China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 185 The Four Beauties Gather Again

Cai Yinong and Hu Jian left happily, while Liu Yifei and Jing Tian came over happily.

It was strange for Jiang Heng that they became friends.

In the original history, the two had never worked together, and their relationship seemed ordinary.

They had taken photos together many times, and the "rich flower in the world" was not inferior to the "Fairy Sister".

But because she was strongly promoted in her early years, Da Tiantian's popularity was not very good, and it took many years to slowly change.

Liu Yifei became the "Fairy Sister" in the hearts of fans because of roles such as "Wang Yuyan", "Little Dragon Girl", and "Zhao Linger".

Unfortunately, the development of the film industry was not smooth, and she finally returned to the TV drama industry.

In the eyes of outsiders, these two people are not very compatible.

But because of the filming of "Dafeng Night Watchman", they became very good friends.

One very important reason is that Jing Tian is very addicted to romance novels at this moment, and he also likes to buy CP.

Seeing that Jiang Heng was young, rich, handsome and talented, and Liu Yifei was aloof, introverted and beautiful, she felt that they were the golden boy and jade girl from the book.

What made her even more crazy was that she accidentally learned that Liu Yifei sometimes called Jiang Heng uncle, and she instantly felt that there was something going on between the two of them, and at the same time, she felt a little bit excited.

So Jing Tian urged Liu Yifei to come to iQiyi Films to play when she had nothing to do. Perhaps she felt that it was not good to come empty-handed, so the eldest lady would buy milk tea and desserts for the entire iQiyi Films company.

A nearby milk tea shop was originally going to be closed and sold, but because Jing Tian often came, it not only came back to life, but also became very popular.

But Jing Tian asked everyone in the company to get milk tea, and then handed two cups to Liu Yifei, his eyes full of little stars.

"Go, bring him milk tea!"

Liu Yifei was a little embarrassed, still hesitating at this point, "This...!"

Jing Tian couldn't wait, holding the milk tea in one hand and pulling Liu Yifei with the other, "Forget it, I'll help you to the end!"

After that, he walked quickly to Jiang Heng's office, knocked twice, and pushed the door open.

"Hello, Director Jiang. We are here again. Sister Yifei bought you milk tea!"

Jiang Heng stood up and took it, saying to Liu Yifei, "Thank you!"

He then said to Jing Tian, ​​"Thank you for buying them milk tea. I heard that you recently saved four milk tea shops?"

Jing Tian said hurriedly, "How can it be so exaggerated? Rumors these days are getting less and less reliable. At most, these two shops near your company are doing a little bit better!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "Really? I heard that there seems to be another milk tea shop to open!"

Jing Tian was puzzled, "You are so busy every day, how can you have time to care about the milk tea shop downstairs?"

Jiang Heng said, "You are so free every day, don't you have to go to class?"

Jing Tian is currently in the Affiliated Middle School of Beijing Dance Academy, and has not yet gone to Beijing Film Academy to study acting. In addition, she is still young, and has a completely childish mentality.

Sighed, "I feel that dancing is just like that after practicing it over and over again, and there is no development. As an actor, it seems that I really don't have any talent!"

After saying this, she looked quite sad.

Liu Yifei advised, "With your looks, even if you don't say any lines in the play, you will be very beautiful and attract a lot of fans!"

Jing Tian shook his head, "It's boring. If I want to act, I will do it big. It's interesting to learn from Brother Jiang Heng and make blockbusters!"

Jiang Heng couldn't help laughing, "What blockbuster do you want to act in?"

Jing Tian, ​​who was only sixteen years old, couldn't help tilting his head and thought for a while: "Well, I'm not picky about the subject matter, as long as it's a big production. For example, when filming "Pacific Rim 2", if there is a suitable one, I can be chosen. In addition, I am not picky about monsters or myths!"

Jiang Heng laughed, "You want to film "Pacific Rim 2"?"

Jing Tian pouted, feeling that Jiang Heng's tone was not right, "I just said that there are similar themes to film. With my current acting skills... Hey, what you said, I don't have acting skills!"

This time, not only Jiang Heng, but Liu Yifei on the side sprayed out a mouthful of coffee, splashing on Da Tiantian and Jiang Heng.

"Sorry, sorry!"

Liu Yifei hurriedly got up and looked for a tissue to wipe it.

Jiang Heng said, "It's okay, I'll just change!"

His big office has a small cloakroom, and the life assistant will put the newly bought and washed clothes in it on time.

Jing Tian was a little miserable, and said to Liu Yifei with a bitter face, "I didn't say anything...!"

Liu Yifei looked apologetic, "Sorry, sorry, you said it was too funny, I couldn't help it!"

"What should I do now!"

Liu Yifei glanced at the cloakroom, "How about lending him a piece of clothing?"

Jing Tian nodded, "That's the only way!"

Not long after, Jiang Heng changed his clothes and came out, and asked Da Tiantian what to do. The latter said that he wanted to borrow a shirt from Jiang Heng.

"No problem, go in and pick it!"

Da Tiantian walked in and saw a row of various shirts, T-shirts, casual clothes and pants, and suits in the cloakroom.

"Director Jiang has quite a lot of clothes here, and they are all handmade by famous brands!"

"The material is really good!"

Da Tiantian looked at most of the clothes in the cloakroom like a curious baby, and finally chose a white shirt.

Paired with the jeans she was wearing at the moment, it looked very refreshing.

"Is it okay? Is it a little big?" Da Tiantian came out and asked.

Jiang Heng glanced at Liu Yifei, who said: "It's good. You can wear it for a while, and I'll give you a set later."

Da Tiantian walked forward quickly and said in surprise: "Really? Haha, I'm making a profit this time!"

Liu Yifei turned her head speechlessly. Da Tiantian is generous, kind, and has a good personality. She is really good as a friend, but sometimes she is a little naive and childish.

Ordinarily, if someone with this kind of personality wants to get into the entertainment industry, if he doesn't have a strong background to protect him, his fate will not be good. Fortunately, he really has a background.

Jiang Heng looked at the time and it was almost noon. "Okay, since you always contribute to the surrounding milk tea economy, I will treat you to a big meal at noon!"


Jing Tian was surprised and said immediately: "I want to eat hot pot!"


He left as soon as he said he would. When he put on his coat and was about to go out, Tang Yan and Yang Mi arrived.

Jiang Heng couldn't help but say, "Did you discuss this or did you plant spies in my company? It's such a coincidence!"

Tang Yan and Yang Mi were shocked by this and said hurriedly that no, no, we dared not do this.

Jiang Heng just complained and didn't think about it.

Since we bumped into each other, let's go together.

Arranged two people to drive two cars to send everyone to Donglaishun Hot Pot.

After taking a seat in a private room, everyone took off their down jackets.

Yang Mi's pupils shrank instantly, and she turned to one side, then turned back.

Then she said, "Tiantian, your shirt looks so refreshing, where did you buy it?"

Jing Tian was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile, "I didn't buy it, it belongs to Director Jiang. I accidentally spilled coffee on my clothes before, so I borrowed a shirt from Director Jiang."

Yang Mi didn't believe Jing Tian's words, thinking, how could it be such a coincidence? Incredible!

Liu Yifei suddenly spoke and told the story, and Yang Mi was only half-believing and half-doubting.

Because in the entertainment industry, there are too many beautiful women who are trying to get resources from big directors.

Da Tiantian has some resources and background, so she doesn't need to do such a thing.

The problem is that Jiang Heng not only has film and television resources, but he is also young and handsome, and has a lot of money!

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