China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 191 Everyone wants to eat Tang Seng's flesh

The little demon played by Jing Tian left the Laojun Temple and turned into a white light and flew into the distance in the moonlight.

As the camera moves to the sky, the words "Journey to the West: Pingdingshan" appear.

A piece of melodious music played, and subtitles for the director, starring actors, etc. appeared on the big screen. The camera panned down to the scene of Tang Seng and his apprentice spending the night in the barren mountains.

Then it changes to day and then to night.

They passed through jungles, creeks, cliffs, and sometimes experienced heavy rain and sunshine. The journey was very difficult...

The audience knew that this was a transitional plot, intended to show the difficulty of Tang Monk and his disciples in learning the scriptures, and they began to discuss the information reflected in the opening plot.

It is not unusual to encounter a beautiful fairy in a barren mountain. There is a similar plot in the Hong Kong film series "A Chinese Ghost Story".

However, that film was shot more glamorously. In Jiang Heng's version of the film, the nine-tailed demon fox played by Zhang Yuqi is also very charming, but the selling point is the extremely realistic "demon fox" body made by special effects.

Especially the expression on the face of the "Demon Fox" was captured using facial motion capture technology.

It gives the impression that a big fox over two meters tall is laughing, with a mixture of disdain and provocation, which is very shocking to watch.

What surprised the guests and the audience even more was the information revealed in this scene.

First of all, Laojun Temple is a very special place. Secondly, the bandit said that Laojun once descended to earth and appeared here.

In addition, the word empress is also quite interesting.

Of course, many goblins will proclaim themselves queens or ladies, but it would be more interesting if she was not self-proclaimed.

Recalling that in the original plot, the "Golden Rope", the belt used to tie Laojun's robe, is in the hands of the nine-tailed fox demon, the amount of information in this plot is a bit large.

"Jiang Heng thinks that when we make historical dramas, we make things up randomly, and he is not much better!"

Wu Yusen seemed to still be resentful and complained to Hong Jinbao who was sitting next to him.

How could the latter join in scolding Jiang Heng? He smiled and said, "Some adaptations are normal!"

But on the big screen, the soundtrack stopped, and the four masters and apprentices played by Wu Jing, Ding Haifeng, Lin Zhicong, and Zang Jinsheng came to a very steep mountain.

Suddenly I saw a woodcutter cutting firewood, and I hurriedly stepped forward to inquire about the news.

Lu Shuming's guest appearance as a woodcutter said: "Elders who are heading west, don't go any further. There is a group of vicious monsters on this mountain who only eat you who come here and there!"

Tang Seng, played by Ding Haifeng, frowned slightly after hearing this, and said to Sun Wukong, played by Wu Jing: "I don't know where the rumors came from, but they are all targeting me!"

Sun Wukong smiled: "It's hard to say this. The fruits distributed at the Peach Festival are all numerous. And you have to eat them on the spot, pick them up, take them back and keep them. No one can afford to throw this person away."

But who doesn’t have a few relatives who have not yet achieved enlightenment? All I can do is look to you, a holy monk who has cultivated for ten lifetimes, to find a solution! "

Zhu Bajie, played by Lin Zhicong, said: "Master, if you ask me, an old pig, you should cut off the hemorrhoids. If you encounter a really powerful monster, give him the bit of meat. If the effect is not enough, you can cut off his appendix. That’s it!”

When Tang Monk heard this, his face turned red and he said to Wukong: "Hit him with twenty sticks and make him talk nonsense!"

Sun Wukong said yes, but he didn't use the golden cudgel. He just pressed Bajie on a tree stump, yelling "Hey, hey, hey," and slapping his hands randomly without any strength at all.

Sha Seng couldn't help but chuckle.

The woodcutter was a little dumbfounded and said, "Does it really work?"

Sun Wukong stepped forward with a golden cudgel and sneered: "If you dare to collect firewood in a place where monsters are infested, I think you are no ordinary person!"

The woodcutter sighed, "You monk, you are so unreasonable. I came to tell you a message out of kindness, asking you to be more careful when walking, but you are suspicious of me, so forget it. Once you tell me what I know, it has nothing to do with me."

This mountain is six hundred miles away and is called Pingding Mountain. There is a cave in the mountain called Lotus Cave. There are two demons in the cave. They draw shadows and shapes and want to eat Tang Monk's meat. They have five treasures with them. Remember, remember! "

After the woodcutter finished speaking, it turned into a wisp of smoke and dissipated in the air.

Sun Wukong hurriedly raised his head and saw the daily merit officer standing on the cloud. He laughed and cursed: "This guy hides his head and shows his tail. It's so embarrassing!"

The daily meritorious officer smiled bitterly: "There is nothing I can do, I can't afford to offend you!" He left without saying any other polite words.

Sun Wukong went back and told Tang Monk in detail about his conversation with the "woodcutter".

Tang Monk frowned, "It seems that the demon here also has a background and is very powerful. It scared the daily meritorious officer and had to report it, but he didn't dare to come openly!"

Sun Wukong said: "Master, please relax. As long as I am here, they won't be able to eat a bite!"

Bajie said: "What if it is really powerful, Master...!"

Tang Monk stared, "Go ahead and patrol the mountains!"


Zhu Bajie responded and carried the nine-tooth rake forward. After walking for a long time, he came to a small farmyard and saw a beautiful woman sleeping soundly on a rocking chair.

Zhu Bajie's eyes immediately widened, and he called out to "little lady" twice. When the girl didn't get up, he opened the courtyard door and went in.

He came to the rocking chair and carefully observed the sleeping young lady.

But he said that this little lady was none other than Jing Tan's guest appearance as a goblin.

The biggest feature of this character is that he has few lines, but the filming is extremely beautiful.

"Whose little lady is this? She can sleep soundly here heartlessly and not be afraid of catching a cold? It's a good thing that I have a good heart, otherwise, you will be miserable!"

After Zhu Bajie said that, he took off his coat and put it on the little lady.

I soon discovered that there was a finished gown in the basket next to the rocking chair.

"This must be made by the young lady for her husband! I gave her mine, so she wore her husband's. She was confused and might have mistaken me for her husband!"

Zhu Bajie muttered to himself, his body became thinner, and he put on the clothes.

He changed his face to Wu Yuzu's, pinched his face with his hands and said, "It should be no worse than her husband, right?"

I immediately pushed the young lady and said, "My wife, my husband is back!"

The little fairy played by Jing Tian woke up in a daze, yawned, and looked at the stranger in front of him with a blank face.

"Who are you?"

"I'm your husband. Madam, have you fallen into a trance? If you don't believe me, touch my face!"

After saying that, he was about to reach out to grab Jing Tian, ​​who screamed, fell off the rocking chair, and said, "Catch the bad guys, catch the demons!"

Zhu Bajie hurriedly said, "Don't be afraid, young lady, I'm a good man! Oh, oh, oh!"

As he spoke, the clothes on his body turned into a "net-like" rope, which immediately contracted and tied Zhu Bajie tightly.

"Young lady, misunderstanding, misunderstanding! I'm really a good man!"

Jing Tian, ​​who played the little demon girl, stood up and handed over a bronze mirror and said, "Look for yourself, which good man has a pig's head!"

Zhu Bajie hurriedly explained, "I was originally the Marshal Tianpeng who was in charge of the water army of the heavenly court. It was only because I made a mistake that I was born as a pig when I came to the world. I, I'm really a good man!"

Jing Tian sneered, "Good people don't look like you!"

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