China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 200 Jiang Heng on the Spring Festival Gala


Li Xiaoping was overjoyed. After the previous “The Return of the Condor Heroes” was broadcast, the ratings were soaring.

However, “Jinyong dramas” are dramas that promote people, especially “Tian Long”, “The Legend of the Condor Heroes”, and “The Condor Heroes”. As long as the filming is similar, it can get a good popularity. It does not show her ability.

“The Legend of Sword and Fairy” is adapted from a game and is relatively less well-known. If it can get the first or top three in the country, it is also a remarkable achievement!

Jiang Heng was a little vague, because he suddenly remembered the national drama “Bright Sword”, which was broadcast in 2005 and won the ratings championship of the year with an average rating of 10.3%.

Ranked second is “Moment in Peking”, which was also promoted as the ratings champion of the year.

However, the average rating of this drama is 8.7%, which is only ranked second in the year, and the number of replays is not many.

As for “The Legend of Sword and Fairy”, it ranks 12th in the year with an average rating of 5.77%.

In this life, with the gimmick of iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures and Jiang Heng's supervision, plus the visual scenes after the special effects upgrade, Jiang Heng felt that he still had a good chance of competing with "The Dream of Red Mansions" and "The Emperor of Han Wu".

Competing with "Bright Sword" for the first place of the year was really a bit of a stretch. A magical drama that has been replayed 3,000 times in 15 years, who can compare with this!

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng still felt a little regretful that he did not participate in such a good drama.

Not expecting to make money by participating in this drama, but remembering that the drama "Bright Sword" only had 10 million yuan for filming, excluding the cost of post-production, and the funds were very short.

If he participated in it, he would not interfere with other things, but just take more funds to make the crew more comfortable.

Of course, it's just a thought at this moment!

But he said: "The top three of the year are still very hopeful!"

Li Xiaoping is not as ambitious as Jiang Heng, "If there are top ten of the year, I will be satisfied!"

In 2004, more than 500 TV series were filmed in China, reaching more than 12,000 episodes.

However, among so many TV series, only 60% can be broadcast, and more than 30% of the series have no chance to meet the audience.

Firstly, there is indeed an oversupply, and more importantly, some series are completely shoddy from project establishment to filming.

Regarding this phenomenon, the famous screenwriter Wang Hailin's discussion can well reflect the reasons for this phenomenon. He said that the coal boss never interfered with their creation, and there were no other requirements except for finding actresses.

At the beginning of many film and television dramas, the purpose was not to make the series well, but to promote "girlfriends", or even just to make "girlfriends", so whether the series can be broadcast in the end is not very important.

Of course, Li Xiaoping still cares about "Legend of Sword and Fairy" and really hopes that this drama can be popular!

Back to her office, Li Xiaoping contacted Cai Yinong and told Jiang Heng about his expectations for "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

Cai Yinong was a little excited. Although she had seen the finished film and felt that it was very well shot, she had no idea whether it would be popular with the audience after it was broadcast!

At this time, people are more likely to believe in authority, and Jiang Heng is obviously the greatest authority.

"If that's the case, we have to increase publicity, right?"

Li Xiaoping said, "I asked Director Jiang what he thought, and he said it's OK, after all, word of mouth is the key!"

Cai Yinong agreed with this, but she felt that she would not be willing to do anything.

"How about asking the actors of the Fairy Sword crew to record a New Year's greeting video for the audience?"

"New Year's greeting? It seems that it's OK, or I'll ask?"

"Isn't Director Jiang too lazy to care about these things? Let's discuss it and it's settled!" Cai Yinong bewitched.

Li Xiaoping was a little moved when she heard this.

After all, it was just a small promotional activity before the TV series was broadcast, and asking Jiang Heng was indeed a bit of a fuss.

Besides, Jiang Heng has been quite busy recently. In addition to the related publicity and interview activities of "Journey to the West: Pingdingshan", he has started to write the script for a new film. From time to time, he has to pay attention to Hollywood, and CCTV has also invited Jiang Heng to the Spring Festival Gala.

In the past two years, he declined the invitation because he was too busy with work and there were no good programs.

But this year, the Spring Festival Gala director team sent out another invitation. The program was also very simple. It was to practice Yilu boxing on stage with Brother Cheng Long. If he still refused, it would be too disrespectful.

Since Jiang Heng had made up his mind to mix in the mainland, he must give face to CCTV. Although he was busy with work, he still agreed to the invitation of the Spring Festival Gala director team.

It was just that he didn't go to rehearsals very often. The director team also made all kinds of concessions and gave the green light.

This day, it was time to go to rehearsal again.

Jiang Heng arrived at the CCTV studio in the latest Mercedes-Benz S-Class. As he walked along, he heard greetings everywhere.

When he arrived, he found that Brother Cheng Long had arrived a long time ago and was chatting with Rong Zhuer.

Seeing Jiang Heng, Cheng Long looked very happy. He waved his hand and hugged Jiang Heng, patting his back, "Good brother, long time no see!"

"Long time no see!" Jiang Heng said with a smile.

In fact, he didn't have much contact with Cheng Long, and his relationship with Sammo Hung was better.

But Cheng Long is an outgoing, enthusiastic, and self-familiar person. Every time he sees Jiang Heng, he looks happy and enthusiastic.

He first asked about the box office of "Journey to the West". After listening to the general data, he sighed: "Your special effects blockbusters have created a brand. The prince in the Middle East a while ago called me and said that he likes the movies you made very much. When he goes to shoot a movie with them, he is willing to provide support!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "That's great. When you have time, introduce us to each other!"

"That's for sure. My friends are your friends!"

Cheng Long patted his chest, looked around, and asked Rong Zhuer, "Did you see that stinky boy Ming?"

Rong Zhuer smiled, "I saw him. He went out with a little actress!"

Cheng Long pretended to be angry, "This stinky boy is really disappointing!"

He wanted to introduce his son to Jiang Heng, knowing that this boy couldn't be the protagonist.

But Jiang Heng was also shooting an international blockbuster, and he was a minor role in the film, and he was also a minor role in an international blockbuster!

It just so happened that this boy was as philandering as he was. He disappeared after a while.

Rong Zhuer, however, had tenderness in her eyes. She stretched out her hand and whispered, "Hello, Director Jiang, I am Rong Zhuer, I have heard of your name for a long time!"

Jiang Heng stretched out his hand to shake it, "Hello, I have heard your songs, they are very nice!"

"Really? Director Jiang has heard my songs. I am so happy. Which one do you like best?"

Jiang Heng said this just to be polite.

But Rong Zhuer asked, so she had to name one or two songs.

Luckily, with the "super microcomputer", it is very easy to find out her relevant information.

Jiang Heng immediately mentioned two of Rong Zhuer's more famous songs and made a few simple comments.

Good guy, Rong Zhuer couldn't move her eyes away after hearing this.

Seeing this, Cheng Long on the side was really angry and jealous.

He didn't want to do anything with Rong Zhuer. It was okay to chat with her at this time, but Jiang Heng's appearance seemed to prove that he was more attractive than him, which made him a little depressed.

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