China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 223 Director Jiang is floating

Liu Weiqiang is best known as "Young and Dangerous". When the Hong Kong film market was declining, he produced six "Young and Dangerous" series of movies, plus a prequel.

The original cast of "Young and Dangerous" was also used to film "The Storm". The film has a total of 550 special effects shots and lasts for 40 minutes. The effects presented are significantly improved compared to previous Jianghu struggle films. , this film was also called "a new stage of martial arts films" by Xiangjiang film critics.

It's a pity that the budget was severely cut when filming "Heroes of China", and the popular king Aaron Kwok was missing. In addition, Hong Kong encountered a financial crisis, and the box office was not very satisfactory. Liu Weiqiang's special effects movies stopped there.

Although Jiang Heng has set a successful example in the past two years, there are also lessons learned from Chen Kaicheng's mistakes.

No matter in Xiangjiang or the Mainland, there are still very few people who dare to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in special effects blockbusters, and naturally it is not Liu Weiqiang's turn.

However, he is not idle either and is still active in the film market.

The "Infernal Affairs" trilogy produced by Hong Kong Utop Pictures was co-directed by Liu Weiqiang and Mak Zhaohui.

He also filmed "Initial D" and directed the Korean movie "Daisy", both of which achieved good box office and response.

At this moment, he was on the set of "Daisy", watching Jeon Ji-hyun's performance through the monitor.

Suddenly I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I took it out and looked at it. It was Wang Jing calling.

In 1995, he co-founded "Best Partner Film Production Company" with Wang Jing and Wen Ruo, and was regarded as a partner.

I expected that when Wang Jing called me, it must be something important, but I decided to wait until the scene was finished before returning the call.

After the call, I found out that Chen Guofu, who was originally in Colombia, approached him and asked him to direct a hugely invested special effects blockbuster.

Wang Jing said in a rather envious tone: "There are many rich big bosses in the mainland now, and they may be able to attract tens of millions of dollars in investment for you. If you can surpass Jiang Heng in one go, that will be awesome!"

Liu Weiqiang said: "How is it possible? I dare not even think about it!"

When I called Chen Guofu, the latter said that Huayi was planning to cooperate with several film and television companies to jointly produce "The Legend of the Gods" with an investment of US$100 million. The goal was to surpass Jiang Heng and he wanted to direct it.

When Liu Weiqiang heard this, his breathing stagnated and he became nervous instantly.

One hundred million US dollars, eight hundred million yuan!

If he really had that much money, he might not be able to make special effects blockbusters comparable to Jiang Heng's works. After all, with the example of "The Storm" before him, Liu Weiqiang is still confident.

He immediately expressed his willingness to accept Huayi Company's invitation.

It's just that the Korean movie "Daisy" is currently being shot intensively, and it will take more than a month to complete at the earliest.

Chen Guofu said there was no problem. He and Wang Zhonglei would go to South Korea in person in a few days.

A few days later, Wang Zhonglei, Chen Guofu, as well as representatives from several major mainland companies such as Shanghai Film and Ningxia Pictures, went to South Korea to discuss the project of "Feng Shen Bang" with Liu Weiqiang and quickly reached an agreement.

After returning to China, Huayi Company held a press conference in early September and announced that it would invest 100 million US dollars in the filming of "Feng Shen Bang" and asked Liu Weiqiang to direct the film. It is expected that the domestic box office will be 600 million US dollars and the global box office will be at least 300 million US dollars.

As soon as the news came out, it shocked the Chinese film industry.

Major media outlets reported on it one after another, and countless reporters called Aiyouteng Pictures, wanting to interview Jiang Heng and ask him what he thought.

In the office, Jiang Heng looked at Du Huan and Li Xiaoping in front of him, "Why do you come to ask me?"

"Uh, haven't you already included Fengshen Bang in your shooting plan?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "The Investiture of the Gods belongs to the Chinese people, and it is not my exclusive copyrighted work. Of course, whoever wants to take pictures can take pictures!"

"But, they filmed before us, and the investment was so huge?"

Du Huan wanted to say, what if they shoot well and the audience doesn't recognize us in the future?

Jiang Heng understood what he was thinking and said calmly: "Then it depends on their shooting effect. If it is average, don't bother. If the shooting is really good, at worst, when we shoot, the special effects will be upgraded, and the shooting will cost 300 million to 500 million US dollars." When it comes out, the visual effect will definitely be different!”

Li Xiaoping clicked her tongue when she heard this, "Three to five hundred million US dollars? This, this is too risky, Director Jiang. The company is about to go public. Such a large investment will definitely affect the stock issuance!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, you can invest in the name of Xiangjiang Youteng Pictures!"

Du Huan and Li Xiaoping looked at each other in shock when they heard this, and for a moment they didn't know how to dissuade them.

An investment of 300 to 500 million U.S. dollars, how much box office can we get back the investment?

Although you may not necessarily lose money, the risk is simply too great.

But thinking about Jiang Heng's strength, if he really spent 300 million US dollars to make a movie, how good the effect would be, Li Xiaoping couldn't help but think about it.

Du Huan is more realistic, "It shouldn't be that bad. Chen Kaicheng has failed, and Zhang Yimou and Feng Xiaogang's blockbusters are not very good. Liu Weiqiang can be successful without it, and it won't necessarily affect our shooting plan." "

Jiang Heng said with a smile: "So, there is no need to worry unfounded, just do the things in front of you. How are the preparations for "Zhu Xian"?"

Du Huan said: "The costumes and props have been made according to your requirements. The filming location in Hengdian is also ready. The actors are here and filming can start immediately!"

"Okay, let's just get together in Hengdian and hold a new film press conference there. Anyway, all the major media will definitely be here at this time!"

After the small meeting, Du Huan and Li Xiaoping left Jiang Heng's office together. They looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

Du Huan said: "Want to sit in my office for a while?"


When they arrived at Du Huan's office, Li Xiaoping sat down, sighed and said, "Tell me, Director Jiang is a bit...!"


Li Xiaoping nodded, "There are more and more good movies in the mainland market. It's difficult for one director Jiang's movies to dominate. It would be good if the new movie could have a box office of 600 to 700 million. The overseas market is changing, and there are too many factors that can affect us." If you accidentally lose money, it’s not a movie’s fault!”

Du Huan nodded, "Once the brand is destroyed, the audience will no longer believe in the quality of Director Jiang's films as they did before. The impact is really huge!"

"Advice again?"

Du Huan smiled bitterly, "Do you think Director Jiang is someone who listens to advice?"

Li Xiaoping was speechless, "What should we do?"

"Just take it one step at a time. Apart from believing in his strength, is there any other choice now?"

Li Xiaoping said: "Let's see how Liu Weiqiang's "The Legend of the Gods" turns out. If it turns out really well and Director Jiang insists on increasing investment, I will definitely stop him!"

Du Huan smiled bitterly and said nothing. He actually wanted to stop him, but he was afraid that Jiang Heng would fire him in anger, so he called Li Xiaoping.

Three to five hundred million US dollars, what should I do if I lose it?

Besides, how can you guarantee that audiences in the European and American markets will definitely go see it?

Just based on the current movie content and technology, it may be a bit difficult!

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