With the popularity of "Journey to the West: Pingdingshan", the actors in the film have also begun to receive widespread attention.

Among them, Zhang Yuqi and Jing Tian have benefited the most.

The reason is simple. Except for Ding Haifeng, the other male actors in the film are either dressed as monsters or have too few roles.

A typical example is Lu Shuming in "A Chinese Odyssey". If it weren't for the popularity of the Internet, who would have thought that the Bull Demon King in the film was actually played by "Guan Erye"?

Zhang Yuqi and Jing Tian actually don't have many roles, but in the mythical world of monsters everywhere and poor mountains and evil ridges shown in the film, their beautiful and charming female costumes are particularly outstanding, just like fireflies in the dark night, dazzling.

After the film was released, Zhang Yuqi had joined the crew of "CJ7" and had no time to accept interviews from the outside world, but Jing Tian had plenty of time to meet with the media.

One day, Jing Tian came to Jiang Heng's office after accepting an interview with the media.

"I've decided to star in a special effects blockbuster. How about you direct it?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "My salary is too high. You can't afford it!"

"How high can it be?"

"About 100 million!"

If it were an ordinary person, he would have been scared off by the price tag.

This girl doesn't have a deep concept of money. Just like for a child, a certain amount of money is considered "a lot"!

Jing Tian also knows that "100 million" is not a small amount, but for Jiang Heng, it seems to be worth it.

But if it's just the cost of directing, it seems a bit too much.

The main reason is that Jiang Heng's smile is a bit weird at the moment, and it's obvious that he is trying to trick her.

Da Tiantian thought for a moment and pretended to be mature and said, "Well, one hundred million is not impossible, but you have to agree to one condition of mine!"

"What condition?"

"You have to play the leading actor!"

"You want me to direct and act?"

"Well, I guess so. You direct and act, and I play the leading actress. Isn't that reasonable?"

Da Tiantian smiled happily and showed a proud expression. She thought to herself, "Don't think I'm stupid. I'm actually very smart!"

Jiang Heng shook his head, "That won't work. If I direct and act, the price won't be this high!"

Jing Tian was anxious, "You are so rich, you won't be so greedy. One hundred million is a sky-high price!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "You know it's a sky-high price, why do you still want to spend it?"

"Then I think you're more worth it, but you can't yell and bully a little girl!"

Jiang Heng hurriedly said, "Hey, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't say whatever you want. I didn't bully you?"

Jing Tian used the little girl's trick, "Please, agree, I've already agreed to pay 100 million!"

Jiang Heng shook his head helplessly, "You'd better go back and discuss it, otherwise you'll say I cheated the little girl!"

"Oh, okay!"

Jing Tian also knew that he was young and his words were weak. It was estimated that Jiang Heng didn't take his words to heart and just thought it was a child's joke.

After all, she was only 18 years old at this time, and in the eyes of many people, she was just a child.

After the matter was said, Jing Tian was not in a hurry to leave. He sat aside with his hands on his chin and watched Jiang Heng write the manuscript.

"What are you writing?"

"A script!"

"Are you going to shoot a new movie again?"

Jing Tian said happily, "By the way, why don't you write the script for the new movie as well? That means you can write, direct and act in the movie yourself. I can pay you!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "Do you have money?"

Jing Tian leaned his head with one hand, "Uh, a little bit!"

"How much is that?"

"Several million, I'm almost out of money!"

Jiang Heng nodded, "That's true. With this little money, you can only buy a luxury car and two houses. It's not enough to spend!"

Jing Tian pouted angrily when he heard this.

Jiang Heng couldn't help laughing, "Okay, go play, I'm busy!"


Seeing that Jiang Heng treated him like a child, Jing Tian was a little bored and left angrily.

Soon, Li Xiaoping came in and said with a smile: "Ms. Jing, you have been here quite often recently!"

Jiang Heng put down his pen and couldn't help scratching his head, "Children who want to be big stars always need someone to protect them. It's not surprising that they like my directing ability!"

Li Xiaoping smiled, "I think she likes more than just your directing ability!"

Jiang Heng glanced at Li Xiaoping, "You are a nice person, but you are a bit tight-lipped!"

Li Xiaoping laughed, "I am not concerned about your personal problems! Okay, okay, I won't ask. I came here for two things this time. One is "Dafeng Night Watchman". We have negotiated with CCTV. It is 620,000 per episode, and the total price is 24.8 million. Pay half of the advance payment first, and the rest will be settled within one month after the broadcast."

Jiang Heng nodded slightly when he heard this. The price and conditions are reasonable.

Especially the advance payment for purchasing dramas is a custom in the industry. TV stations usually pay part of the advance payment first, and the specific proportion is negotiated by both parties.

CCTV is willing to give half, which is already a favor to Jiang Heng.

As for the payment after the show is over, for small production companies, there is a certain risk of difficulty in getting the money.

Especially when the ratings start high and end low, it is possible that they will not get paid for a few years.

However, Jiang Heng should not have such risks.

Therefore, Jiang Heng is still relieved about the sale of the show, and only has a general understanding.

Li Xiaoping then talked about the second thing, the production of "Chinese Paladin III".

It is said that "Legend of Sword and Fairy 1" will not be broadcast until the Spring Festival. Under normal circumstances, it must be based on the ratings before considering whether to produce a sequel.

However, iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures are more confident from top to bottom, so the project progress is naturally advanced.

Although Tang Ren's Cai Yinong is a little worried, seeing the nonchalant look of Li Xiaoping and others, she is also afraid of being underestimated, so she can only bite the bullet and continue to participate, and sent the recommended actor information.

Jiang Heng took a look and found that it was indeed Liu Shisi.

This girl is the same age as Jing Tian, ​​both born in 1987, from Beijing, also studying at the Beijing Dance Academy, and entered the entertainment industry in 2004.

By chance, she was discovered and favored by Cai Yinong, and then signed with Tang Ren.

And Cai Yinong recommended Liu Shisi's famous role, Long Kui.

Jiang Heng still recognized her performance and did not think of replacing her with another girl.

Everything has been done. If Cai Yinong cannot find someone, iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures will come forward to select someone.

Since Liu Shisi went to Tang Ren, he was relieved.

Jiang Heng glanced through the information and said directly: "Okay, let's go according to the original plan. The filming of "Chinese Paladin 3" will start after the Spring Festival!"

Li Xiaoping was overjoyed when he heard this, "Director Jiang, don't worry, I will do a good job on this project!"

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, "Do it with your heart, it's okay if the cost is a little higher, you won't lose money!"

Li Xiaoping smiled when she heard this. There are not many people in the entire Chinese entertainment industry who are as optimistic as Jiang Heng.

A TV series has not been filmed yet, and you dare to say that you will not lose money, and you will definitely make money.

Although the special effects and fighting scenes of "Chinese Paladin 1" are indeed very exciting, no one can be sure what the ratings will be before it is released!

Seeing that Jiang Heng was full of confidence, Li Xiaoping couldn't help asking, "What do you think of the ratings of "Chinese Paladin 1"? "

"It must be the first in the country!"

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