In Hong Kong, in a private room at the Monopoly nightclub in Tsim Sha Tsui, Eric Tsang, Tan Yonglin, Chen Baixiang and others were sitting around drinking.

Talking about the recent high-profile "boycott Jiang Heng" incident, Zeng Chiwei said disdainfully: "I can't believe that a big Hollywood director is also a strong man on the outside, but he actually bowed to Jiang Heng like that!"

Chen Baixiang laughed: "It's all about making money. People named Jiang are very popular in the Mainland. Lao Wu wanted to make money in the Mainland and annoyed people. From production to release, he suffered everything."

Tan Yonglin continued, "That is, if someone would rather lose money than compete with "Red Cliff" with a blockbuster movie, Lao Wu would be dumbfounded!"

Zeng Zhiwei looked very puzzled, "Tell me, how come all the films made by this guy named Jiang are such hits!"

Chen Baixiang took a sip of wine, put it down and said, "The special effects are awesome. They feel even better than those in Hollywood. The Hulk film made by Li Eucalyptus is not at the same level as Jiang Heng's!"

Zeng Zhiwei agreed with this, but he just couldn't understand why Jiang Heng dared to invest so much in making a commercial blockbuster with excellent special effects.

Aren't you afraid of losing the box office and losing tens of millions of dollars?

He really hoped Jiang Heng would lose money!

As early as a few years ago, Jiang Henggang had a conflict with him when he was preparing "The Matrix".

Later, when Jiang Heng became famous, he was forced to apologize to Jiang Heng due to the situation.

But in his heart, Zeng Zhiwei really couldn't swallow this breath, and every day he looked forward to Jiang Heng's box office failure and bad luck.

The result was that all of Jiang Heng's films were hits, which disappointed him and made him feel like he was about to have a heart attack.

I thought that this time I could take advantage of Jiang Heng and Wu Yusen's feud to stir up trouble and call on everyone to isolate Jiang Heng.

As a result, Wu Yusen gave up and asked for reconciliation.

Seeing this, people in the Xiangjiang entertainment circle also stopped their activities.

After all, the market in Xiangjiang is really sluggish, and these people are still counting on the mainland market to make money to support their families!

When Wu Yusen couldn't carry the banner, how could these people dare to continue to challenge Jiang Heng? Some of them had even given up on going north.

Zeng Zhiwei didn't want to be angry, so he stayed in Xiangjiang and refused to leave, so he asked a good friend to drink with him.

Tan Yonglin and Chen Baixiang were both half-retired from the industry, and they didn't care about Jiang Heng's influence. They drank and chatted together.

When the conversation was over wine, Chen Baixiang said: "By the way, I have to go to the movies with my wife tomorrow. You said you would boycott it before, forget it!"

Tan Yonglin also said: "I am the same. I have to take my wife and children to see it. It's not that we are not brothers enough, we really have no choice!"

Zeng Zhiwei looked very broken and exaggerated: "No, aren't we promised to be good brothers and advance and retreat together? You don't support me?"

Chen Baixiang patted Zeng Zhiwei on the shoulder and said, "We definitely support you mentally. The problem is that my wife has a life, so she has to obey! Be considerate, be considerate!"

Tan Yonglin also said the same thing, and Zeng Zhiwei was very depressed when he heard it, "Damn, it's better if I ask two girls to come over and accompany me than you two barbecued pork!"

Chen Baixiang smiled and said: "Then let's go first without delaying you?"

"Roll, roll, roll!"

Since they have been friends for many years, Zeng Zhiwei was not polite and waved the two people away.

Then he murmured: "Damn it, what's the point of watching a monkey show?"

He immediately tilted his head and said, "How about I find a girl to go watch with me? Damn, it must be difficult to buy tickets, right?"

As Eric Tsang expected, "Journey to the West: Pingdingshan" was extremely popular on the first day of its release in Hong Kong, and all the tickets for the prime screenings in popular theaters were sold out.

In other words, there are still some tickets for non-prime events, and the location is still relatively poor.

Zeng Zhiwei drove around the city and saw long queues at the entrance of various theaters. He didn't bother to take his female companion to watch it. He cursed, "Damn, I really don't understand. What's so good about this movie? Isn't it just Monkey Fighting Monsters?" How many times has it been shown on TV?”

The female companion said: "It's different. I heard that the monsters in the movie are very realistic and scary, and the fighting scenes are also good-looking. All in all, they are very exciting!"

Zeng Zhiwei sneered, "Why, is it more exciting than being with me?"

The female companion slapped him on the shoulder with her hand, "You are so bad!"

Zeng Zhiwei laughed, "Men are not bad, but women don't love me. Do you love me more and more?"

"I hate it, drive well!"

Although some celebrities in the Hong Kong entertainment industry called on everyone to boycott Jiang Heng's movies, they couldn't even shout out a decent slogan, and the citizens ignored it.

Today's Hong Kong movies are becoming less and less popular, and Hollywood blockbusters are a little less interesting due to the problem of immersion. I don't know how many Hong Kong citizens regard watching Jiang Heng's special effects blockbusters as one of the things they must do during the summer and New Year holidays. How is it possible? Don't look.

On the first day of release, it took in a total of HK$3.12 million at the box office, breaking the previous record.

In the Mainland, "Journey to the West: Pingdingshan" was also released as expected.

Because it is a film invested and distributed by China Film Group Corporation, there is no competition from foreign blockbusters in the same period.

Among domestic films, no one is stupid enough to compete in the same schedule as Jiang Heng. "Journey to the West: Pingdingshan" dominates the Lunar New Year slot, and the audience has nothing else to watch.

Coupled with the consistent production standards, the box office performance on the first day of release also reached an astonishing 50.8 million, finally breaking the 50 million mark.

To be fair, this movie is just a lively and good-looking commercial blockbuster. If it has any connotation, it is nothing more than a satire on the relationship between the old man and the nine-tailed demon fox in the film.

But many film critics were excited, extremely excited.

Because there are fewer and fewer satirical movies on the market, let alone satirical movies, even satirical crosstalk and sketches are becoming less and less.

A film critic wrote: The nine-tailed fox in "Journey to the West: Pingdingshan" is undoubtedly a satire on the phenomenon of official wives. Jinjiao and Yinjiao are two young masters, and Qingniujing combines the roles of secretary and driver, and shows a stronger social energy than the young masters.

This time, the origin of the story comes from the greed of the nine-tailed fox. She wants to eat Tang Monk's flesh, which leads to the actions of Jinjiao, Yinjiao and Qingniujing. At the end of the story, the director asked Sun Wukong to kill all these people, which reflects the reality more and more.

Because in the easter egg plot, they are all resurrected without exception, just like those evil people in reality, as long as their backers do not fall, "death" is only temporary.

After this film review was published, it received praise from many people.

In Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia, "Journey to the West: Pingdingshan" also achieved good box office results.

In North America, the film "A Series of Unfortunate Events" starring Jim Carrey and produced by Paramount was released on the same day. The film was originally ranked 18th in the annual rankings, and its competitiveness was not strong. It was directly crushed by "Journey to the West: Pingdingshan".

However, "Meet the Folks 2" released a few days later was quite powerful. It originally achieved a total North American box office of 279 million US dollars in history, which had a certain impact on the box office of "Journey to the West".

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