The movie version has changed the story of the fine ghost and clever bug, removing the long dialogue in the original work, and the main story line has not changed much.

The main reason is that the film is limited in length and cannot be narrated slowly like the drama version.

The biggest change is the appearance time of the Green Bull Demon. After Jinjiao and Yinjiao realized that the gourd and the jade bottle were deceived by Sun Wukong, they ordered the two little demons Bashanhu and Yihailong to go to the Yalong Cave in Yalong Mountain to ask for the old mother, the nine-tailed demon fox.

The Bashanhu in the middle is the little demon played by Jing Tian.

The two demons left Pingdingshan City and went straight to Yalong Cave.

In the original work, Sun Wukong killed the two little demons, and he and Monkey Hair turned into two little demons, entered the cave and kowtowed to the old fox.

There is no such plot in the movie version. A few simple shots show that the two little demons entered the cave, and then the nine-tailed demon fox rode an eight-lift sedan chair, escorted by hundreds of demon soldiers and demon generals.

The audience was shocked and became more curious about the background of the nine-tailed fox.

At this time, Sun Wukong jumped out of the air and smashed the eight-tailed sedan chair with his golden hoop.

There was a roar, like a bull or a tiger, and the sound was deafening.

"Where did the monster come from? How dare you hurt my queen!"

Beside the eight-tailed sedan chair, an inconspicuous little demon suddenly grew into a monster eight or nine meters tall, with a strong physique, knotted muscles, and a bull's head and a human body.

With a steel gun in his hand, he stabbed the monkey.

Sun Wukong was shocked, "Hey, a mere old fox, and he has a bodyguard?"

The audience in the venue also knew the role of the Green Bull Demon in this film. It seems that he is the bodyguard of the Nine-tailed Fox, Jinjiao, Yinjiao and others!

It makes sense to think about it. After all, the Green Bull Demon is the mount of Taishang Laojun, which is equivalent to Laojun's driver. It is reasonable to serve as a driver and bodyguard for the leader's family.

However, the Green Bull Demon has good martial arts, and has a diamond bracelet in his hand. In addition, the magic weapons in the hands of the Golden Horn and Silver Horn make it difficult for Wukong to win this time.

Long weapon duel, if the action design is smooth and in place, it is very beautiful. If you add special effects, it can only be described as wonderful.

However, the moment Sun Wukong fought with the Green Bull Demon, he scared away all the little demons.

The nine-tailed demon fox played by Zhang Yuqi looked very strong when facing the bandits at the beginning of the film.

At this time, she was already pale, and with the help of the little demons played by Jing Tian and Yang Mi, she ran into the mountains in a panic.

Seeing this, how could Sun Wukong let her escape.

He pulled out a stick suddenly, repelled the Green Bull Demon, and stepped forward to fight the nine-tailed demon fox.

The Green Bull Demon was terrified and shouted, "Monkey, do you dare?"

He waved the steel spear in his hand and stabbed it at the back of Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong sneered and attacked violently, making the Green Bull Demon spit out blood several times, and then rushed towards the fleeing Nine-tailed Demon Fox.

The Green Bull Demon took out a white bracelet from his wrist, threw it into the air, and shouted "Catch!"

The Golden Cudgel raised high in Wukong's hand actually flew into the bracelet circle with a "whoosh" and disappeared.

Wukong was stunned and became fierce.

Rush to the Nine-tailed Demon Fox and punched it.

Yang Mi, who played the little demon, stopped him and died on the spot.

Jing Tian, ​​who played the Bashanhu, also died after blocking only two moves.

The Nine-tailed Demon Fox played by Zhang Yuqi was so scared that his legs were limp and fell to the ground, saying, "Spare my life, I won't eat Tang Monk's flesh! "

Sun Wukong said: "Could it be that the root of the problem is with you?"

While he was talking, the Bull Demon had already stepped forward with a steel gun.

Wukong kicked up a huge rock, which was easily smashed by the Bull Demon with a gun, and then retreated.

The following plot is a fusion of the "Pingding Mountain" and "Jindou Mountain" plots.

The "Golden Horn" and "Silver Horn" were destroyed in a battle, and reinforcements were asked to fight against the Bull Demon who was constantly "trapping".

However, the plot was not as long-winded as the original work, and those who were obviously not very strong were asked one by one, but changed to a few representative ones.

And when it came to the Buddha in the West, the plot of using "golden elixir sand" to trap the Bull Demon in the original work was changed, and replaced by a "Vajra Indestructible" spell from the Buddha.

Wukong boasted that he had already practiced the Vajra Indestructible body and did not need this thing.

The Buddha laughed: "Since you are already Vajra Indestructible, why were you knocked down by the Vajra Bracelet and bitten by the Roaring Sky Dog? "

Sun Wukong looked embarrassed when he heard this.

Tathagata explained: "When you recite the Water Avoidance Art and Fire Avoidance Art, you can enter and exit water and fire freely, but if you don't recite it, you will drown or be burned by fire.

You have an indestructible body, but if you don't recite the mantra, the opponent's weapon can't really hurt you, but the pain is still there.

With this magic note, you don't have to recite the mantra, and you won't feel pain when the weapon hits you. ”

Sun Wukong was overjoyed. He dared not be distracted during the fight and often forgot to pinch the seals and chant the spells. With this magic scroll, the ten green bull monsters were also destroyed.

He immediately returned to Pingdingshan and used the magic of heaven and earth. He knocked down the main peak with one punch, and scared the little monsters to flee.

The green bull monster left the mountain city and fought with the unarmed Sun Wukong with a steel gun. As a result, he did not gain any advantage, and the diamond bracelet was useless.

After fighting for less than 30 rounds, Wukong actually took the green bull's steel gun and whipped it away.

Just as he was about to step forward and kill him with a shot, Taishang Laojun came out and shouted for mercy.

As a result, Sun Wukong "missed" and the steel gun had pierced into the green bull's neck, and he died!

Then the big screen dimmed and the whole film ended.

After a while of subtitles, there was a dialogue between Sun Wukong and Laojun.

The latter was devastated by Sun Wukong's actions, because although Laojun had a way to resurrect Qing Niu, his lifespan and combat power would be greatly reduced.

The two brothers Jinjiao and Yinjiao also died in Wukong's hands.

After resurrection, your cultivation level will inevitably be compromised.

Sun Wukong naturally shied away from not knowing, and ridiculed Laojun's mount and the boy for forming a group to do evil, but he didn't know it.

Laojun said that he was preaching to Yuanshi Tianzun and did not know the affairs of his disciples.

Then, the subtitles appear again on the big screen, and the first Easter egg ends.

The subtitles went on for a while, showing the scene of Tang Monk and his disciples continuing on their way, with a childish voice calling for help in the mountains and forests.

The audience in the venue said one after another: "It seems that the next movie should be about the red boy!"

"As for the fighting scenes, this one is quite exciting!"

"Bajie and Wukong are true brothers! I heard that the Bull Demon King turned into his appearance and deceived my senior brother, so I became angry!"

"Wukong is really defenseless against Bajie, he didn't even look at him with his fiery eyes!"

However, while the audience was discussing, the subtitles on the big screen were completely finished, the screen was dimmed, and the lights were turned on.

The guests and the audience applauded one after another. The host came on stage and invited Jiang Heng to say a few words.

"To be honest, after filming "Lion and Camel Ridge", I didn't know how to tell the story of "Journey to the West" for a long time, until I saw this script. After repeated revisions and careful shooting, I got this Meet you all in this video..."

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