China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 221 Tang Yan's Lu Xueqi

Tang Yan heard and reported her approximate location.

After hanging up the phone, she went to the bathroom to touch up her makeup.

She looked at her current outfit in the mirror and thought it was pretty good, so she gave up the idea of ​​buying a set now.

After walking around for about 20 minutes, she finally saw Jiang Heng.

"Second brother, I'm here!"

Because they were outside, in order to avoid being recognized by fans and causing trouble, Jiang Heng wore sunglasses. Tang Yan was also very smart not to call Jiang Director, and still called him second brother as in "Splitting the Mountain to Save the Mother".

She walked up and smiled sweetly, "Why are you here? Aren't you very busy recently?"

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "Even if you are busy, you have to come out to eat. I haven't eaten together for a long time, so I'll treat you to a meal!"

Tang Yan was very happy to hear this, and took Jiang Heng's arm, just like in "Splitting the Mountain to Save the Mother", and said happily: "I knew that the second brother treats me the best!"

Jiang Heng also felt inexplicably kind when he heard this.

He is an only child and has no brothers or sisters. Tang Yan always calls him the second brother, which really makes him feel like a brother.

"Well, let's go buy some things, so that you won't say that I am stingy as a brother behind your back!"


Tang Yan was stunned and said hurriedly: "No, the second brother has taken good care of me!"

Jiang Heng said: "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up, what stores do you like to go to, Chanel, Dior?"

Seeing Jiang Heng's face, Tang Yan hurriedly said: "Those are too expensive, I go...!"

"Forget it, I'll take you!" Jiang Heng said, striding forward.

Tang Yan hesitated and said: "That's too extravagant, it's not good!"

Jiang Heng said: "I came here today to tell you about the new film. You must act well and don't disappoint my expectations of you. These are the rewards in advance!"

After that, he led Tang Yan into a luxury store, and the latter's head was still in a confused state.

Thinking in my heart, new movie?

My second brother really let me star in a new movie, haha, I knew she had me in her heart!

Tang Yan was so excited when she heard this that she wanted to call her mother to tell her the good news immediately.

But now that she is in a luxury store, she should deal with the present. Well, I still don’t want too much, otherwise how can I pay it back in the future!

Unexpectedly, although Jiang Heng rarely goes shopping and doesn’t pay much attention to fashion, the clothes and bags he chooses are very suitable for her.

It seems that each one is tailor-made, very beautiful.

Tang Yan likes it very much, but when she sees the price tag, she can’t help but secretly smack her tongue. It’s too expensive and it’s difficult to make a decision for a while.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng directly said to the shopping guide, "Pack all the ones I just chose!"

Tang Yan hurriedly said: "No, no, I choose...!"

She originally had some choice difficulties, and at this moment, how could she choose, she looked like she was about to cry.

The pretty saleswoman said, "Your boyfriend is really good at choosing. Every piece he picked is so suitable for you. You should take them all!"

Tang Yan felt sweet at the words and glanced at Jiang Heng beside him, "Then...!"

Jiang Heng had handed over the bank card and paid the bill.

After the two came out, Tang Yan couldn't help but say, "It's really too much for you to spend so much!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "I can't let you call me second brother for nothing. Take it!"

"Then I will, thank you second brother!"

Tang Yan finally accepted it with a clear conscience, and couldn't help but say, "How can your taste be so good? I have to try several pieces before I can choose one I like, but every piece you picked is my favorite. This is amazing!"

Jiang Heng laughed and thought that the "super microcomputer" can directly deduce the effect after you try it on, so of course I know how to match it to look better.

But he said: "Maybe, this is talent!"

Tang Yan nodded, "Really, I feel that the costumes, props, and composition designed by my second brother are so beautiful when filming. They always say that Zhang Yimou's composition is good, but I think my second brother's is better!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "Do you really think so?"

"Of course, and I think Director Zhang can't tell a good story..."

Tang Yan lowered his voice when he said this, "So everyone thinks his film has a good composition. But the film shot by my second brother, the composition and exquisite costumes are only one of the advantages, so everyone doesn't think so, just think the visual effects of the film are shocking!"

Jiang Heng heard this and said happily: "I am very pleased to hear you say that, what do you want to eat?"

"Well, anything is fine, pick what I like!"

Jiang Heng chose a high-end restaurant on the top floor of the China World Trade Center, and went to the restaurant after sending the clothes he bought to the car.

After sitting down and ordering the dishes, Jiang Heng said that the movie he was going to shoot was "Zhu Xian", and the role he invited Tang Yan to play was Lu Xueqi.


Tang Yan was very happy to hear that. She was an only child in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, and a good girl. If she really wanted to play a "jumpy" role like Bi Yao, she would be somewhat restrained. The role of Lu Xueqi was just what she wanted.

"Thank you, second brother. I will definitely try my best to play it well!"

"I believe you, just do my best, and don't have too much pressure."

Tang Yan smiled sweetly, "I know, brother will explain the play to me!"

Tang Yan really admired Jiang Heng, because when she was filming "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother", she had no acting experience and could not talk about any acting skills, but Jiang Heng could tell her how to act with words and actions that she understood.

At first, she foolishly thought that all directors were like this.

Later, when she went to film in other crews, she realized how big the gap between directors was.

Not every director has the skill of Jiang Heng.

After the two of them had dinner, Tang Yan went home without mentioning it, but said that Jiang Heng went back to continue to revise the script.

He made a few phone calls from time to time to confirm the cast.

Because it had been agreed long ago that he would play a love scene with Da Tiantian, Jiang Heng was going to play Zhang Xiaofan in the film himself.

Another handsome guy, Lin Jingyu, was going to be played by Han Tong, but he was not in a hurry to notify.

When he was about to get off work, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Jiang Heng picked it up and saw that it was from Han Sanping.

"You are going to shoot a new film again?" Han Sanping said in a surprised tone.

"Oh, I just had this idea, and the script hasn't been written yet!"

Han Sanping said: "Really? But the news has spread, saying that you are going to cooperate with Xinghan Canlan Films, and the heroine is Jing Tian?"

Jiang Heng laughed, "They spread it quickly!"

Hearing the news was confirmed, Han Sanping sighed subconsciously.

Over the years, from the initial Beijing Film Academy to the current China Film, it is the only film and television company that Jiang Heng has cooperated with in the mainland.

Now, Jiang Heng quietly cooperated with another film and television company, which made him feel abandoned.

Of course, Jiang Heng has the right to cooperate with any film and television company, but it happened suddenly, which made him feel a little disappointed.

"Then, does China Film have a chance to participate?"

"Of course!" Jiang Heng said with a smile: "I shoot big movies, and I can't afford to invest alone. If I lose money, it will be miserable!"

Han Sanping smiled: "Your novel "Zhu Xian" is so popular, so good, and very suitable for adaptation into a special effects blockbuster, how can I lose money!

As long as I can participate in the investment, it's fine. It's still the old rules. I only take the money here, cooperate with production and distribution, and you are responsible for the rest!"

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