"What's wrong?"

In the office, Jiang Heng saw that Liu Yifei seemed a little out of sorts and couldn't help but ask.

"It's okay, I didn't sleep well last night, I was in a daze!" Liu Yifei smiled a little reluctantly.

"How about you go back and rest first and come back tomorrow?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I can do it!" Liu Yifei cheered up.

Jiang Heng asked a few questions casually and asked her to perform a simple performance.

While Liu Yifei was performing, Jiang Heng sat back in front of the computer and clicked to search for "Liu Yifei".

As a result, the news at the top of the list were all "Song Zu broke the news that the fairy sister is actually a boy."


Jiang Heng couldn't help but slapped the table, startling Liu Yifei who was performing, and stood there with a blank expression!

"Why didn't you tell me when this happened?"

Liu Yifei was shocked at first, and then burst into tears. It can be said that she became a tearful person in an instant.

"I think you are usually so busy that you don't have time to take care of these little things. Besides, we...!"

Perhaps she was too aggrieved, Liu Yifei was crying so hard that she was out of breath.

Jiang Heng stepped forward and took a tissue to wipe her tears.

Liu Yifei cried more and more uncontrollably, her makeup was all gone.

In fact, she has lived a somewhat depressed life these past few years.

When I was a child, I was bullied by girls in my class because of my appearance and talents. After arriving in the United States, I was ostracized by Korean girls.

After entering the entertainment industry, although the development was relatively smooth, I never expected that I would be splashed with such disgusting dirty water.

She is just a girl who has just turned eighteen, she really can't bear it!

Feeling the love and concern of the person in front of her, Liu Yifei couldn't bear it anymore, and suddenly hugged Jiang Heng and burst into tears.

Jiang Heng was stunned for a moment at first, and then he patted her back gently like he was coaxing a child.

At this time, the office door was opened, and the assistant was dumbfounded at the scene in front of him while holding a cup of coffee.

Fortunately, Liu Yifei's back was facing the door. Although she could hear the noise, she no longer cared about it at this moment.

Jiang Heng waved his hand and signaled the assistant to leave, and the latter quickly closed the door and left.

After crying for more than ten minutes, Liu Yifei regained her composure and realized that Jiang Heng's clothes were stained, and she instantly felt ashamed.

"I'm sorry, your clothes are all dirty. Can I wash them for you?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "It's okay, as long as you're okay!"

Liu Yifei burst into tears and smiled, "Of course it's okay, she is a girl to begin with, such outrageous rumors can't hurt me!"

Jiang Heng nodded and said with a smile: "Indeed, lies will not hurt people, the truth is the sharp knife. People like him are just like toads on the insteps, not biting people to respond!"

Hearing this, Liu Yifei burst out with a sweet laugh.

"Look how happy you are!"

Liu Yifei smiled and said: "I just find it interesting. Aren't you from Xiangjiang? How can you learn to speak smoothly!"

Jiang Heng said: "Isn't this a postgraduate entrance examination?"


The young lady didn't understand this "sense", but fortunately Jiang Heng said again: "You can't spoil that kid, find a lawyer, spend a lot of money, hire the best lawyer!"

Liu Yifei was confused, "Is this okay?"

In this era, everyone’s legal awareness is very weak.

Celebrities rarely use the law to protect their rights, unlike later, when they were often warned by lawyers' letters.

But in fact, it depends on who uses the "legal weapon".

For example, during the "3Q War", Penguin Company called the police. Zhou Hongyi received a call as soon as she left the house. More than 30 police officers came to the company. You should run away quickly.

Zhou Hongyi immediately sensed the seriousness of the situation, because without substantive accusations, the news that the founder of 360 Company was taken away was enough to ignite public opinion.

Zhou Hongyi hurriedly checked her passport to see the validity period of all visas. She found that she could go to Hong Kong, Japan, and the United States, so she went to the most convenient place, Xiangjiang, and escaped.

Jiang Heng naturally couldn't make such a big fuss, but he wouldn't make it easy for that kid either.

First, I called Han Sanping and asked him if he knew the professor at Peking University Law School.

Han Sanping was stunned and asked what happened.

Jiang Heng briefly said it, and Han Sanping found it a bit unbelievable. If you wanted to find a lawyer for this kind of matter, some big law firms would be willing to take it on.

In addition, Aiyouteng Pictures itself has signed a legal advisory agreement with a law firm.

Jiang Heng said: "I heard that there is a legal genius there and I want to talk to him!"

Han Sanping didn't ask any more questions, and soon gave Jiang Heng a phone number. He was the deputy dean of Peking University Law School.

The two chatted briefly, and Jiang Heng said the name "Luo Xiang".

The vice president smiled, "I can't believe that Director Jiang Da has heard of his name. Okay, I'll tell him and ask him to call you later!"

"Okay, thank you Guo Yuan!"

After hanging up the phone, Liu Yifei looked over with curious eyes, "Is it really okay?"

Jiang Heng smiled: "I don't know. Let's give it a try and ask Lawyer Luo to figure out a sky-high compensation later to scare the guy first. In addition, find someone to check the company he runs. I don't believe there is anything wrong. Media On the other hand, I’ll make a few more calls!”

Jiang Heng contacted Xinlang, and heard that Jiang Heng was very enthusiastic. After all, they had been cooperating in the past few years.

After hearing Jiang Heng's request, he said he would deal with it and invited Jiang Heng to open a blog in Xinlang.

After Jiang Heng agreed, the person on the other side of the phone was so happy that he agreed again and promised to complete the "task".

Jiang Heng then made several more calls, some to the media and some to industry authorities.

The vast majority of them gave face, but there were also a few media who felt that "the sky is high and the emperor is far away". They felt that although Jiang Heng was famous and had a lot of money, he could not do anything to us. The perfunctory intention was very obvious.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Yifei saw that Jiang Heng's face was not very good, and hurriedly said: "Or, forget it, things have come to this point, it's already very good!"

Jiang Heng sneered, "That won't work. If the tiger doesn't show its power, do you think I'm a sick cat!"

The main reason is that Jiang Heng himself felt that he should make arrangements in the media, otherwise he would be too passive in any matter.

It's too early for short videos now, but Weibo can be made.

If you can get "Weibo" first, you will have a place in the public opinion market.

As for paper media, although it will decline in the next few years, it is still very prosperous at this time.

You can buy a few of them, one is to help you speak out, and the second is to lay the foundation for the future "media empire".

In addition to doing these, Jiang Heng also plans to speak publicly.

At the end of February, Jiang Heng and his team will fly to the United States to attend the Oscars. Before leaving, a large number of media reporters went to the airport for interviews.

In an interview, Jiang Heng publicly supported Liu Yifei and accused Song Zu of being immoral and wantonly spreading rumors and slandering others, which caused huge losses to the Pacific Rim 2 crew and Liu Yifei.

The crew and Liu Yifei will take legal action and claim at least 100 million yuan in economic compensation from her.

As soon as the news came out, the domestic entertainment industry was shocked!

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