China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 197 Withdrawal of Investment

After Han Sanping saw the article about Jiang Heng in the newspaper, he called immediately and asked about the film "Memories of Murder".

"It's a crime movie. The film is very good. If you want to import it, you can contact South Korea. The box office results are okay. I remember there were more than five million moviegoers." Jiang Heng said simply.

Han Sanping was very moved after hearing this.

First of all, the film itself has done very well at the box office. More importantly, Jiang Heng's inadvertent mention during the interview made many people interested in this film.

I believe that after the film is introduced, the box office performance will not be bad.

A typical example is Zhang Yimo's "Hero", which was highly praised by director Quentin Quentin, who is a kung fu fan, when it was released in North America.

When "Kill Bill" 1 and 2 were released, a trailer for "Hero" was arranged before the main film was screened, and it was marked with Quentin's recommendation, which greatly increased the appeal of "Hero" to Americans.

Han Sanping had made up his mind and immediately asked Jiang Heng, was he really not optimistic about Wu Yusen's "Red Cliff"?

When the matter reached this point, Jiang Heng stopped hiding it and said: "Many directors in Xiangjiang lack systematic education in Chinese history, and their view of historical events is different from those in the mainland. They have also been influenced by gang culture for a long time, and the pattern is not very big. …….”

In fact, "Red Cliff" is pretty good, but even more outrageous is "Guan Yunchang" directed by Mak Zhaohui and Zhuang Wenqiang. To use the sharp comment of "The Tenth Screening Room" is: If you don't have anything to say about such a historical subject, Then the legend of Guan Yunchang, a righteous man whom Yuntian admires forever, will be made into "The Lost Dao Lang".

Jiang Heng spoke more clearly this time, and Han Sanping also listened to it, and finally decided to withdraw funding from "Red Cliff".

In fact, he was also very confused. What happened this time was different from when he invested in "The Promise".

When investing in "The Promise", Jiang Heng and Chen Kaizhen had a good relationship on the surface.

But this time, it was a falling out, with both sides "bombarding" each other in the media.

It's just that due to the dignity of public figures and cultural figures, I didn't directly use swear words.

What's even more outrageous is that a group of people in Xiangjiang actually jumped out and declared that they would boycott Jiang Heng. This is a bit disgusting.

Whether it is from the perspective of supporting Jiang Heng or worrying about the box office, China Film should not continue to invest in "Red Cliff".

After hanging up the phone, Han Sanping held a meeting to discuss the matter with the senior management of the group company.

Naturally, everyone is on his side. First of all, they have made a lot of money by cooperating with Jiang Heng over the years. What's more, they don't like the strength of the investors in Xiangjiang.

Among the initially drafted actors, the good roles are almost all for Hong Kong and Taiwan artists, while the mainland actors are all supporting actors with lower rankings.

In the original history, this situation was tolerated. After all, the Hong Kong film industry was more developed at that time.

But in this life, because of the emergence of Jiang Heng, the mainland market is obviously stronger, so why should mainland filmmakers be included?

Some people even suggested that they simply play without Wu Yusen and the others.

They filmed "Red Cliff", and we will also film "Red Cliff" to see who does it better.

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately started a heated discussion, discussing who should be hired to direct and who to play Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang.

What's more, he actually suggested that Han Sanping direct it himself, and he would definitely be able to make a masterpiece that will go down in the history of photography.

Han Sanping couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this. This proposal was nonsense. The mainland and Hong Kong would each make one film, and the film bureau couldn't agree to it!

No immediately, end the meeting.

At the same time, someone was sent to inform Zhang Jiazhen that China Film Company had decided to withdraw its investment in "Red Cliff" and would no longer participate in the production of the film.

In Xiangjiang, Zhang Jiazhen was shocked when he heard this and asked why?

The person responsible for informing China Film Group, probably a fan of Jiang Heng, sneered: "You have offended Director Jiang, and you are still going to the mainland to earn a living?"

He looked like he had offended the abbot and still wanted to leave, and then hung up the phone.

Zhang Jiazhen was shocked. He had been hanging out with Wu Yusen in Hollywood in the past few years. Although he knew that Jiang Heng was developing well in the mainland, he lacked a more intuitive feeling.

Only now did we realize how much influence Jiang Heng had in the mainland.

After telling Wu Yusen about China Film's decision, the latter was also surprised, because among the investors in mainland China, China Film is the main investor, and other investors include Shanghai Film, Forbidden City Pictures, Chengtian Zhihong, Zhongtian Film and Television. A large number of companies such as Kaishiji.

The largest investment in the film comes from Japan's Aihui Entertainment.

Although China Film Group has withdrawn, the missing funds are easy to find.

However, China Film’s absolute strength in distribution is difficult to replace with other capital.

In particular, the "China Film Red Cinema Line", the number one in the country, has built many new theaters with Jiang Heng's continued investment, and has achieved a lot of box office output with its advanced equipment and beautiful decoration.

It's hard to say whether the feud with China Film Group will affect the film's distribution and box office performance.

What’s even more frightening is that China Film’s withdrawal will have a chain reaction, causing other mainland film and television companies to withdraw?

In that case, even if overseas capital can be found to replace it, the box office in the mainland market will not be guaranteed at all!

Thinking of this, Wu Yusen also panicked.

After the failure of "Windtalkers," he now desperately needs a box office victory to prove himself.

Otherwise, he will be marginalized in the circle like his old friend Xu Ke.

"Do you want to talk to him?" Wu Yusen asked.

Zhang Jiazhen said: "Wait a little longer!"

As a result, in the evening, there was a call from Forbidden City Pictures, saying that they were withdrawing from the investment.

The next day, another company called to withdraw. Wu Yusen couldn't sit still. If he withdrew again, the project would fail.

He immediately called Jiang Heng and said that all this was a misunderstanding.

He definitely didn't mean anything else at the beginning. Zhang Jiazhen was instigated by others.

As for those people in Hong Kong who called for a boycott of Jiang Heng, they had nothing to do with them.

Jiang Heng naturally wouldn't force them too much and expressed his understanding. In fact, what he said to the media before was not malicious.

Both sides talked nonsense again, and the matter was over.

After hanging up the phone, Wu Yusen's face was livid and extremely ugly.

After so many years in the film industry, he didn't expect to suffer such a big loss from a junior like Jiang Heng.

"This "Red Cliff" must be filmed well, so that they know that Jiang Heng is not the only one who can make blockbusters!"

Zhang Jiazhen also said: "That's right, we have to break the box office record of the surname Jiang. I don't believe that we will lose to him!"

The two secretly made up their minds and contacted a group of investors by phone, which was considered to be appeased.

The film and television company that said it would withdraw in the morning decided to participate again.

After all, Jiang Heng only cooperates with China Film and doesn't even give them a share of the profits.

Before, they wanted to withdraw because they saw China Film withdrawing its investment and thought the box office prospects might not be good.

Now, Zhang Jiazhen said that the misunderstanding has been resolved and China Film is also actively coordinating, so they will not withdraw.

After all, Wu Yusen is an international director who used to work in Hollywood. It is not easy to participate in the film he directed. It should be a sure win!

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