The world premiere of "Journey to the West: Pingdingshan" is scheduled for December 17, Friday.

The mainland premiere is on the weekend of December 12th.

In view of the fact that Jiang Heng’s special effects blockbuster is already a must-see movie for many people every year, and it is also a hot subject like "Journey to the West".

In addition, "Shituoling" was so popular that it became a hit even before it was released, and the premiere tickets were sold out as soon as they were released.

On the black market, an ordinary premiere ticket costs more than a thousand yuan.

As for the front row seats near the guest seats, they are simply astronomical.

In 2004, the mainland was generally not wealthy, but there were a large number of rich people.

Some of them like to look for female celebrities, and some girls from rich families like to chase male celebrities.

The most outrageous one is "Seven Hours of Time Difference", which is almost as outrageous as the drama between Jiao Anjun and Aunt Ximen.

However, since Jiang Heng became famous, especially since he starred in "Splitting the Mountain to Save His Mother", he has also gained many enthusiastic female fans.

A few of them, who felt that their families were well off, also wanted to repeat this story and tell their elders in the family, and they were taught a lesson.

Jiang Heng is not an ordinary star who can be manipulated by capital at will. He is an internationally renowned director. In terms of personal assets alone, he is also ranked at the top of the rich list.

But for some unknown reason, Jiang Heng’s name is not included in either Hurun or Forbes’ rich list. Perhaps some people think that being a celebrity on the rich list and still at the forefront will not have a good impact!

After all, if the richest man in a country is a director or a star, what will the people think, and what will foreign countries think?

Is it so difficult for enterprises to do this? A bunch of people who work in industry don’t make as much money as those who make movies!

But the reality is that Jiang Heng's personal assets at this moment are very likely to be the richest man in the mainland, which would be embarrassing!

Although this matter has not been reported by authoritative media, there have been rumors among the public.

Therefore, ordinary rich people would not dare to provoke Jiang Heng.

Those at the top are still thinking about which of Jiang Heng’s movies would be suitable for embedding GG to promote their own products!

However, there are hundreds of people, all kinds of people.

There are really some rich girls who don't care about that and are thinking about how to pursue Jiang Heng.

One of them, Xin Xin, is known as the "No. 1 socialite in Beijing". She claims to have a rich background, show off her wealth as a profession, and design jewelry as an amateur. She pursues Jiang Heng in her free time.

Airport pick-ups, class visits, etc. are all routine operations.

Jiang Heng initially tried to deal with it because of the introducer's face, but it was obvious that this person was becoming more and more careless, so he didn't bother to deal with him.

Xinxin, a socialite, was not discouraged. If she couldn't get a guest ticket, she would buy a premiere ticket for a general audience show at a high price. Anyway, as long as she could be there and be close enough to Jiang Heng, that would be enough.

In the first row of the ordinary auditorium, a best friend with a delicate face and a pretty woman looked around and touched her arm, "Hey, Miaomiao, have you seen Jiang Heng?"

The girl named Miaomiao also has a fashionable appearance and a soft voice, "No, I haven't come here yet! Didn't you say that your second uncle is very powerful and can call Jiang Heng over with just one phone call? Just make it clear, Why bother?"

Xinxin said: "Hey, my second uncle, don't you know? Che Zulun talks back and forth, doesn't it scare me too?"

Miaomiao said: "Otherwise, you can join the entertainment industry and work with him in filming, wouldn't you see him every day?"

Xinxin stared at the boss, "I can't even think about it. Our old man can beat me to death. He always said that in the old society, the actor was...!"

While she was talking, she saw Jiang Heng walking towards him in a suit that fit him perfectly. He looked majestic and handsome. Xinxin instantly turned into a nymphomaniac. She stood up and waved, "Hey, Jiang Heng, I'm here!"

The best friend on the side had a very speechless expression, turned her face to the side and sighed: "You are not too far away from being beaten to death!"

Jiang Heng from a distance was speechless when he saw him. He nodded slightly and turned his head to greet the people in the guest seats.

There were still many people coming this time, including friends from the film and television industry, film creators, and some business tycoons.

For example, Zhang Chaoyang from Sohu is here. He had previously chosen the piece of land in Jiang Heng's hands because in the original history, it belonged to Sohu.

Zhang Chaoyang also fell in love with Jiang Heng as in history. He had dinner with Jiang Heng twice and chatted several times after being introduced by a friend.

Although the deal didn't work out, they found that they could chat easily and became friends.

In addition, business tycoon Huang Guangyu also came.

He is the richest man in Mainland China this year. He is dedicated to expanding the country. He saw the excellent results after many commercial brands implanted GG in "The Matrix 3" and "Inception", and he also had the idea of ​​participating in GG implantation.

Ordinarily, there is no need for him, the richest man in the mainland and the boss of the country, to take action in this matter.

But he felt that Jiang Heng was also a big boss and should pay enough attention to the other party when discussing cooperation, so he came over in person.

Jiang Heng was naturally surprised and greeted them with a smile.

Because there were so many people, they only exchanged a few words with each other.

Hong Jinbao, who stood up after everyone else, was already at the end of the queue.

Thinking of the scene when Jiang Heng first met him a few years ago, I couldn't help but secretly sigh, things are changing!

And ranking in front of Hong Jinbao is the great director Wu Yusen.

In original history, director Wu Yusen only returned to the Chinese film industry in 2006.

In this life, because of the emergence of Jiang Heng, a lot of capital is inclined to invest in special effects blockbusters.

The problem is that in the entire Chinese entertainment industry, there are only a few directors capable of directing blockbusters.

Not to mention those from the mainland, here in Xiangjiang, in addition to Jiang Heng and Zhou Xingxing, there is also Wu Yusen.

Xu Ke has been silent for a while because of several failures in a row.

So in the past two years, some people have been persuading Wu Yusen to return to the Chinese film industry.

Even the project has been thought of for him, which is the most exciting "Battle of Red Cliffs" in the Three Kingdoms.

It is said that Wu Yusen has not been asked to film in Hollywood because of the box office failure of "Windtalkers". Seeing such hospitality in China, he came back.

When participating in the script adaptation, everyone discussed the actor who will play Zhou Yu.

John Woo preferred Chow Yun-fat, but many people felt that Chow Yun-fat's age did not match.

Zhou Yu was only 33 years old during the Battle of Red Cliffs. Chow Yun-fat, who was born in 1955, is almost 50 years old. How can he play Zhou Yu and show Zhou Lang's "heroic appearance"!

But if someone else is used to play the male lead, it seems that the status and box office appeal are a bit lacking.

At this time, Wang Huiling, who was once the screenwriter of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", suggested, why not ask Jiang Heng to play Zhou Yu?

Jiang Heng is young, mature, and handsome.

He can manage a lot of scenes well and remain calm during filming. He is the best candidate for the role of Zhou Lang.

When this proposal came out, everyone was stunned at first, but after thinking about it carefully, it was really suitable.

Even Wu Yusen thought that this proposal was very good, but he and Zhou Runfa were old friends for many years, but he was not very familiar with Jiang Heng, so he was still inclined to invite Zhou Runfa.

But he could not resist the request of the investors, so he had to attend the premiere of Jiang Heng's new film and take the opportunity to chat.

If Jiang Heng himself did not want to act, wouldn't it be easier!

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