"Journey to the West: Pingdingshan" does not have super-combustible and sensational plot elements like "Shituoling".

Because scenes like that are so rare, especially in commercial movies.

If we look at the box-office hits of the past thirty years, there are very few that are both good-looking and sensational.

Especially in the "Marvel Cinematic Universe", which is famous for its special effects, the most touching scene is the scene where Iron Man snaps his fingers in "Avengers 4". The rest are mostly lively and good-looking popcorn movies.

"Journey to the West: Pingdingshan" also falls into this category. After all, the four members of the team are fixed, and it is impossible to constantly "sacrifice teammates to the sky and have boundless magic power" or use "Tang Monk's Death" to add BUFFs to Wukong.

Furthermore, there are not that many monsters as strong as the three demons from "Shituoling" who can push Tang Seng and his disciples to that point.

The "Yellow-Eyebrowed Old Buddha" at Xiaoleiyin Temple is quite powerful, but he didn't want to eat Tang Monk's meat. It was more like he came here specifically to compete with Sun Wukong.

In the future, the filming will also use various fighting techniques and gods as selling points.

During the interview, Jiang Heng was asked by a reporter that the film was not as touching as "The Lion and the Camel Ridge", and Jiang Heng's answer was almost the same.

That is, commercial blockbusters are mainly to satisfy the audience's audio-visual effects, and "good-looking" and "fun" must be achieved first.

It would be great to be both beautiful and touching, but you can't force it.

Afterwards, the main creators took the stage and were interviewed by reporters, talking about their experiences and thoughts during the filming.

Among them, the two people who are most curious and sought after by reporters are Zhang Yuqi and Jing Tan.

The former is said to be the top female lead and has slightly more roles.

In addition, the opening scene, with its charming body and shocking and lifelike appearance, left a deep impression on the audience and made everyone curious about this young girl who suddenly appeared.

The reporters were even more excited when they learned that she was from Xinghui Company and was about to star in Zhou Xingxing's film.

As for Jing Tan, he is also very popular among reporters.

Because the "human wealth flower" is so good-looking, compared with the "fairy sister" beside her, she is not inferior at all.

He is also a person who had little news in the entertainment industry before (Da Feng has not yet aired), suddenly appeared in Jiang Heng's new film, and had quite a lot of roles. He even sat in the front row very close to Jiang Heng at the event, which was very special. It makes people doubt her relationship with Jiang Heng.

A reporter directly asked her what her relationship was with Jiang Heng.

Jing Tan said they were good friends, which aroused more and more suspicion from the media.

As for Liu Yifei and Yang Mi, although they also guest-starred as little demons, their roles were so pitiful that they were basically ignored.

At the end of the event, it was still the dinner party, and all the guests wished the film a great success.

Jiang Heng didn't care much about this, but Han Sanping was a little excited.

It's true that the previous "The Promise" suffered too much loss and was in urgent need of a profitable blockbuster to support the scene.

In addition, China Film Group plans to participate in the investment of "Red Cliff". Without a profitable blockbuster to support it, many senior executives will feel uncertain.

During the dinner, Han Sanping suddenly asked Jiang Heng in a joking tone if he was interested in participating in the investment in "Red Cliff".

For a movie, it is normal for multiple companies to jointly produce it.

After all, until a film is produced, no matter how good the script is, there is no way to be sure that it will make money.

Only Jiang Heng has a "super microcomputer" and will never lose money, so he dares to invest tens of millions of dollars in a movie.

Movies in Hollywood that cost hundreds of millions to shoot are also made with great trepidation and extreme nervousness, for fear of losing money accidentally.

Han Sanping wanted to bring Jiang Heng together. Firstly, he was optimistic about this project. Secondly, he felt that Jiang Heng had a very accurate vision and could minimize risks.

As a result, Jiang Heng listened and just said that he had a lot of money to spend in 2005 and had no investment plans for the time being.

Now, it’s an instant moment of silence!

The investment budget for "Red Cliff" is US$80 million, which is more than 600 million yuan.

The main investors have already been found. Inviting Jiang Heng to participate does not require him to contribute any amount of money, just invest whatever he wants.

With Jiang Heng's current net worth, 30 to 50 million can only be considered pocket money.

To say that he is unwilling to take even this little money can only be said that he is not optimistic about this project.

Who are you not optimistic about, the subject matter?

Certainly not.

The actor has not been decided yet.

He was previously invited to play Zhou Yu, but he was unwilling.

So the biggest possibility is that we are not optimistic about director Wu Yusen.

The latter also noticed this and showed an expression of humiliation, anger and confusion.

In his opinion, Jiang Heng must have lost too much money because of the box office failure of "Wind Whisperer" and felt that he was not capable of filming "Red Cliff" well.

Looking back at the time when he was in Hong Kong's film industry, Jiang Heng was still peeing and playing in the mud, but now he doesn't give any face to his senior!

What I don't understand is that the two of them had no grudges before, so why would they embarrass themselves like this?

After all, they are all from Xiangjiang. Even if they don’t “stick together”, they shouldn’t cause trouble!

Wu Yusen stood up immediately and sneered: "I comforted Old Monster Xu when he said something about you. Now it seems that Director Jiang really doesn't take us old guys seriously! In this case, then I won't Excuse me, farewell!"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Han Sanping was extremely surprised. He never expected that things could turn out like this!

It shouldn’t be!

Jiang Heng smiled bitterly and took a sip of wine without saying anything.

After all, according to common sense, even if he doesn't want to participate, he can still get by with the intention of investing 18 million.

The problem is that he is not an ordinary person who knows nothing about the future. He suffered a huge loss after knowing that "Red Cliff" was released.

It’s okay for him to throw some money, but he is afraid that others will see him participate in the investment and follow suit, thus cheating other investors.

What he is afraid of is that in the future, when promoting and distributing the film, he will use the gimmick of “iQIYI, Youku and Tencent Pictures” to deceive the audience who don’t know the truth to buy tickets.

In the final analysis, losing money is a small matter, but it cannot damage his golden signboard.

Nowadays, his movies in China no longer need too much publicity to have extremely high box office, and the golden signboard created by many special effects blockbusters above the standard.

Once the audience is cheated once, it will not be so effective.

Although he and Wu Yusen both came from Hong Kong to the north, they are not relatives. To help others, he would destroy his own signboard. Isn’t that a pit in his brain?

One more thing to mention is that although the previous guest appearance in "Hero" was also criticized, it was still qualified from the perspective of a commercial film. "Red Cliff" is completely a scumbag!

However, Wu Yusen left the table angrily, but not many people left with him.

After all, Jiang Heng is now too famous. He is not only an international director, but also a big investor. No one dares to offend him easily.

Zhang Chaoyang, who was watching the show, laughed and changed the subject.

Liu Yifei, Jing Tian, ​​Tang Yan, Yang Mi, Zhang Yuqi and others were all scared like quails by the sudden change.

However, after a while, the reaction of everyone was different.

Liu Yifei, Tang Yan and others still stayed at the original table and dared not move. Only Jing Tian walked to the chair where Wu Yusen had just sat, leaned forward and asked: "What's the matter!"

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