In a pub in Xiangjiang.

Xie Tingfeng and Zhang Weijian sat opposite each other and drank a lot.

"I thought you could star in a special effects blockbuster, but the leading actor who was sure to win the title was lost!" Zhang Weijian gloated.

Xie Tingfeng's face turned pale when he heard this, and he slammed the table with a bang, attracting the attention of people around him.

However, Xiangjiang is too small, and there are many stars coming out, so the residents are no longer surprised by the so-called "stars".

These two are not as popular as the "Four Heavenly Kings" and Zheng Yijian, and no one came forward to take pictures or ask for autographs.

Xie Tingfeng sighed, "Director Jiang is the same, how can he be on the side of the mainlanders?"

Zhang Weijian sneered, "You just saw it? Who in the circle doesn't scold him now...!"

Xie Tingfeng clenched his fists when he heard this, and wanted to scold him.

But he was afraid of being betrayed, so he held back.

Because the company's development positioning for him is to take over the role of "Wu Yizu" and cooperate with Jiang Heng.

His mother Deborah is of mixed blood and has Western features.

His father Xie Xian is also a handsome man, so his facial features are delicate and deep, very handsome, and his acting style is somewhat similar to Wu Aizu.

Now Wu Aizu has become a first-line star, the pay is expensive, and the audience is not fresh, so Jiang Heng will naturally not always use Wu Aizu to film.

Yang Shoucheng of England saw that the opportunity was rare, so he took Xie Tingfeng to visit Jiang Heng and called before the audition.

But because of such a thing, the good opportunity was ruined.

Both Yang Shoucheng and Xie Tingfeng found it difficult to accept.

When the news first came out, Yang Shoucheng was furious and scolded him.

Xie Tingfeng was even more angry, and called Zhang Weijian to complain together, so they came to drink together.

"Director Jiang said that there will be opportunities in the future!"

Zhang Weijian sneered, "Do you believe this? Is this your first day in the entertainment industry?"

Xie Tingfeng naturally didn't believe it, but he wanted Jiang Heng's resources!

It was as if there was a villain in his head, forcing him to believe it.

"The boss said so too. If I had known, I would not be so impulsive!"

Zhang Weijian still sneered. After all, he could not get Jiang Heng's resources, so what did it have to do with him.

Strangely enough, he had contacted Jiang Heng through his connections in the past two years and expressed his desire to sign with iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures.

Even if he did not act in movies, he could star in TV series.

As a result, Jiang Heng sent him away with a few perfunctory words.

He initially thought that Jiang Heng looked down on TV series, but now it seems that he clearly looked down on him!

Thinking of this, Zhang Weijian became more and more angry.

"I tell you, Jiang plays like this, always shooting special effects blockbusters, just like a gambler who plays all in, there will always be a loss. He only needs to lose two or three times, and he will basically be useless, so he doesn't need to be so crazy!"

Xie Tingfeng couldn't help but look forward to it after hearing this.

The main reason is that the paparazzi in Hong Kong are omnipresent. They had dug up the "inside story" of him losing the male lead of "Pacific Rim 2" and reported it extensively, which made him lose face.

If he hadn't still had some thoughts about Jiang Heng's resources, he would have cursed him long ago!

"This is really exciting. He has won so many times, he should lose once, right? He should let others win once, right?" Xie Tingfeng murmured.


In Beijing, at the press conference of the new film "Pacific Rim 2", Jiang Heng, Huang Xiaoming, Liu Yifei, Megan Fox, Gao Yuanyuan, and many Hollywood 18th-line artists appeared in front of media reporters.

Because the male, female and director have been in the hot news recently, more than 600 media came to the scene.

During the interview, these people first chased Jiang Heng to ask questions, asking whether the global box office of this film is expected to exceed 1 billion US dollars.

Jiang Heng naturally answered yes. At this time, you have to say yes whether there is any information.

If you don't have confidence yourself, the audience will think that your film is not good.

Afterwards, the reporters asked Liu Yifei about her relationship and whether she had someone she liked.

Liu Yifei said yes, and the reporter asked if she was at the scene.

Liu Yifei said yes, but when the reporters asked who it was, she stopped answering.

Megan Fox, on the other hand, was very bold in answering during the interview, saying that the reason why she was willing to participate in this movie and came to China across the ocean was not for the pay, but for Jiang Heng.

Before filming "Inception", she was just an inconspicuous actress in Hollywood, and it was Jiang Heng's choice that changed her life.

But during the filming of the movie, she was still just a small role and didn't dare to express anything.

Now, she can speak out her feelings loudly.

"Thank you, Director Jiang, I will be grateful for your kindness to me all my life!"

Megan Fox said, and then she went forward to hug Jiang Heng.

The latter was shocked by this sudden "confession", and the media present were ecstatic, and their cameras kept shooting.

Especially the male reporters, they were envious and jealous.

Many people were attracted by Megan's character when watching "Inception" because they liked her figure too much.

Now, such a beautiful beauty "confessed" to Jiang Heng on the spot, which really attracted the hatred of otakus.

Fortunately, there should be no otakus among the reporters, otherwise it would be hard to say what would happen.

At the scene, Liu Yifei was a little dumbfounded. She didn't expect Megan to be so unethical and actually do such a thing, which made the effect of her previous implicit hints disappear, and she was in a daze.

"The person you just mentioned is Director Jiang, right?"

After the press conference, the crew arranged a dinner.

Liu Yifei sat in the banquet hall in a daze, then got up to go to the bathroom. When she came out, she saw Huang Xiaoming standing not far away.

Just as she was about to say hello, the other party blurted out this sentence.

Liu Yifei suddenly felt shy and said "hmm" in a mosquito-like voice.

Huang Xiaoming said: "If you have that idea, you have to express it to Director Jiang!"


Liu Yifei looked up, not knowing what to say. She felt that she had done enough.

Huang Xiaoming said: "I'm not afraid that Director Jiang will misunderstand, because I knew you liked him from the beginning. It's just that you have seen the current situation. That American girl is more open than Chinese girls, and her figure is so good. This time she came specifically for Director Jiang. I don't think he can resist for a few days!"

"Will he?"

Liu Yifei's expression was gloomy. It's not that she is slow to warm up, but after all, she is a girl. She can't say things that are too proactive, and she can't do things that are too proactive!

Huang Xiaoming said, "I'm advising you from a friend's perspective. Don't regret it in the future!" Then he turned into the men's restroom.

Liu Yifei sighed, and wanted to find a best friend to talk to more.

It's a pity that she doesn't have many friends. She has been close to Jing Tian for the past year, but they have become estranged recently.

As a result, when she returned to the banquet hall, she saw Megan Fox holding Jiang Heng's arm, behaving intimately, like a girlfriend, and became more depressed.

"Director Jiang!"

"Come here?"

When Jiang Heng saw Liu Yifei coming, he wanted to take Megan's hand away, but she hugged him tighter, so Jiang Heng gave up the idea of ​​"tearing it off".

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