Three women make a play, and if there are four, it will be a big play.

Except for Liu Yifei who is a little aloof, Jing Tian, ​​Yang Mi, and Tang Yan are all cheerful, optimistic and outgoing. They chattered while eating, which was very lively.

Among them, Liu Yifei has been shooting several big-budget TV series and two low-budget movies, so she just happened to be free now.

It’s not that no crew came to her, but Liu Xiaoli attaches great importance to the quality of the script, and Liu Yifei is not allowed to take shoddy TV series.

Jing Tian has not yet fully entered the entertainment industry. She only played Princess Lin'an in "Dafeng Night Watchman". On weekdays, she still goes to school and occasionally skips classes to hang out.

Tang Yan is also busy with her studies and is not in a hurry to come out to film.

Only Da Mi Mi is determined to become famous and is looking forward to Jiang Heng's resources.

Fortunately, I know Jiang Heng, but there are not many opportunities to communicate on weekdays. I missed it today, and I don’t know when I can see him again. I can’t talk on the phone!

Jing Tian, ​​who has no acting skills at all, was actually invited by Jiang Heng to play the leading role in a blockbuster. It's great to have a background!

Yang Mi sighed slightly, but Jing Tian had happily put the word "trade secret" behind her.

The next year, she became famous with "Palace Lock Heart Jade", and then starred in "Far Cry", which earned more than 88 million box office, setting a record for domestic thriller films...

If she wants to change jobs, she can't afford it unless iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures are willing to pay.


Liu Yifei, who was standing aside, felt like she was hit by a critical hit.

If there is more than one female superhero character in the film, will she have a chance!

Just like in "Dafeng Night Watchman", there are so many beautiful women characters!

He immediately said: "By the way, Director Jiang, there are many female roles in the movie you want to shoot!"

"Dawn Goddess, Dawn Goddess?"

After thinking for a while, he said: "By the way, I suddenly remembered a role that fits you well. Come to the company one day when you are not busy and have a good chat!"

In the end, due to schedule conflicts, she was unable to participate.

As for goddesses, Da Mimi looked around and felt that the four of them were equally matched, and no one was worse than the other. Why did Director Jiang choose Jing Tian?

Fortunately, the other three girls were well protected and didn't have so many thoughts at all, so no one thought much about it.

In fact, she was not pretentious, but her special family environment made her more cold.

So during the meal, Da Mimi's words revealed the idea of ​​switching jobs.

Yang Mi was a little envious. She didn't have the opportunity to play the heroine of a TV series, and she wanted to switch jobs and was still hiding it.

Liu Yifei was a little envious, but she was still happy for her friend, "Congratulations, Tiantian!"

Da Tiantian repeated twice, her eyes shining, "It sounds amazing!"

Jing Tian was very happy to hear that, and grabbed Liu Yifei's hand and said with a smile: "Director Jiang said I can play a goddess!"

Da Tiantian was dumbfounded, she thought Jiang Heng was attracted by her beauty!

"Oh, then I'd better not listen!" Da Tiantian smiled innocently, "I was just wondering if there is a role suitable for me!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "There really is a role suitable for you, but it can't be filmed in the near future, maybe next year or the year after!"

Jing Tian was surprised and happy, "Really, a special effects blockbuster?"

But even the three TV series "The Condor Heroes", "The Immortal Sword" and "The Night Watchman of Dafeng" that Jiang Heng didn't pay much attention to are all top-level productions.

As for this time, she wants to switch to iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures.

Da Mimi's journey has been quite difficult, with no resources and no backing.

Not only did Yang Mi stand up, she also relied on "self-deprecation" to deal with various rumors and continued to attract fans.

First, she felt that Jiang Heng was kind, and more importantly, the resources of iQiyi, Youku and Tencent were too amazing.

She still remembered the four words "commercial secrets" that Liu Yifei had just said, but she couldn't keep it secret in her heart, so she asked.

Although he is not short of money, who would complain that too much money is hot!

Yang Mi, who was standing aside, was already envious when she heard this. It seemed that there was a little person in her heart shouting, I can also be funny!

Liu Yifei couldn't stand it, touched it lightly with her elbow, and whispered: "Commercial secrets, do you want to hear it too?"

Fans called Rongxinda again. The two crews of "New Dream of Red Mansions" and "Legend of Sword and Fairy III" discussed and agreed to let Yang Mi shoot two TV series at the same time.

Jiang Heng heard the subtext of Da Mimi's words, and after a little thought, he thought it would be good to sign Yang Mi.

Yang Mi was overjoyed when she heard this, and hurriedly said, "Okay, I'll make an appointment with you later!"

As a result, Jing Tian said stupidly, "Why don't we chat now!"

Tang Yan played the role of the Third Holy Mother Yang Chan in "Splitting the Mountain to Save the Mother", so she would not be jealous of Jing Tian.

Fortunately, she is an optimist and quickly adjusted herself. She laughed and said, "Actually, I like being a funny girl. It's so tiring to be a host all day long!"

So when the contract expired, Yang Mi left Rongxinda and signed with Meiya in Hong Kong.

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "It's a superhero blockbuster, and there is a goddess in it. I think her character is quite similar to you!"

This made Yang Mi extremely envious of Tang Yan who signed with iQiyi, Youku and Tencent. Not only can she study without worries, but she will also have a lot of resources in the future.

Because Rongxinda's resources are really limited, the number of film and television dramas produced is small, and it seems a bit incompatible with her style.

Jiang Heng nodded, and the other three beauties were stunned. Da Tiantian couldn't even act, so how could she be the heroine of a blockbuster movie? Was she kidding?

Jing Tian was also afraid that Jiang Heng was trying to trick her, "What role? Can you reveal a little bit?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "Of course, Reina is set to be a character that looks noble and cold, but is actually silly and cute, and is a funny character!"

Not to mention the one or two special effects blockbusters released worldwide every year, she has no confidence in being the heroine.

A pair of beautiful big eyes curved into a crescent, and a sweet voice said: "What goddess, should I keep in shape?"

Originally, Yang Mi stayed in Rongxinda until 2010, during which time only Guo Xiang in "The Legend of Condor Heroes" and Qingwen in "A Dream of Red Mansions" had some response.

It's just that she has only signed Rongxinda for two years, has not played any important roles, and the salary she received is even pitiful, but the penalty for breach of contract is as high as one million.

However, how to say this, whether iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures are willing to accept her, Yang Mi has no idea at all.

Jiang Heng wanted to say "Funny Goddess", but considering the four girls on the scene, he finally said: "Dawn Goddess, Reina!"

Immediately thought that Jiang Heng valued Jing Tian's personality and wanted her to play the so-called Reina.

She once revealed in an interview program that when she was fifteen or sixteen years old, she was filming a crying scene on the set. Because she was young and didn't know how to act, she didn't cry well, and was slapped in public by the director.

She was able to play Tang Xuejian in "Chinese Paladin III" because the original fans of "Chinese Paladin I" criticized her badly, and the crew had to pay attention to the opinions of fans. Fans left messages online, and the crew considered inviting Yang Mi to play the role.

If it were someone with poor psychological tolerance, he would probably quit the circle.

Jiang Heng's eyes flashed with admiration, thinking that Da Mimi was really smart and reacted quickly.

"Well, there are many opportunities!"

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