After the auction for the broadcasting rights of the series "Legend of Sword and Fairy" was over, a group of people from local TV stations did not leave, but instead inquired about the sales of the broadcasting rights of "Dafeng Night Watchmen".

For some people, bidding for "Legend of Sword and Fairy" was just a side job, and the real purpose was to buy "Dafeng Night Watchmen".

Although we don't know what the content of this drama is, from the fact that Jiang Heng personally selected a group of handsome men and beautiful actresses and was responsible for the special effects of the drama, it is very likely to become a hit.

In 2004, CCTV was still the only one in the mainland TV station market.

But a group of local TV stations have already had the ambition to rise up and develop.

To achieve overwhelming ratings, there must be super popular film and television programs.

At this moment, a group of local TV stations do not know how to create a hit variety show, and their eyes are still on TV dramas.

In the eyes of a group of local TV station leaders, a fairy drama produced by a big commercial director like Jiang Heng and responsible for special effects has a great probability of becoming a hit.

Of course, the three words "big director" are not safe.

Previously, "Lv Bu and Diao Chan", for which Chen Kaige served as the artistic director, was a pitfall. It was banned after only a few episodes, which really pitted the TV station.

However, the reputation of director Jiang Heng is still far better than that of Chen Kaige.

Naturally, everyone does not believe that Jiang Heng, who has taken off in commercial blockbusters, can stumble in TV dramas. Now they are only worried about how much money they can get.

After asking Li Xiaoping, who hosted the auction, everyone learned that CCTV had the intention to buy, and many people were eclipsed.

Because CCTV is rich, the price of a single episode of a costume blockbuster starts at 500,000.

For a production like Jiang Heng's own, it is possible to call for 600,000 per episode.

How much does it cost to grab food from CCTV?

If it succeeds, it's fine. If it fails, who can take the responsibility?

For a while, the representatives of the local stations were in mixed feelings.

Li Xiaoping saw it and secretly exclaimed that the reputation of a person is really the shadow of a tree.

Jiang Heng did not personally direct "Da Feng Night Watchman", but only provided the script, determined the actors, and was responsible for the special effects production in the later stage.

But in the eyes of a group of local station representatives, I am afraid that this drama has been regarded as a hit.

Unfortunately, CCTV attaches more importance to it. Director Zhao Huayong called early and finalized the broadcast of "Da Feng Night Watchman".

Unless a local station can offer a sky-high price, so that Jiang Heng does not care about the face of "CCTV", otherwise there is no chance.

However, the deputy director of Mango TV inquired that the first season of "Da Feng" has about 40 episodes.

If CCTV buys it at a price of 550,000 per episode, it will be 22 million.

If you want to grab this drama, you may have to offer a price of 30 million.

In that case, the price of a single episode will exceed 700,000, which is absolutely a sky-high price!

At such a price, the film purchasing director and deputy director will definitely not be able to decide, and there are a few who decided to go back and push this matter.

However, after the four local TV stations in Hebei, Mango, Chongqing and Shandong purchased the first round of broadcasting rights for "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", they first coordinated and discussed a broadcasting schedule, and then reported it to the General Administration.

When the plan was approved, it was almost the Chinese New Year.

In fact, the broadcasting schedule that the four local TV stations finally coordinated and discussed was the first day of the Chinese New Year in 2005, and they were ready to meet the national audience during the happy and peaceful festival of the Chinese New Year.

For Jiang Heng, TV series are not as important as they should be.

In recent times, he has only spent a small amount of time dealing with the affairs of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" and "Dafeng", and most of the time he has been busy with movies, which are nothing more than special effects, soundtracks, editing, subtitles, dubbing, etc., as well as film distribution.

In view of the high reputation gained from shooting special effects blockbusters for many years, Jiang Heng's movies have now formed a mature channel network for global distribution, and basically sign contracts directly.

If there is no change, it will basically not be changed.

What really gave Jiang Heng a headache was the Chinese title of the film, because it was a combination of the roles of the three monsters, the Golden Horn King, the Silver Horn King and the Green Bull Demon, and Jiang Heng had never thought of a satisfactory Chinese title.

He just used a name that he was not very satisfied with temporarily. If there was still no better name after the film was submitted for review, he would have to use that one.

On the contrary, the names of foreign films were easier to fool, just look them up casually.

In the blink of an eye, it was November, and the publicity work for the film was already on the agenda.

Jiang Heng first screened the final version of the film within the company, and only a small number of executives watched it.

This look really stunned everyone.

They always thought that the visual effects of mythological special effects blockbusters were just so-so.

Unexpectedly, the effect of the film shot by Jiang Heng was beyond everyone's imagination.

Du Huan, general manager of iQiyi Films, said: "Director Jiang's new film will definitely exceed 800 million!"

Everyone agreed after hearing this: "Yes, the subject matter is pleasing to begin with. Judging from the effect, it will definitely exceed 800 million."

Jiang Heng waved his hand and said with a smile: "We are all family, so there is no need to be too confident. Besides, for me, a little more or less box office is not very important!"

Everyone was more shocked after hearing this.

Only Jiang Heng could be so Versailles. If other directors said this, everyone would definitely laugh at him.

But for Jiang Heng, there is no problem with saying this.

For now, there are two box office records blocking Jiang Heng, one is 800 million in the mainland market, and the other is 1 billion US dollars in the global market.

Because of the subject matter, schedule and other elements, there is always a little difference.

Special effects blockbusters with mythological themes are very popular in the mainland market, but in the global market, their box office potential has slightly declined.

After all, myths have cultural barriers.

And sci-fi films such as "The Matrix" and "Inception" are very popular in the global market, but for mainland audiences, they are actually a little bit worse.

The reason why they can achieve super high box office results is marketing factors and Jiang Heng's fame.

Therefore, for the time being, Jiang Heng does not have too much obsession about whether the film can break the record of 800 million mainland box office and 1 billion US dollars global box office.

Anyway, it will definitely be broken in a few years.

But the executives of iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures attach great importance to the box office results of the film, because the company has completed the shareholding reform and is preparing for listing.

Once the company goes public, the various box office records broken by the company's films will be reflected in the company's stock price.

And some people who receive equity rewards have their wealth directly linked to it, so how can they not value it!

Du Huan was very active and submitted a publicity and promotion plan, which was actually a conventional publicity and promotion method with a little creativity.

Vice President Li Xiaoping made a few suggestions, and Jiang Heng thought there was no big problem, so he ordered everyone to implement it.

After the meeting, Li Xiaoping came over and said, "Well, Mr. Cai from Tang Ren is here again!"

Jiang Heng was stunned, "Again?"

"Yes, to share the money!"

After the first round of broadcast rights for "Legend of Sword and Fairy" were sold, the money was not settled immediately.

If it were a small company, it would be even more difficult to get all the money, and it was a common operation to drag it out for more than half a year.

But iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Video are the first in the domestic industry, and a group of local stations dare not offend them. This is already the fastest speed.

Cai Yinong came this time, first to share the money, and second to bring Hu Can to meet Jiang Heng.

Li Xiaoping said that Jiang Heng still intended to let Hu Can participate in the movie, which made Cai Yinong very excited. If this thing can be accomplished, she will make a fortune!

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