Jiang Heng thought about it carefully and thought it was a good idea.

Getting a salary of 100 million, directing and starring in a blockbuster with special effects that I don't think much about, and having such a beautiful heroine, it's not a loss no matter what.

Of course, the premise is that the young lady’s acting skills are up to par.

However, judging from Jing Tan's performance in "Journey to the West: Pingdingshan", he still has some talent.

In fact, in another time and space, Jingtan had such good resources but was not popular. This was largely due to route deviation and the strong promotion of resources, which caused a collapse in popularity among passers-by.

In the later self-media era, the audience discovered her many character strengths. When they saw her acting skills, the young lady was almost past her "flowering period". It can only be said that time is also destiny!

"Okay, I'll go back and think about it carefully, and I'll tell you a suitable script!"

"It's true, you're not fooling me, are you?"

"Definitely not!"

"That's good!"

The young lady smiled sweetly, and then asked about the Oscars like a curious baby.

Jiang Heng answered questions one after another and took a car to the downstairs of Aiyouteng Film Company.

There were already many people gathered in the square in front of the building, and there were many reporters around.

Jiang Heng returned home with great honor, which naturally attracted a lot of media.

Considering his huge influence, the industry department took the initiative to contact him, hoping that Jiang Heng would be interviewed somewhere else instead of being stuck in the airport.

Jiang Heng followed his good example and arranged the interview location in the square downstairs of the company. As a result, the place was crowded.

There was a temporary stage, a huge poster display board for "Inception", as well as a red carpet and banners.

Security personnel separated media reporters from the audience and barely maintained order.

And when Jiang Heng proudly got out of the car and walked onto the red carpet, the atmosphere at the scene reached its climax.

Amidst the sound of the salute, Jiang Heng came to the huge poster display board.

The person in charge of hosting is Tu Jingwei, a beautiful reporter from CCTV 6, "Hello, Director Jiang, congratulations on winning five Oscars: Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Sound Effects, Best Sound Effects Editing, and Best Visual Effects. At this time At this time, everyone came to the scene with great excitement. Can you say a few words to us? "

Jiang Heng took the microphone and said slowly: "Thank you to all friends from the media and friends from the audience to come here despite your busy schedule. I am really touched, because it is your continued support that makes me what I am today.

A few years ago, when I first came to the mainland market and wanted to make a blockbuster, someone once advised me that the film should try to cater to Western aesthetics, because the market is with them! The total box office for the whole year in the Mainland is not as much as any Hollywood blockbuster... "

Jiang Heng originally wanted to say that catering to the West would mean kneeling down and begging for food? Here’s a line from “Let the Bullets Fly.”

However, considering that domestic directors now attach great importance to Western awards, Jiang Heng swallowed his words to avoid making a lot of enemies inexplicably.

I just said something inspiring and arousing a sense of pride, and then I was interviewed by reporters.

The media reporters present were very excited and asked many questions.

Jing Tan, who quietly got out of the car and mingled with the audience, pretended to be an audience member and asked questions, but the microphone was not given to her.

Jiang Heng answered the question for nearly half an hour before leaving the event and entering Aiyouteng Film Company accompanied by a group of senior executives.

In the conference room, the executives could not suppress their joy, and they were all beaming.

Jiang Heng was in the office, chatting with Du Huan and Li Xiaoping about the major events that had happened in the company recently.

The most important thing is naturally the preparation for "Pacific Rim 2".

"Director Jiang, US$12 million from China Film Company has been deposited into the crew's account. Columbia Company has also sent us US$20 million, and the subsequent US$30 million will have to wait until halfway through the filming schedule. !" Du Huan reported.

Jiang Heng nodded. This time "Pacific Rim 2" is a joint production of three companies. China Film invested 10 million US dollars, Columbia 50 million US dollars, and the remaining 60 million US dollars were taken care of by Ayote Pictures.

With so many lines, it’s natural that they didn’t all come to the crew at once, so I have no objection to this.

"How's the progress with the props and models?"

Du Huan hurriedly said: "It has been produced according to the drawings you gave before leaving. It is now 80% complete. It will definitely not affect the start of shooting."

"Where's the hero?"

"According to your previous request, I have contacted those artists. They are all willing to appear and have a schedule, waiting for you to come back for the final audition."

Jiang Heng nodded, but there was nothing wrong with it.

After all, "Pacific Rim 2" is a movie about mechas fighting monsters. In comparison, the tall and powerful mechas and the huge and fierce monsters are the real protagonists. The importance of the human male and female protagonists is greatly increased. decline.

From the perspective of saving money, Jiang Heng naturally will not use Wu Yanzu, who is becoming more and more famous, and is just planning to find a popular niche actor in the mainland market who does not pay a high salary.

As for the female lead, Jiang Heng's scope of consideration was narrowed down to Liu Yifei and Tang Yan, and he decided on the role without much thought.

"Then, let them come to the company for an interview tomorrow!"


Jiang Heng turned to look at Li Xiaoping, "What's your problem over there?"

"Everything is going well here. Tang Ren's company's financial strength is a bit weak, but the filming is still good. "Sword and Sword III" is progressing very quickly, and Good Times also sent a 'visual effects director' to help design the actions from the perspective of special effects! "

"That's good, so there are no problems?"

"Well, I have an immature suggestion, I don't know whether I should say it or not!" Li Xiaoping hesitated.

"Then stop talking!" Jiang Heng said firmly.


Li Xiaoping was dumbfounded. Director Jiang didn't play by the rules!

"Speak up, or I'll be accused of being the only one who has the final say!" Jiang Heng smiled.

Li Xiaoping glanced at Du Huan before saying, "I saw the storyboard of Pacific Rim 2. The mecha in the film is still the old mechanical type. The film is set 20 years after the first film. Technology has advanced, right?"

Jiang Heng laughed after hearing this.

At present, the leadership of iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures has a relatively simple division of labor. Du Huan, the company's CEO, is in charge of the company's film, animation and peripheral development businesses. Li Xiaoping is in charge of TV drama production, brokerage, variety shows and other businesses.

However, Li Xiaoping is too ambitious. After the TV drama production got on track, she actually set her sights on the film industry.

This is not abrupt. After all, when she first arrived at the company, she served as the production director of the two sequels of The Matrix. It's not that she has no excuse to ask about Pacific Rim 2.

The problem is that her thoughts are still superficial.

There are several reasons why the box office of "Pacific Rim 2" in the previous life failed. The most important one is that for the sake of innovation, the heavy feeling of the mecha was lost.

In "Pacific Rim 1", the cockpit adopted the most direct mechanical linkage control method. The driver's body parts were closely connected with the mecha. Every move revealed a huge sense of resistance, making the mecha look very heavy.

In "Pacific Rim 2", the mechas all used magnetic levitation cockpits. The driver can make difficult movements at will. There is no sense of resistance and oppression of humans driving steel giants. It looks like Ultraman fighting monsters. It looks like a special drama. It would be strange if it didn't flop!

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