The small cost of a big director is also relative.

Just like the small goal of "Wang the Richest Man", to make 100 million first.

Chen Kaige decided to return to China to shoot "Mei Lanfang", and the cost is tentatively set at 100 million.

After Jiang Heng received the Oscar, he prepared to return to China to shoot "Pacific Rim 2", and the cost is tentatively set at 120 million US dollars.

Yes, tentatively.

Considering the failure of the original film at the box office, Jiang Heng plans to make the special effects scenes better in this film.

Therefore, this time he plans to significantly increase the "nominal cost", and the initial idea is 200 million US dollars.

In short, it's okay as long as it doesn't lose money.

In fact, most of the Hollywood blockbusters with super high box office also invested huge production costs to make huge profits.

For example, "Titanic", which swept the world film scene in 1997, had a total investment of 200 million US dollars, which was an absolutely astronomical figure in the late 1990s.

There is also "Avatar", which broke the record of "big ship", costing 300 million US dollars.

Others, such as "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" and "Pirates of the Caribbean 3", are all blockbusters that cost 200 to 300 million US dollars.

Many of Jiang Heng's blockbusters are claimed to cost between 50 million and 100 million US dollars. In the eyes of Hollywood companies, they are almost falling into the ranks of "small and medium-cost". However, the special effects scenes are always above the standard. They subconsciously think that it is because of China's abundant human resources and low labor costs.

For example, the salary of Hollywood's first-line male stars is about 20 million US dollars.

And Wu Qizu, who Jiang Heng used, had a much lower salary because he had signed a "unit contract" in advance.

In addition, the female lead is mostly a newcomer, and the supporting roles are basically unknown.

In terms of actor pay, it is much lower than Hollywood movies.

In addition, Jiang Heng's "Good Time Special Effects Company" has now become the largest special effects company in Asia. It not only does a good job, but also has relatively cheap quotes.

Not only has it attracted customers from China, Japan, and South Korea, but even some Hollywood movies have cooperated with "Good Time Special Effects Company".

The Hollywood special effects company thought that "Good Times" was maliciously competing and squeezing workers' wages.

The actual situation is that the salary offered by "Good Times" is very competitive among all the "Internet giants".

The only reason why it can achieve "good quality and low price" and high employee income is that the boss did not make much money.

Jiang Heng gave up most of the profits of the special effects company and got a strong industry giant comparable to "Industrial Light and Magic" and "Weta Digital". The production cost of the film is relatively low, which is easier to explain.

But this time, he plans to play a big one.

The scene is upgraded, the special effects are upgraded, the investment is upgraded, the plot is upgraded, and Da Tiantian is not allowed to visit the set.

Well, the last one is just a thought, there is no suitable reason!

As a result, I ran into Da Tiantian just after leaving the airport.

"Why are you here?"

Jing Tian wore a gray woolen coat and a pair of black sunglasses, full of Hong Kong style.

"I'm here to pick you up!"

"Why are you picking me up?"

There were so many people at the airport that Jiang Heng was afraid of being watched, so he didn't dare to stop and strode forward.

Jing Tian followed behind him, took a few quick steps and said with a smile: "You are my leading actor!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "When did I agree to be your leading actor?"

Jing Tian was anxious, "Just a while ago, you said you wanted 100 million, I said yes, but I have to direct and act by myself, and then you agreed!"

"Did I agree?"

Jiang Heng paused, and Jing Tian, ​​who was following behind him, almost bumped into him.

"Of course, you are such a big director, you won't want to default on your debt, right?" Da Tiantian said angrily.

Jiang Heng smiled bitterly, he chatted with Jing Tian just to amuse the child, and didn't take the conversation between the two too seriously.

Besides, with a salary of 100 million, he didn't dare to be so extravagant even when shooting special effects blockbusters, "the rich and beautiful woman in the world" is so willful!

When filming "Warring States", 10 million made Sun Honglei faint. This money is enough to make him faint ten times!

"What script?"

"Hou Yi shoots the sun!"


Jiang Heng was stunned when he heard this and stopped instantly. Jing Tian didn't pay attention and bumped into him directly.

"Why do you stop when you say so!" Da Tiantian rubbed her nose.

"Sorry, I'll say hello in advance next time!"

Da Tiantian was puzzled: "Is there anything wrong?"

"Where did the script come from?"

"Someone serialized a novel online. I thought it was good, so I bought the copyright and asked someone to change it into a script."

Jiang Heng felt more and more wrong when he heard this.

"What is this novel about?"

"Of course it's the sad love story of Chang'e and Hou Yi. Hou Yi shot the sun for Chang'e!"

Jiang Heng didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard this, and then he realized that he was just overthinking. What else can a girl like Da Tiantian read besides love novels!

He immediately strode forward and said, "Read less romance novels in the future!"

"Hey, hey, you promised me!"

"I'm busy lately!"

Seeing this, Da Tiantian stopped chasing him and looked a little depressed.

Originally, she wanted to act in a sad and beautiful love movie with Jiang Heng, like "Titanic".

Unfortunately, she was ruthlessly rejected.

The female assistant next to her said, "Will Director Jiang think that you refused because you wanted to film Hou Yi?"

Jing Tian had already taken off his sunglasses, his eyes widened, "No, no way? Why?"

The assistant said, "I saw online that Director Jiang proposed a concept of a movie universe, and wanted to film all the characters in Chinese mythology into special effects blockbusters. Hou Yi must be in his plan?"

Jing Tian was startled and took a step back and said, "So that's what happened. I was scared to death. I thought he hated me!"

He turned his head and said pitifully, "Why didn't you remind me earlier?"

The assistant thought to himself, your expression at that time, how could you have thought about the opposite scene with Director Jiang, what should I say.

But he said, "I just thought of it too!"

Jing Tian exhaled, "Okay, if we don't want to shoot, then don't shoot. I'll find another script!"

Take two steps and look back, "What do you think of "My Beautiful Boss"?"

The assistant looked helpless, "It can only be made into an urban love movie. Are you sure you want to spend 100 million yuan to invite Director Jiang?"

"Yeah, what to shoot then? You can't shoot Journey to the West, right? I don't want to play the role of the Queen of the Kingdom of Women!"

The assistant said, "Why don't you have a good chat with Director Jiang and ask him what he wants to shoot? You pay for it and provide people, so he's getting a lot of benefits!"

Da Tiantian nodded, agreed with him, and said, "That makes sense!"

Take two steps and look back, "I just feel something is wrong!"

The assistant didn't dare to let him think about it, and hurriedly pushed Jing Tian and said, "Let's go, it's too late and maybe he won't have time to hear about this!"

Jing Tian nodded and hurriedly chased after him.

Arriving at the parking lot, I found Jiang Heng's car and went up to him with a "sweet smile". "Brother, you weren't angry just now, were you?"

"Why should I be angry?" Jiang Heng asked back.

"That's good, that's good!"

Jing Tian thought for a while and said, "I've thought about it. Instead of me randomly picking a script, why don't you pick one that you want to shoot but don't really want to shoot? What's the word chicken in the textbook?"

"Chicken ribs!"

"Yes, yes! It's what you think is chicken ribs, it's a pity to throw it away, and it's tasteless to eat it."

This time, Jiang Heng was surprised, "You still remember it?"

Da Tiantian looked proud, "I'm very smart!"

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