Jiang Heng was still a little tempted by Da Tiantian's proposal, but he hadn't thought of a suitable script yet.

There is a very good film called "The Origin of the White Snake". The problem is that it is only 2005, so it would be a pity to release it now. The other themes seem not suitable.

"A Chinese Ghost Story" is too classic, and its remake will easily attract criticism, and with Da Tiantian's acting skills, I'm afraid she won't be able to play Nie Xiaoqian.

"Painted Skin" is also okay, but I heard that Shanghai Film, Ningxia Film and other companies are already preparing for this project.

The male protagonist found Chen Kun, and the special effects team was planning to cooperate with Good Time Company. Someone had been sent over to negotiate, and Jiang Heng definitely couldn't cut off Hu anymore.

Well, forget it about "Big Fish and Begonia". I can't appreciate the concept of love in it.

Considering Jiang Heng's age and experience, he no longer believed in love.

I haven't decided on a girlfriend for a long time because I was hurt too deeply in my previous life.

An actor who had been living in Hong Kong for more than ten years and still had no money came to Beijing to work as a "Beijing drifter" after 2010. You can imagine the sadness.

However, I have a very strong girlfriend, who is prone to all sorts of PUAs, and my life can only be described as suffocating.

What puzzled him the most was that when they first met, she was a cute girl who looked "well-behaved" and "cute", but after they got together, she transformed into a "tyrannosaurus" and a "tiger" at every turn. It was also quite magical.

Of course, with his current mentality, status, and wealth, he will definitely not be suppressed by women anymore, but he really no longer expects love.

After thinking about it, Jiang Heng felt that "Zhu Xian" was more suitable.

Jing Tan seems to be able to play Baguio!

"Well, after thinking about it, it seems that I can film "Zhu Xian"!"

Jing Tian was stunned when he heard this, then his eyes lit up and he said loudly: "I want to play Baguio!"

This time, Jiang Heng was stunned, and he actually coincided with him.


"Because Baguio loves Zhang Xiaofan very much and would die for him!"

"That's it?"

"Yes, doesn't love mean that you are willing to sacrifice everything for the other person, even at the expense of your own life?"

The boss with Tiantian eyes widened said matter-of-factly.

When Jiang Heng heard this, his eyes suddenly felt sore and he felt like crying.

Because later "love" means owning a house and a car, a bride price of 388,000 yuan, and 70% of the child belongs to someone else!

I've heard a lot about "requesting" love, but at first I was a little uncomfortable with this "giving" type.

"Well, originally, I was thinking of waiting for you to go to Beijing Film Academy for two years to hone your acting skills before making a movie. But judging from your determination now, it seems that there will be no problem."

Da Tiantian said: "Of course, if you want me to play anything else, then I really can't do it. But if you want to play love, it's definitely no problem, because it's my true character!"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng couldn't bear it.

He hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, I understand. You can go back first and I will change the script!"

Da Tiantian was a little disappointed, but when she thought that Jiang Heng agreed to let her play Baguio, she felt happy again.

"Then, when will it be possible to start filming, so I can save my schedule!"

Jiang Heng was speechless, "You wander around all day, save your schedule!"

Da Tiantian laughed and left happily.

Whenever I met an employee of Aiyouteng Pictures along the way, he greeted them warmly, which shocked these people.

Everyone was muttering behind their backs, what happened? Could it be that in a short while, I became the boss’s wife?

As a result, not long after Jing Tan left, several milk tea shops downstairs in the company successively delivered hundreds of milk teas, saying that they were ordered by a girl who called herself "Da Tiantian". Each milk tea had extra sugar added to make everyone feel it. to "sweet".

In the office, Jiang Heng looked at the large cup of milk tea brought by his assistant with doubtful eyes.

"Did Jingtian buy this again?"

"Yes, Miss Jing bought milk tea for everyone in the company. This is a note for you!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Jiang Heng took a look at the milk tea, shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "Girl, oh, this is too sweet, how much sugar was added!"

Jiang Heng didn't give up on desserts and drinks, but he thought the milk tea was a bit too sweet.

I took a sip, put it down, and continued writing the script.

It is said that there was a version of "Zhu Xian" in the previous life, directed by the famous martial arts instructor Cheng Xiaodong, but it was a pity that the film was too bad.

When it was first released, the Douban score was over 6, but later it dropped to over 4.

Speaking of Cheng Xiaodong, he is very good as a martial arts instructor, but his skills as a director are indeed inferior.

I really don’t know what the investors were thinking and asked him to direct this film.

Perhaps the film was planned as a martial arts film when the project was first established, and the priority was definitely to find a director in Hong Kong.

However, many of the previous martial arts film directors were either old or no longer active, so they gave the opportunity to Cheng Xiaodong, a martial arts director.

Thinking that he has participated in the production of so many classic martial arts films, he must be better than the directors here in mainland China, but the result is a mess.

Therefore, Jiang Heng was completely unable to get his script and had to rewrite it.

After working for more than two hours, I got up to move around and started thinking about the actor again.

Nowadays, Jiang Heng is not as afraid to spend money when making movies as he used to be. It’s okay for actors to be more expensive.

It's a pity that Jiang Heng has never felt much about the actresses who are active in the mainland film industry.

After much deliberation, I decided to use Tang Yan.

After all, when filming "Pacific Rim 2", Jiang Heng preferred to use Tang Yan. As a result, Liu Yifei was rumored by Song Zude.

Liu Yifei has already starred in "Pacific Rim 2". If she is asked to play in "Zhu Xian" again, I am afraid that the company's contracted artists will not say it, but they will be very dissatisfied in their hearts.

It is really unreasonable not to promote their own artists with such good resources.

Among the three 85 flower actresses signed to iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures, Tang Yan, Yang Mi, and Zhao Liying, it seems that Tang Yan is more suitable for the role of Lu Xueqi.

Speaking of which, Tang Yan has a certain connection with this role.

Originally, Ren Xianqi filmed the MV "Zhu Xian I'm Back" in 2007, in which Tang Yan played Lu Xueqi.

Because it was an MV, the production was not very sophisticated, and the makeup at that time was also average, but the eyes were still very sharp, quite like Lu Xueqi's cold style.

Jiang Heng thought about it and immediately called Tang Yan.

She was strolling in the mall at this time. After the filming of "Chinese Paladin III", a crew came to find her.

It's just that Tang Yan has never been very ambitious. Besides, after missing out on the role of the heroine in Pacific Rim 2, she had a feeling that Jiang Heng would let her star in a movie one day.

So she wasn't very keen on filming a TV series.

Yang Mi, on the other hand, was very hardworking. After filming Chinese Paladin III, she quickly joined other crews, so she didn't even have time to go shopping with her.

Suddenly, she heard her cell phone ring, and she took it out and took a look.

Seeing that it was Jiang Heng's cell phone number, Tang Yan lost her leisure in an instant.

"Hello, Director Jiang, are you looking for me?"

"Well, where am I?"

"I'm at Guomao!"

"You come to the company... Forget it, I'll go find you!"

Jiang Heng looked at his watch and realized that it was already noon, so they could go out for lunch together.

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