China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 192 The Great Sage Carries the Mountain

"Madam, I misunderstood. I, Old Zhu, am really a good person. I followed Monk Tang to learn Buddhist scriptures from the West. My senior brother, Sun Wukong...!"

Jing Tan put his hands on his hips and laughed when he heard the words: "Okay, I really can't find anything after wearing iron shoes, and it takes no effort at all to get here!"

Zhu Bajie took a breath of cold air, "What do you mean by this, madam?"

"It means that I am not a good person!"

Then hair grew on his face, his arms and legs became thicker, and his clothes exploded, turning into a monster over three meters tall with the body of a tiger and the head of a tiger.

Zhu Bajie screamed in fright, rolled on the spot and wanted to run out.

But the tiger demon stepped forward, picked up the rope on Zhu Bajie's body with his hairy hands, and said in a rough female voice: "Come with me!"

With a sudden jump, he was dozens of meters away, and disappeared into the forest in just a few clicks.

The audience was surprised when they saw this scene, because the goblin played by Jingtian was so beautiful in human form.

But he didn't expect it to be a tiger demon or a tigress.

One audience member said: "With the head of a tiger and the body of a human being, isn't he strong and good?"

The person next to me said: "It's different. Qiang Liang in "Split the Mountain to Save His Mother" is forty or fifty meters tall. This is a little tiger monster!"

Jing Tan, who was at the guest table, was really surprised when he saw this scene.

She had nothing to do at that time, so she went to visit the "Journey to the West" crew with Liu Yifei, and she didn't care too much about making a cameo.

Unexpectedly, the role Jiang Heng assigned her was quite unique.

At least after today, many people will know that she had a guest appearance as a tiger demon in this blockbuster.

On the big screen, the camera turned and Tang Seng, who was sitting on a tree stump and resting, asked: "Wukong, since Bajie has been away for so long, will something happen?"

Sun Wukong frowned slightly, "Bajie has been a canopy marshal, and he still has some skills. Ordinary demons may not be his opponents. Let me tell you, this idiot is either hiding somewhere to be lazy, or he is obsessed with the female goblin!"

Tang Monk said: "No matter what it is, we must find him back!"

Wukong also felt that it was reasonable and went on the road with Tang Seng and Sha Seng.

Suddenly, Tang Monk who was riding on the horse shuddered, and then shuddered again after a while.

After three cold spells in a row, Tang Monk felt a little uneasy and said, "Wukong, how can I win the cold spell?"

Sha Monk said: "It must be that he caught a cold and got sick!"

Wukong said: "Nonsense, Master is walking in these deep mountains and is terrified. Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid! Watch Lao Sun beat you with the stick all the way to suppress your shock."

Sun Wukong pulled out the Ruyi Golden Cudgel from his ear, swung it in the wind, and turned it into the thickness of a bowl, spreading out thousands of golden lights and thousands of auspicious colors.

The stick techniques are deployed all the way, which is full of power.

With a gentle blow from the stick, the ancient tree surrounded by the two of them was broken in half.

Another stick was swept out, the rocks collapsed, and the ground shook.

Tang Seng, who was riding on the horse, calmed down and said hurriedly: "Don't fight, don't fight, every plant and tree is still a living thing."

Wukong withdrew his magical power and said hehe, "My disciple has already reduced his strength. If he exerts all his strength, it will be easy to move mountains, fill seas, and reverse the flow of rivers."

Sha Monk admired: "Elder brother has such magical powers!"

On the high mountains in the distance, clouds were lingering, and a voice said: "I have always heard that Sun Xingzhe is very powerful. When I saw him today, it turned out to be true. If I don't use some means, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat Tang Monk's meat!"

The camera turned again, and an old Taoist priest was leaning on the roadside, his feet dripping with blood, and he was calling for help.

The subsequent plot is similar to the drama version.

But as far as the special effects scenes are concerned, they are not of the same magnitude. They are almost the same as the difference between a small fishing boat and a 10,000-ton giant ship.

Especially the scene where King Yinjiao uses the mountain-moving technique to move the two mountains of Sumeru and Emei and press them on Sun Wukong's shoulders, it is simply not too shocking.

The audience "really" saw the two mountains of Xumi and Emei rising from the ground, leaving "scars" on the earth.

These two mountains are flying rapidly in the air. The film shows the majesty and hugeness of the mountains from multiple angles, their "insignificance" when seen from a high altitude, and their "compression" when they "fall" on Wukong's shoulders.

However, what shocked King Silver Horn was that Sun Wukong could withstand two mountains on his shoulders and still run as fast as flying.

He lost his voice and said: "You can actually carry a mountain?"

King Yinjiao is also a ruthless character. He is busy chanting mantras to move Mount Tai.

But when the camera turned, several Tang Dynasty officials rode on horses, surrounded by their entourage, and arrived at the foot of Mount Tai.

One said: "The current emperor's achievements are as good as those of Emperor Qin and Emperor Wu of Han. He should have been enshrined in the Zen of Mount Tai a long time ago!"

Another said: "Who says it's not the case, but that old man Wei Zheng is old-fashioned and always says this won't work and that won't work. Fortunately, Hou Junji destroyed Gaochang, and now it finally makes sense... oh oh oh!"

"What's wrong with you...fuck you!"

These officials of the Tang Dynasty were dumbfounded, but they saw Mount Tai slowly moving upwards, rising from the ground, and soaring into the sky with a whoosh, flying towards the west.

There is only a wide and vast pit left on the ground. Because of the seepage of groundwater, it has the tendency to become a lake.

"Tai, Tai, Taishan is flying away!"

"Your Majesty, God is warning you!"

Several officials headed towards Chang'an wailing.

But it is said that Sun Wukong is almost unaffected by the two mountains of Xumi and Emei.

But after Taishan pressed down on him, he couldn't bear it any longer. His strength went numb and his muscles went numb, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

But it was said that King Yinjiao had already rushed to the front with Heifeng and was fighting with Sha Seng.

In just a few dozen rounds, Tang Monk, Sha Monk, White Dragon Horse, and luggage were all swept away by a gust of wind.

It is another majestic monster mountain city, slightly smaller than the one in "Shituoling".

The Silver Horn King and the Golden Horn King talked about how they captured Tang Monk, and ordered the two little demons, the Fine Ghost and the Smart Bug, to take the purple gold and red gourd and the sheep fat jade bottle to capture Sun Wukong.

The camera turned and Sun Wukong was almost unable to bear the pressure of the three mountains. He hurriedly called the land god and called out the mountain god.

After some communication, they realized that it was Sun Wukong who was pressed down.

Sun Wukong was furious, "You are the gods appointed by the heaven, why do you listen to the orders of the demons!"

The mountain god of Mount Tai said, "Great Sage, you don't know that although the two demons have not achieved the right fruit, their formulas and spells are real. Once we recite the spell to move the mountain, we will move the mountain here, otherwise we will violate the heavenly rules.

How dare we, the little gods, disobey? I didn't expect that the one who was suppressed was the Great Sage!"

Another mountain god said, "The demon has great powers and powerful magic. He chanted the mantra and summoned us to his mountain city, one day to take turns on duty!"

Sun Wukong heard this and sighed loudly, "Although I am called the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, I dare not order the mountain gods and land gods around. How dare two demons treat the gods appointed by the heaven as slaves and take turns on duty for him?"

Several mountain gods looked embarrassed and hesitated to speak.

The audience in the venue naturally understood and complained: "This is not simple. Although these two demons have no positive results, they have backers behind them!"

"It has to be a big boss!"

"Who dares not to give face to the boy under the Taishang Laojun?"

"At the gate of Tushita Palace, you call me a boy, and I won't pick on your courtesy. After leaving the Nantian Gate, you have to call me the Golden Horn Ancestor!"

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