Because of the change of director, the shooting angle of the previous "Pacific Rim 2" was also very different from the previous one.

In "Pacific Rim 1", upward angles and close-ups are mostly used.

Like the dangerous wanderer who rescued the fishing boat, from the perspective of the fishing boat, a "giant hand from the sky" descended from the sky and lifted it up.

There is also a battle-damaged version of the Danger Wanderer that slowly walks from the sea to the shore. You can find that the entire screen cannot fit even half of the Wanderer's legs. Taking the two humans next to him as a reference, it perfectly embodies what an "Iron Giant" is.

But in "Ring 2", too many "head-up" and "big long shots" were used, as well as shots looking down from a distance from a helicopter, making the mecha look even smaller, and the sense of shock was gone.

Jiang Heng naturally wanted to learn from these lessons this time, firstly focusing on the plot, and secondly, working on the shocking visuals.

If you want the visual effects to be super igniting, you have to shoot super shocking mechas.

Considering the sentiment of the Chinese people and the box office issues, Jiang Heng plans to focus on building two mechas this time, one is the Chinese "Storm Red" (upgraded version), and the other is the American "Challenger" (the latest model).

In terms of height, the height of the two mechas increased from 79 meters and 76 meters to 109 and 107 meters respectively.

In terms of power, both are nuclear-powered mechas, and their main strengths are almost the same.

In terms of weapons, Baofeng Chihong has a weapon similar to the "Mo Dao", a level three monster like the "Sickle Head" in "Ring 1", which can kill a child with one knife.

Level 4 and 5 monsters would not be able to withstand being slashed multiple times.

Compared with the "Danger Wanderer" in the previous game, the strength of the "Challenger" has also been greatly improved.

In addition, the mecha strength levels of Russia, Japan, and Australia have improved to varying degrees.

It is just slightly inferior to that of China and the United States.

After all, there are more and more powerful monsters in this movie. If humans don't improve their strength, they will be beaten passively.

The real protagonist (mecha) has been designed, and all the models needed for filming have been completed. However, the nominal male protagonist of the film has not yet been decided.

Another day, a group of popular young actors in the Chinese entertainment industry came to Aiyouteng Pictures to audition.

There are Huang Xiaoming, Nie Yuan, Lu Yi, Hu Jian, Xie Tingfeng and others.

Some people in Xiangjiang recommended Teacher Chen, but Jiang Heng rejected him directly.

After the audition, Jiang Heng was optimistic about Huang Xiaoming and Xie Tingfeng, but it was still difficult to decide who to choose.

Unexpectedly, I received a call from Chen Daoming in the evening.

Jiang Heng couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. He and Chen Daoming had known each other when they were on the set of "Hero" and they had a good relationship.

Because they lived in the same capital, they were barely in the same circle, and they drank together at private gatherings.

But to say that this kind of thing has never happened before.

"Hello, Director Jiang, I know this call is too presumptuous. You must be wondering in your heart now, why is he looking for me? Is he trying to intercede for someone?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "It's a little bit, but I don't think it's the case for you!"

Chen Daoming smiled, "I really don't like to intercede with others. I am making this call today because I am entrusted by someone to give you a suggestion. It is up to you whether you want to listen or not. It is for reference only!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "You tell me!"

"Director Jiang, do you still remember the beating incident that happened on the set of "Xiao Yu'er and Hua Wu Que" last year?"

Jiang Heng was stunned when he heard this. He really knew about this. There was a huge uproar at that time.

The thing is very simple. Mainland actor Wang Bozhao plays the villain Jiang Biehe in the film. There is a scene in the film where Jiang Biehe is beaten violently by Xiao Yuer and Hua Wuque.

It turned out that Zhang Weijian and Xie Tingfeng came to the truth and punched and kicked Wang Bozhao into the hospital.

After medical examination, Wang Bozhao was seriously injured.

After the incident escalated, many mainland artists jointly spoke out, including Li Jiejian, Chen Daoming, Zhang Tielin, Wang Gang, Feng Xiaogang, Ge You, Chen Peisi, Six Teachers, Zhang Fengyi, Zhang Guoli, etc., all of whom signed their names and jointly spoke out.

The result is that since Zhang Weijian's incident, the "factuality" has been hidden, the resources in the mainland have been greatly reduced, and Xie Tingfeng has also been affected a lot. It can be seen that everyone is still very resistant.

"I do know about this, but I was busy filming at the time...!"

"I understand. Although Director Jiang is from Xiangjiang, he has always been facing the inland. It's just that he can't speak out!"

Jiang Heng said nothing, indeed a little embarrassed.

Chen Daoming continued: "I'm not the one who stirred up trouble, and I didn't know Wang Bozhao before, but that incident was really too much. So many people spoke out, and they reluctantly apologized. In the new year, Director Jiang was taken away If you’re the leading actor in a blockbuster movie…!”

Jiang Heng said hurriedly: "I understand, I may consider cooperating with him in the future, but not in a short time."

Chen Daoming smiled, "Director Jiang is a righteous man, and we all appreciate your kindness!"

Jiang Heng said hurriedly: "You're welcome, I'm doing my best!"

Chen Daoming: "Thank you very much. I'll treat you to a drink later. I have a few bottles of good wine at home. When you finish filming this movie, I'll call some good brothers to join you!"

"Sure, then it's settled!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Heng felt quite emotional. He had been so busy recently that he really forgot about it.

In fact, this kind of thing is very common. When Jet Li was filming "North and South Shaolin", a violent conflict broke out with Hong Kong director Liu Jialiang.

The most direct issue is the treatment. Mainland actors, whether they are the main characters or supporting roles, all have to work for three yuan a day, while Hong Kong workers are paid 150,000 yuan a month, and even those who play corpses are paid 50 yuan a day.

There are too many other issues, such as dietary issues and disrespect.

Jet Li almost retired from the film industry because of this play, and he and Liu Jialiang never had any contact, and he didn't even go to the funeral.

After the millennium, after the Hong Kong film and television circles moved north together, similar incidents emerged one after another.

"Wang Bozhao was beaten" should be the worst, so that many mainland film and television bigwigs who had little contact with him stood up to speak for him.

In this case, it is really difficult to use Xie Tingfeng.

The next day, Jiang Heng directly instructed his assistant to ask Huang Xiaoming to come to the company to sign a contract to play the male lead in "Pacific Rim 2".

Huang Xiaoming, who had just received the news, was really surprised and ecstatic.

It has been quite popular in the past two years, and there are many fans.

But it is basically in the TV drama circle, and there is no outstanding achievement in the film industry.

The biggest movie he has ever made is "The Banquet" directed by Feng Xiaogang. Not only does he have a small role in the movie, but the movie has not been released yet.

It can be said that he is a newcomer with no achievements in the Chinese film industry at the moment.

But now he has won the leading role in Jiang Heng's special effects blockbuster, which is simply a step up!

Although the main attraction of this movie is the mecha and monsters, and the shocking fighting scenes, the human male lead is just for the convenience of the audience, but after all, he is the male lead of a big production!

It can be said that Huang Xiaoming went to iQiyi and Tencent Pictures at the fastest speed and signed the contract for the male lead.

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