Jiang Heng became famous at a young age, is handsome and rich, and is already the most popular person in the Chinese entertainment industry.

Coupled with the hot words "Oscar Awards", "Pacific Rim 2", and "Liu Yifei", it can be said that it instantly triggered public opinion.

The traffic was so huge and the topic was so topical that even the officials were caught off guard.

As if overnight, the entire Internet was filled with voices "crusading" Song Zude.

Various print media also followed the trend in reporting and criticized the "rumor-mongering" trend in the entertainment industry.

Song Zude was so frightened that he stood up and apologized.

Firstly, the momentum is too great and public anger is hard to offend. More importantly, there is a fear of "hundreds of millions of claims".

After all, Liu Yifei and her godfather Chen Jinfei had limited influence, and Song Zude was not afraid.

Jiang Heng, on the other hand, is the kind of person who has both money and influence.

If we really find ways to deal with him, I feel like I can't afford it.

In addition, someone warned that since Ma Liu stood up and apologized, his reputation would naturally be bad.

And Liu Yifei's fame skyrocketed again because of this incident.

The main reason is that the whole Internet is discussing her relationship with Jiang Heng. Why does Jiang Heng stand up for Liu Yifei? Is it really just because of the relationship with the heroine of "Pacific Rim 2"?

On the set of "Sword and Sword III", Yang Mi and Tang Yan were resting on their chairs in the rest area.

"Hey, didn't you go to the audition?"


"Why did you lose the election?"

Tang Yan looked confused, "I don't know either. I went to Director Jiang's office that day and he sent me back after the audition. Then I heard that Liu Yifei was chosen!"

Yang Mi suddenly sat up from her chair and said with a serious expression: "Tell me, they are not together anymore!"

Tang Yan shook his head slowly, his expression a little disappointed, "I don't know, maybe!"

Yang Mi analyzed, "If not, why did you suddenly choose her to stand up for her? It doesn't make sense!"

Tang Yan smiled miserably, "I don't know, they chose me, what can I say?"

Yang Mi sighed, "You two at least have a chance to be selected, I haven't even been considered!"

To be honest, she had been thinking about the heroine of "Pacific Rim 2" before, and she didn't know how Jiang Heng would choose.

After learning that Liu Yifei got the role and both Tang Yan and Jiang Heng went to audition, I was really disappointed.

She switched jobs from Rongxinda, so she naturally fell in love with the resources of Aiyouteng Pictures, but in the end, they were acquired by an outsider.

Seeing Yang Mi's depressed expression, Tang Yan tried to persuade her: "Actually, there are TV series being filmed now, which is great. You are still the heroine!"

Yang Mi shook her head, "How can a TV series be compared with a movie? You are too unambitious. You used to make special effects blockbusters, the kind that earned hundreds of millions of dollars worldwide! Now that you are filming a TV series, you don't feel so depressed and aggrieved. ?"

Tang Yan shook his head, "I don't think so! The hundreds of millions are not due to me, and the audience didn't come to the theater just to see me, just like coriander on fish...!"

When Yang Mi heard this, she slapped her forehead and felt that this girl had no ambition and ambition. She was just like a salted fish.

No, it’s more salty than salty fish!

"Let's forget about the heroine, Director Jiang?"

When Tang Yan heard this, his expression was sad. He thought for a while and said, "Dad told me that you can't be too greedy. Everything is the best arrangement!"

When Yang Mi heard this, she felt the urge to vomit blood.

"You, I'm convinced You!"

However, Jiang Heng's angry denunciation of "entertainment rumors" at the airport was not only widely reported in China, but also in Hollywood.

After all, it is during the Oscar Awards, and reports related to the nominees are more likely to attract attention, not to mention a popular contestant like Jiang Heng.

In a high-end restaurant, Amy Pascal, president of Columbia Pictures, picked up a glass of wine and said: "I never expected that Director Jiang can speak out for female artists. It's really amazing. I respect you!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "This is nothing, right?"

Pascal said: "You don't know that once women in the entertainment industry become popular or get promoted, they will inevitably attract a lot of negative news. In the past, no one would stand up and speak out for them!"

Jiang Heng smiled: "Aren't you sending lawyers' letters here?"

Pascal also laughed: "In the United States, it is not easy to litigate. It costs a lot of money. Often in the end, the lawsuit is over and a lot of lawyer fees have been spent, but no compensation has been received. So When encountering something like this, everyone has to weigh it first.

Having people like you publicly speaking out in support is truly an unimaginable blessing! "

Jiang Heng laughed, "I'm just doing my job!"

Pascal smiled, "Are you standing up for your girlfriend?"

Jiang Heng shook his head, "It's just a friendship!"

Pascal showed an "I understand" expression and said with a smile: "As long as she is qualified to be the heroine!"

Because the investment in "Pacific Rim 2" is huge this time, China Film can get a small amount of money. Therefore, this time it is a joint production of Aiyoutian, China Film and Columbia Pictures, and the investment amount of Columbia Pictures is not high. few.

Out of trust in Jiang Heng, Columbia Company followed its precedent and still took the money and other accounts and did not interfere in the preparation and production of the film.

Of course, we also have a certain right to make suggestions regarding the selection of actors.

But before they could even suggest it, two important female characters were cast aside by Jiang Heng.

The first girl is Liu Yifei, and the second girl is Megan Fox. Seeing that these two are really outstanding, Pascal has no choice but to admit it.

After chatting for a while, talking about the Oscars, Pascal said: "The hottest Oscars this year are Inception, Million Dollar Baby and The Aviator. Who do you think is the big winner?"

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "It's hard to say, but fortunately there will be a result tomorrow!"

The next day, the 77th Academy Awards ceremony was held at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood. Jiang Heng and the crew of Inception attended in full dress.

That night, Inception won a total of five awards, including Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Sound Effects, Best Sound Editing, and Best Visual Effects. It is the film with the most awards at this year's Oscars.

Million Dollar Baby and The Aviator both won four awards, of which the former won heavyweight awards such as "Best Picture", "Best Actress", and "Best Supporting Actor", which is slightly better.

The news spread back to China and once again triggered public opinion.

After all, Hollywood is in its heyday at the moment, and the Oscars are the goal of fifth-generation directors such as Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige.

These two failed to win the Oscar again and again, but Jiang Heng succeeded in one fell swoop. The contrast is too great.

In the crew of "Curse of the Golden Flower", director Zhang Yimou had a dark face all day long, and his expression was very scary.

Chen Kaige, who was originally staying in the United States to relax, became more depressed after hearing the news.

For the first time, I reflected on myself, did I make the movie too obscure?

Chen Hong was about to cry, saying that you are a genius, and ordinary people don’t understand your talent. You have to restrain your talent and tell stories in the language of movies that ordinary people can understand, so that they will think it’s good and think you are amazing!

Chen Kaige said: "That’s what I said, but if you want me to make a special effects blockbuster without any connotation, that is definitely impossible!"

Chen Hong suggested: "Just make a low-cost movie, let them see your talent, so as not to always spread rumors and slander you!"

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