Li Shaohong and Li Xiaowan were kind enough to give face, and only charged 500,000 yuan for the breach of contract, which was a 50% discount.

After all, Jiang Heng had great film and television resources, and they were thinking about recommending their own actors!

It was not worth offending Jiang Heng for Yang Mi and hundreds of thousands of yuan in breach of contract.

Besides, the two of them were not particularly optimistic about Yang Mi.

Li Shaohong once commented on Yang Mi, saying that she debuted as a child star and had been in the crew for a long time. She was too accustomed to acting and always performed in a subconsciously programmed manner. When she was happy, she was hahaha, and when she was sad, she was wow wow wow. She didn't think about it, and when she wanted to change it in the end, she didn't know how to do it.

Jiang Heng also knew that her acting skills needed to be improved. After her contract was transferred, he asked her to stay in Beijing Film Academy to study hard and not rush to act.

Yang Mi didn't dare to disobey, and she focused on studying.

However, as time went on, the world premiere of the new film "Journey to the West: Pingdingshan" was approaching.

On this day, Wu Jing, who played the Monkey King, Ding Haifeng, who played the Tang Monk, and Zang Jinsheng, who played the Sha Monk, came to visit.

As for Lin Zhicong, who played the Bajie, he had almost no contact with these three people in private.

Jiang Heng was not surprised. As the saying goes, different circles do not need to be forced to blend in.

He chose Lin Zhicong because he thought his image was suitable, and he also considered the circle issue.

After all, he was born in Hong Kong. If he blindly used mainland artists and did not give Hong Kong actors opportunities, he would be criticized. He could only try to treat them equally.

But in the Hong Kong entertainment circle, everyone still thinks that Jiang Heng is too biased towards mainland artists.

It's just that Jiang Heng is too successful at the moment, and these people just complained a little in private, and did not dare to treat Zhou Xingxing like in history.

But Jiang Heng took the time to meet Wu Jing and the other two and chat casually.

Ding Haifeng played Tang Monk in "Lion Camel Ridge" with a lot of scenes and was very colorful. After this play, he gained many fans and had a lot more film resources.

Wang Jing made a movie called "Journey to the West: Five Elements Mountain" because of the box office success of "Lion Camel Ridge".

It's called "Five Elements Mountain", but it's just a gimmick.

The movie is completely riding on the popularity of "Lion Camel Ridge" and is an action movie.

The story starts with Tang Sanzang setting out from Chang'an. He first teaches a group of horse thieves a lesson. When he arrives at Shuangcha Ridge, he encounters real monsters and is captured by three monsters, General Yin (tiger spirit), Xiong Shanjun (bear spirit), and Te Chushi (cow spirit). Fortunately, Taibai Jinxing incarnates to save him.

When he arrives at the Five Elements Mountain, he encounters Sun Wukong who is pressed under the mountain. He uncovers the magic letter on it, and Wukong is born, and the movie ends.

Wang Jing is very cunning. He invites Ding Haifeng to play Tang Sanzang and Wu Jing to play Sun Wukong, who only appears for one minute.

In this movie, Tang Sanzang, who "knows a little bit of boxing and kicking", is extremely powerful and teaches the horse thieves a lesson in every minute.

He was able to fight back and forth with several monsters, but he was caught because he didn't know magic.

He was completely like "I am invincible below the immortals, and I will trade with the immortals above me".

Wang Jing, who always likes spoofs, also incorporated several famous "evil ghost" characters in the Hong Kong film industry.

For example, when Tang Monk was traveling to the West, he met a female ghost named Chu Meimei, and he saved her with a "Hinayana Buddhism".

Therefore, although the special effects of this movie are rubbish, it was quite popular after its release because it took advantage of the popularity, the action scenes were exciting, and there were many fusions.

It earned more than 31 million box office results in Hong Kong and ranked in the top five of the box office rankings that year.

After being introduced to the mainland, it earned more than 80 million box office results because of the gimmick of "Lion Camel Ridge" prequel, which made the producer earn a lot of money.

What's more surprising is that the Douban score of this movie is also good, as high as 7.3.

Netizens commented that although the special effects of the film were rubbish, the plot was smooth, the action scenes were exciting, and the tough version of Tang Monk was wonderful.

Some people replied that Elder Tang should be like this. A monk who could go to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures must be at the level of "Great Wheel King" Jiumozhi!

Some netizens said that Tang Monk should be a master in the world, but he accidentally broke into the mythological world, which made him look useless.

As for Ding Haifeng, who played Tang Monk, he became even more popular, and he kept taking on various tough guy roles.

As the saying goes, "Drink water and remember its source". Ding Haifeng respected and was grateful to Jiang Heng, who chose him to play Tang Monk. Before taking on Wang Jing's film, he asked Jiang Heng for his opinion.

He was relieved to play the role after learning that Jiang Heng didn't care about these things.

Wu Jing, who played Sun Wukong, had a very good makeup effect, and his face couldn't be seen at all. "Lion Camel Ridge" didn't improve his status and influence very much.

After "Lion Camel Ridge", Wu Jing acted in several action movies, but because the whole genre was weak, the box office and influence were not as good as "Journey to the West: Five Elements Mountain" made by Wang Jing, which was quite speechless.

At this moment, Wu Jing's situation in the circle was becoming more and more embarrassing.

In terms of status, he was the male lead in a special effects blockbuster with a box office of hundreds of millions of US dollars, but he himself did not have much "box office" ability.

In addition, the subsequent films performed mediocrely, and no one asked him to make a movie.

If Jiang Heng hadn't asked him to shoot "Journey to the West: Pingdingshan", Wu Jing was ready to go back to make TV series.

This time, I came here, first to ask how to cooperate with the film promotion, and secondly to ask about my own development.

At this moment, Wu Jing was really confused.

"Director Jiang, which way do you think I should go in the future?"

Ding Haifeng and Zang Jinsheng stopped talking after hearing this, and turned to look at Jiang Heng.

They knew that Jiang Heng took good care of Wu Jing and valued him, and wondered if he would give him some advice.

Jiang Heng fell silent after hearing this.

He did know which path was suitable for Wu Jing. The problem was that the time was wrong!

It's only the end of 2004, and the country's strength is not that strong yet.

Not to mention "Wolf Warrior 2", even "Wolf Warrior 1" will not have a good reputation and box office. Many times in the movie, it is the reaction of society and the times.

However, action movies are too declining, so it is difficult to persuade him to continue to stick to them.

Jiang Heng thought for a while and then said: "Pure action movies have no future, but military action movies may still have some development. But now is not the right time. At least the country needs to develop further before military action movies can become popular."

Wu Jing was dumbfounded when he heard this. According to this, doesn't he have no future?

Fortunately, Jiang Heng continued: "By the way, I have a superhero movie to make in the next two years, and you will be a character in it."

Wu Jing was overjoyed when he heard this, "What do I play in the film?"

Suddenly he realized, "Isn't it still Sun Wukong?"

Jiang Heng nodded, "That's Sun Wukong!"

Wu Jing cried sadly when he heard this, "It's pretty good, he's also the leading actor in a blockbuster film!"

Jiang Heng said: "Well, the Monkey King in this movie is really not the male protagonist! Of course, he is still the protagonist, but his role is a little behind!"

Wu Jing said: "It doesn't matter, just perform some of them, I don't have to choose, I really don't choose!"

Ding Haifeng asked: "Uh, is there Tang Monk?"

Jiang Heng wanted to say there was a blind monk, but immediately shook his head and looked at Ding Haifeng and Zang Jinsheng.

There are also several important male roles in the film, including Liu Chuang, Zhao Xin, and Cheng Yaowen, but they don't seem to be suitable for these two.

Anyway, it will take a long time to boot up, so take your time and choose!

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