"Where did you learn the Northeastern dialect?"

"A Northeastern person came to the dormitory, and I don't know how I was abducted!"

Jing Tian sighed slightly, looking helpless.

She had drunk some wine before, and now her skin was white and beautiful, her cheeks were slightly red, and her clear eyes were still a little stupid, which made Jiang Heng childish, and he couldn't help but tap her head lightly with his hand.

This scene really made many people dumbfounded.

Han Sanping, Hong Jinbao and others were not surprised, and they actually smiled on their faces, showing an expression that you kid is not out of touch with the world.

Liu Yifei, Yang Mi, Tang Yan and others not far away were really dumbfounded.

Especially Liu Yifei, who instantly felt betrayed by her best friend.

Yang Mi glanced at Liu Yifei and snorted, "You didn't see it!"

Liu Yifei looked ugly and kept silent.

Tang Yan looked at the distance stupidly, pouting slightly, looking a little sad.

Jing Tian, ​​who was in the middle of the situation, had not yet realized what was happening.

She was just curious about why Wu Yusen left in a huff, as if he was very dissatisfied.

Other girls were timid and didn't dare to ask, but she didn't care, and came over openly, that's all.

After being "attacked" by Jiang Heng, she covered her head with one hand and frowned, "Ouch, it hurts!"

Jiang Heng just smiled and said, "Children, don't ask about adults' affairs!"

"I'm not a little...!"

Seeing Han Sanping, Hong Jinbao, Ding Haifeng, Wu Jing and others looking at her with a smile, Jing Tian was a little embarrassed.

She clenched her little fist and waved it at Jiang Heng in protest, then returned to her table and angrily told what had just happened.

Halfway through the conversation, she realized that something was wrong.


There were no reporters at the dinner, so the few small episodes would not be reported by the media.

But in the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan entertainment circles, it has already spread like wildfire.

What everyone talks about most is the feud between Jiang Heng and Wu Yusen.

After all, although Jiang Heng is strong at the moment, he is a junior after all, while Wu Yusen is a famous director for many years.

Now that the two have broken up, does it indicate a split in the Hong Kong film industry?

It should be noted that before Wu Yusen returned to Hollywood, there were too many people in the Hong Kong film industry who were dissatisfied with Jiang Heng.

Actors such as Zeng Zhiwei, Huang, Du and others felt that Jiang Heng was suppressing them and not taking care of Hong Kong artists.

Directors such as Xu Ke felt that Jiang Heng was too arrogant and had no respect for his predecessors.

Film and television companies such as Yongsheng, China Star, and Huanyu Entertainment felt that Jiang Heng was eating alone and was unwilling to help them with profitable projects.

In fact, the bottom line is that Jiang Heng's series of films are too profitable, but the benefits are basically attributed to mainland companies and actors, which makes them very dissatisfied.

For example, the ranking of actors, during this period, the films jointly produced by Hong Kong and the mainland were basically Hong Kong and Taiwan artists as the protagonists, and mainland actors played supporting roles.

But Jiang Heng seemed to have completely ignored this when choosing actors for his films.

For example, in the Journey to the West series of films, among the four disciples of Tang Monk, Lin Zhicong, who played Zhu Bajie, was a Hong Kong artist.

Not only that, the villains and supporting roles in the film were mainly mainland artists.

They didn't understand that there were three successors of male stars in the Hong Kong film industry, Xie, Chen, and Yu, and there were also Zhang Baizi and Twins in the female industry. You asked a few mainland girls with no acting skills to make cameos without considering them. It really makes many people angry when they think about it.

Before, no one of importance stood up to say these words, so they just endured it.

Now that Wu Yusen has made a call, countless people in the Hong Kong film industry have echoed and shouted, denouncing Jiang Heng.

Just two days before the release of the film Journey to the West: Pingdingshan, Wu Yusen was interviewed by the media and was asked what he thought of director Jiang Heng, who is known as the number one commercial film in China.

Wu Yusen's answer was: "I think the most important thing for a person is not to forget his roots. When I was in Hollywood, although I made movies for Americans, I never forgot that I came from Hong Kong. It was the booming Hong Kong film industry that gave me the stage and space to display my personal talents.

I have always wanted to give back to the Hong Kong film industry and take care of Hong Kong artists, such as introducing them to Hollywood performances and job opportunities. Everyone is very united and introduces resources to each other. For example, Jackie Chan and Chow Yun-fat will do this.

Jing Long also often returns to Hong Kong to shoot some small and medium-cost movies. In fact, with his current achievements, there is no need to do so.

Others also advised that delaying that What do you do with your time? If you have that time, you can make a Hollywood blockbuster... movie (emphasized tone), then Cheng Long said no, the Hong Kong film industry is not doing well now, many people will have no food to eat if they don't work.

I make a small-to-medium-cost movie, although I don't make much money, but I can help many brothers.

As a person, you can't just look at money, just think about making blockbusters and making a lot of money, right? "

The female reporter on the opposite side smiled and said: "Director Wu's words sound like they have a hidden meaning!"

Wu Yusen smiled, "Is there? Don't interpret it randomly, what I said is just the literal meaning. If you interpret it as something else, it has nothing to do with me!"

After this interview was broadcast, it caused an uproar.

Especially in Hong Kong, some filmmakers actually called on everyone to unite and not to cooperate with Jiang Heng in the future.

Some people even called on citizens not to watch Jiang Heng's movies, he is a traitor to the Hong Kong film industry.

Of course, over the years, many Hong Kong artists have been taken care of by Jiang Heng.

Hong Kong movies such as "SPL", "True Colors of a Man", and "Infernal Affairs" are all produced by Hong Kong Youteng Films. The main creators of these films are still very grateful to Jiang Heng.

At this critical moment, they all spoke out and called on everyone to unite.

In the mainland entertainment circle, everyone supported Jiang Heng.

As for the film and television companies that participated in the "Red Cliff" project, such as China Film, they hope to settle the dispute as soon as possible and avoid conflicts.

Han Sanping asked someone to appease Wu Yusen on the one hand, and personally went to Jiang Heng to persuade him.

Jiang Heng stood in front of the company window, looking into the distance and sighing, "In fact, this matter has not much to do with whether to invest in "Red Cliff" or not. The main thing is that the companies and artists in Hong Kong feel that they have not benefited from my series of blockbusters. The benefits have all been taken by China Film and mainland artists!"

Hearing this, Han Sanping was a little embarrassed, as if he had a feeling of getting a bargain.

"Well, there are certain factors, but our general tone is to unite, it is wrong to create opposition!"

Jiang Heng smiled: "Then I, the future film resources, will be fully open to Hong Kong and Taiwan?"

Han Sanping hurriedly said: "No, no!"

Immediately laughed: "Don't you always talk about the Chinese entertainment industry? Don't divide those!"

Jiang Heng said: "Then it's over? If you ask me, just ignore them. Anyway, the Hong Kong market is only a few tens of millions of box office, more or less will not have much impact."

Han Sanping thought about it, it was the same thing, so he didn't persuade him anymore.

Before leaving, he suddenly said: "By the way, you and a little girl, are you okay?"

"What little girl?"

"That Jing... Tian!"

Jiang Heng smiled: "Hey, in my eyes, she is just a child, it's okay!"

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