After a while, Liu Dehua came over. His program this year was a widely circulated song - "Gong Xi Fa Cai".

But because the song was too popular, he himself did not expect that the song would continue to be popular for nearly 20 years.

So, it seemed very casual.

What he came to talk about was also about filming.

"Director Jiang, you don't take care of me. You have filmed so many movies, but you never thought of using me!"

Jiang Heng laughed, "How could it be, isn't it that there is no suitable one at the moment?"

"If there is, you must think of me, and the salary can be discounted!"

"Of course, of course!" Jiang Heng said politely.

Hua Zai is a good actor, very famous, very dedicated, and his acting skills are actually OK, but the biggest problem is that he can't "carry" the box office.

Maybe it's because he has played too many "bad movies", that is, when just looking at the name "Liu Dehua", the audience can't judge the quality and effect of the film, which is the most fatal.

For example, Cheng Long and Jet Li, if it is an action movie, everyone knows that the action scenes will not be too bad.

Later, Wang Baoqi, who became famous, if it is a comedy, everyone knows that it should be very lively.

But when it comes to Liu Dehua, the audience has no way to judge. In addition, he became famous too early, and his fans are all old, so he really has no appeal.

Not only him, but other Hong Kong actors also face this problem, and their influence is rapidly declining.

In the end, the "carrying" box office ability of a bunch of Hong Kong stars is not as good as a young mainland actor.

It is said that Hong Kong films are declining, how can they not decline?

The active ones on the screen are always the same few people. In the movie, the old policeman in his 50s chases the old gangster in his 60s all day long. The plot is "anti-drug", "anti-corruption", "chasing dragons", "undercover", "police and bandits" every day. After watching it for so many years, it is really boring!

Even brother Cheng Long faces this problem, but he is desperate enough, and the "crisis" comes later.

At this moment, Cheng Long is preparing for the movie "Myth", perhaps due to the influence of the "butterfly effect", it is a little later than in the previous life.

Because Jiang Heng remembered that this movie was released in September 2005, and the reputation was average at the time, and the box office was not very high, only 96 million.

Compared with the more than 200 million box office of "Hero", it is really much less.

Although Cheng Long did not know the future box office of the film, he tried every means to increase its chips. It was rare to see Jiang Heng. After thinking for a while, he couldn't help but said, "Ah Heng, are you free to come and play a cameo role?"

"Of course, my brother asked me to help, so I must be free!" Jiang Heng said with a smile.

He was willing to make a cameo in "Myth" because he had a good relationship with Cheng Long, and Cheng Long had also made a cameo in his film. Second, he wanted to contribute to this blockbuster.

"Myth" may have some shortcomings, but Cheng Long at least tried every means to make the film well, which is different from the two films "The Promise" and "Red Cliff".

Chen Kaige only cared about his own desire to perform, and didn't consider whether the audience could understand it at all.

Wu Yusen had a problem with his thinking mode. A historical drama made too many incongruous things, which was unique.

But Cheng Long hesitated before he spoke.

Seeing Jiang Heng agree so readily, he was really overjoyed.

"We performed together on the Spring Festival Gala and filmed together, good brothers!"

Excited, he took off his watch and wanted to give it to Jiang Heng.

"Hey, no merit, no reward, let's forget about this!"

"Good brothers, we share happiness and difficulties, just a watch...!"

This scene made the people around him laugh.

Some thought that Jiang Heng might be richer than Cheng Long, and would care about your watch.

But Cheng Long is the kind of arrogant person. He gave each of his brothers in the Cheng family a famous watch.

After forcibly "giving" the watch to Jiang Heng, he still felt that it was not enough to express his "friendship", and suddenly said: "By the way, do you have a sports car you like? I'll give you one?"

"Sports car!"

Jiang Heng thought about it. He has been busy filming most of the time in the past few years and has really not touched a sports car.

Cheng Long took the responsibility and said: "Then it's settled. I'll get a sports car later, and I guarantee you will be satisfied!"

"Okay!" Jiang Heng said with a smile.

After chatting for a while, it was finally time for the two to rehearse their show, the martial arts song and dance "Top Gun".

Fearing that Jiang Heng would be nervous, Cheng Long repeatedly explained the key points before going on stage.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Heng had a "super microcomputer", and the entire performance process was accurate, and his movements were in place, even better than Cheng Long's performance.

"Brother, your on-the-spot reaction is too strong, aren't you stage fright at all?"

After leaving the stage, Cheng Long couldn't help asking.

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "It's OK. There's nothing to be nervous about."

Cheng Long raised his thumb and praised, "With your reaction, psychological quality, and your action routine, if you were born ten years earlier, you would be an international movie star if not a Kung Fu superstar!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "I think it's good to be a director!"

Cheng Long sighed, "It's good, but it's a pity that your acting talent is gone, it's a pity!"

Jiang Heng said, "That's okay. If there is a suitable film, you can act in it yourself!"

"That's right. Anyway, you have a lot of money. You can make any film you want, unlike me!"

Cheng Long sighed, and talked about the difficulties in the preparation of the film "Mythology". Suddenly, he said, "By the way, I heard from Lao Tang (Tang Jili) that this film will have a lot of special effects shots. Then ask your special effects company to help produce it!"

"No problem, just find some work for those guys so that they won't be too idle!"

In fact, the "Good Times" special effects company under Jiang Heng's name is very busy. The reason is simple. Jiang Heng's blockbuster visual effects are so good that outsiders think it is the credit of "Good Times".

Some netizens even call "Good Times" one of the world's three major special effects companies along with "Industrial Light \u0026 Magic" and "Weta Workshop", and several media in Beijing have also reported on it.

As word spread, the reputation of "Good Times" became more and more famous, and various film and television companies came to place orders.

Although the number of special effects shots in a film and television drama is not large, it can't resist the crews from all over the country coming to the door!

It's not all for the quality of special effects, some are for publicity gimmicks.

For example, the original special effects team of "Lion Camel Ridge", "Pacific Rim" and "Inception" sounds more bluffing.

However, this kind of "gimmick" is used too much, and the audience gradually stops buying it.

Cheng Long is naturally not for this, but simply wants to hand over the order to his brother.

A few days after this rehearsal, there was another rehearsal, and then it was the Spring Festival Gala.

Jiang Heng's performance was naturally good, and "Top Gun" later won the second prize.

On the first day of the Chinese New Year, "Legend of Sword and Fairy", jointly produced by iQiyi, Tencent Video and Tangren Video, was finally broadcast in prime time on four satellite TV channels in Hebei, Mango, Chongqing and Shandong.

Hu Jian played Li Xiaoyao, Liu Yifei played Zhao Linger, the perfect interlude, and the gorgeous and realistic special effects fights made countless viewers intoxicated.

As soon as the series was released, it won 11.2% of the ratings and became the first hit drama in 2005.

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