During the Spring Festival of 2005, Tang Yan returned to Shanghai to spend the Spring Festival.

She has been studying at the Chinese Opera in the past few years, and occasionally appears in a few guest roles. Most of the time, she lives like an ordinary college student.

To sum it up: worry-free!

The contracted company is Aiyouteng Pictures, which is currently the most popular in the country. It has also starred in special effects blockbusters. After graduation, there will be a lot of resources thrown at it, and I don’t know how many people are envious of it.

But what Tang Yan is most proud of is that she has a harmonious family and has parents who love her very much.

During the winter vacation, I couldn’t be too happy to stay at home every day without going out, and my parents cooked delicious food in various ways.

That night, the family had dinner and sat on the sofa together to watch the popular "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

Tang Yan suddenly pointed at the TV and said, "By the way, Director Jiang said before that he would shoot a sequel after the year and asked me to play a role."

His parents immediately became nervous, and Tang's father asked, "Is it still a guest appearance? How long will the filming take?"

Tang Yan shook his head, "It's not a guest appearance, it's just the second female lead!"

Tang's mother frowned, "Why isn't she the first female lead? Our family Tangtang is so beautiful and famous. Can't she be the protagonist if she acts in a TV series?"

Tang Yan smiled, "It depends on the compatibility of the role. Besides, I really like the role Director Jiang assigned me. If it weren't for this, I would still want to fight for it!"

Tang's father agreed: "This is a right idea. People have to choose a role that suits them, and they can't just look at the scenes!"

Tang Yan leaned forward, hugged his father's arm, and said with a smile, "Dad still understands me!"

Tang's mother looked resentful, "It's as if I want to harm you!"

Tang Yan smiled: "I know, mom is doing it for my own good too!"

"You have a conscience!"

Mother Tang sighed and suddenly said, "By the way, how is your Director Jiang doing now?"

"pretty good!"

"I'm asking about relationships. Do you have a girlfriend?"

Tang Yan shook his head, "Not yet!"

"Oh, he's quite old, and he hasn't been found yet?"

Tang Yan smiled, "You're not particularly old, you're only twenty-five or six, right?"

"Are you that young?"

Mother Tang looked puzzled, "He gives me the impression that he is at least forty years old!"

Tang's father said: "He is mature and steady, let's see what you said!"

"It's time for male students to get married, and it's for female students to get married. Has he asked you on a date?" Tang's mother had a gossipy expression on her face.

Tang Yan was a little embarrassed, "Oh, I told you before!"

"Then, there will always be girls surrounding him, right?" Tang's mother looked like she was asking for the bottom line.

"Well, yes, there are quite a few!"

"Does Director Jiang have it?"

"How do I know? I studied in school most of the time!" Tang Yan was already a little annoyed when he said this.

During the filming of "Split the Mountain to Save Mother", she played the role of Yang Chan, the Third Holy Mother. She called Jiang Heng "Second Brother" in the film, and she was also called that way off-screen. Her relationship with Jiang Heng was quite close.

It’s just that in the past two years when I was studying at China National Theater Academy, my interactions with him have really decreased.

She has a cheerful and sunny personality, but is a little shy. She always has a psychological barrier to hanging around Jiang Heng, fearing that she will be seen as greedy for money and resources.

Therefore, my performance in the past few years has been very Buddhist, not competing or grabbing, just waiting for the company's arrangements.

To be honest, after watching the hit "Legend of Sword and Fairy", I was quite envious of Liu Yifei who could play the role of Zhao Ling'er.

However, when I think about the role of Zixuan in "Sword and Sword III", I feel that it is right for me to "not fight for it" because she really likes this character so much.

In the living room of a luxuriously decorated residence in Beijing, Liu Yifei was sitting on the sofa in the living room with her mother watching "The Legend of Sword and Fairy".

Since the show started airing, Liu Xiaoli has watched it every night, and after watching it, she has to read the comments online.

I am very happy when I see netizens praising it, but I am very angry when I see the "game original author party" criticizing the random adaptation.

In the end, Liu Yifei advised her not to read the comments, as long as she knew the show had high ratings.

In the past, she would definitely not have listened.

But now that Liu Yifei is getting older and more famous, Liu Xiaoli is able to listen to some of her daughter's opinions and doesn't read those comments.

Seeing the extremely handsome special effects fight of "Li Xiaoyao" in the film, Liu Xiaoli suddenly said: "That boy, he's not pursuing you, is he?"

Liu Yifei was stunned for a moment before realizing that her mother was talking about Hu Shun. She quickly shook her head and said, "No, Uncle Xiaoyao is a very nice person!"

Liu Xiaoli was displeased and said sternly: "Uncle Xiaoyao, you can only call one person uncle, and that's Jiang Heng, you know?"

Liu Yifei was startled, her whole body was like a quail, and she said calmly: "I know!"

After a pause, he explained: "He is five years older than me. I think he should be called uncle, so that's why he is called uncle. He will never be called uncle again!"

Liu Xiaoli sighed and said earnestly: "The entertainment industry is a vanity fair, a place where you can eat people without spitting out their bones. If no one is there to protect you, it depends on how we mother and daughter can get along. Your godfather can only count on it for a while, not for a lifetime. Mom is doing this for your own good!”

Liu Yifei nodded numbly, somewhat understanding what her mother said, but also somewhat unclear.

It’s just that I’ve been “taught” over the years, so I don’t dare to ask if I don’t understand something. I’ll naturally understand it when the time comes.

As a result, Liu Xiaoli sighed again, "You should be popular for two or three years after "Sword and Fairy" is broadcast, but it will be difficult if the resources behind it cannot keep up!"

Liu Yifei's expression was blank, and she didn't understand why her mother thought so far.

"Sword" is currently on the air, and her popularity is booming!

"Who will act in "Sword and Sword III"?"

Liu Yifei was helpless. She had mentioned this topic several times, but she said: "There are Yang Mi, Tang Yan, and an actress recommended by Tang Ren Company, she seems to be named Liu Shisi!"

Liu Xiaoli asked: "Director Jiang, did you tell me how to arrange it in the future?"

Liu Yifei felt like her head was going to go numb, "Um, mom, my management contract is not under Aiyouteng, so they have no obligation to plan for my future development!"

When Liu Xiaoli heard this, she slapped herself on the forehead, she did this!

Immediately he sighed, "You have finally become famous. It is really unjustifiable to leave Hongxingwu (Chen Jinfei's media company) at this time!"

Liu Yifei nodded, "Yes, that's so sorry for my godfather!"

Liu Xiaoli smiled bitterly when she heard this, thought for a while and said, "You need to have a good relationship with Director Jiang, you know?"

"I know, Uncle Jiang Heng is a very nice person and treats me very well!"

When Liu Yifei said this, Jing Tan's shadow suddenly flashed in her mind, and she felt a little unhappy again.

I don’t know if that girl is intentional or not, but she has been too close to Jiang Heng recently.

However, with the popularity of "Legend of Sword and Fairy", Liu Yifei became the most popular actress in 2005.

Chen Jinfei, the boss of Hongxingwu Media Company, was overjoyed. Although he spent money to favor Liu Yifei because of Liu Xiaoli's relationship, he did so because he saw the potential of his "goddaughter".

It's the harvest season now, where can I not make money? I arrange various commercial performances and find music companies to help me release records.

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