast, videotapes can be released, and there will still be millions of revenue.

Add to that the continuous replay revenue, this drama will definitely make a lot of money.

But Cai Yinong pays more attention to the ratings and whether the actors are popular. She really hopes to make Hu Can a popular young actor.

With a star, she can shoot suitable film and television dramas around him, and her Tangren Company can become bigger and stronger.

Jiang Heng doesn’t dare to compete with iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Video, but she feels that she has the strength to compete in the field of costume idol dramas.

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