Hengdian, the new film press conference of "Zhu Xian".

Qian Xiaohao sat in the lounge, his legs shaking slightly involuntarily.

He was really a little nervous. Since 2000, he has gradually started working behind the scenes.

He has acted in a play. In 2002, he played the Green Robe Patriarch in the TV series "New Shushan Swordsman", and his role ranked third among male actors.

Compared with the treatment when he was in the limelight before, it was simply extremely miserable.

But he is talented after all. Although he only got the outline of the emotional scenes, he and Bao Yilin, who played Yu Yingnan, worked out a "Green Ying Love", which made countless audiences still miss Green Robe and Yu Yingnan many years later.

But these did not help Qian Xiaohao's current situation. He still didn't have much to do.

But when he was frustrated and depressed, he suddenly received an invitation from Jiang Heng to play the villain, the leader of the Ghost King Sect in "Zhu Xian".

The moment he got the news, he couldn't believe his ears and fell into a state of ecstasy.

Playing a villain?

He is so experienced!

He must play this role well no matter what. If he can become popular again, at least he can make a living in the mainland!

After all, the consumption in Hong Kong is too high. If you live off your savings, you really can't afford it!

"Teacher Qian, the event is about to start. Please move to the east side of the stage outside to wait!" The staff came over and said.

Qian Xiaohao quickly stood up, bowed slightly, said thank you, and then went outside.

Zhao Wenzhuo also walked out one after another. He played the monk Zhipu in this play. He didn't have many scenes and could only be regarded as a guest appearance.

Speaking of which, this is not the first time he has worked with Jiang Heng. In the previous "Lion Camel Ridge", he played the strongest villain Jin Chi Dapeng.

Unfortunately, the main selling point of the film is the special effects scene. Jin Chi Dapeng didn't appear for a long time, and there was a difference between the human form and the prototype.

The audience was mostly amazed by the shocking scene when the Golden Winged Dapeng turned into its original form, and had little feeling for the "human form" played by Zhao Wenzhuo.

Therefore, the performance experience of "Lion Camel Ridge" did not help his career development much.

In recent years, resources have become increasingly scarce, and most of the time he has been shooting TV series. If there is a movie to act in, he is willing to come to guest star.

Other actors include He Zhonghua who plays Taoist Master Daoxuan, Jiao Xinjun who plays Wan Jianyi, Wang Gang who plays Tian Buyi, Yu Feihong who plays Su Ru, and Xie Junhao who plays Mr. Ghost.

They are all old actors who are well-known to the audience and have good acting skills, which makes the ordinary audience who come to watch the excitement look forward to it.

"Jiao Xinjun, he is so handsome as Erlang Shen, I don't know what he is acting here!" Some audience members muttered.

"Director Jiang's young Yang Jian is also very handsome, but doesn't he look better than Lin Jingyu when he plays Zhang Xiaofan?"

"Yes, Director Jiang, Zhang Xiaofan is still disliked, which is unacceptable!"

"Who is that woman? She looks pretty?"

"What's her name? Tian, ​​the one who played the female demon in the previous "Pingdingshan"!"

"Didn't you watch "Dafeng Night Watchman"? She played Princess Lin'an in it!"

"Wow, she looks so white!"

"Why is there no Liu Yifei? I think she is more suitable!"

The audience at the scene talked a lot, and the reporters kept taking pictures.

When it came to the interview, a reporter asked Jiang Heng what he thought of "Investiture of the Gods" being prepared by Huayi Company?

Jiang Heng said that "Investiture of the Gods" belongs to the Chinese people and anyone can shoot it. He also hopes that more companies will participate in the shooting of special effects blockbusters to prosper the entire Chinese-language film market.

The reporter wanted to ask more, but Jiang Heng stopped answering his question.

"Director Jiang, the book "Zhu Xian" you wrote is praised as the martial arts bible of the post-Jin Yong era. The whole book has a grand content and many characters. If it is expressed in a movie, will it be like "The Legend of Zu Mountain", where every detail is not explained clearly, leaving the audience who have not read the original book confused?" A female reporter with a queen-like style asked.

Jiang Heng smiled. "The Legend of Zu Mountain" is to Xu Ke like "The Promise" is to Chen Kaige. It has been so many years, and it is still mentioned as a negative example!

"Definitely not, the story, main line, and artistic conception of "Zhu Xian" are all in my mind. I have already prepared a draft in my mind on how to condense and delete it in the form of a movie. After all, at the beginning, the story I thought of was very simple. I only realized as I was writing, why did so many people come out?"

There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and even the female reporter who asked a little harsh questions laughed. She looked at Jiang Heng with admiration and a little regret.

I thought I could attract the attention of this man, but what a pity!

At the press conference, questions continued.

What the reporters were most curious about was, of course, the two young beauties present. Who would play Lu Xueqi and who would play Bi Yao?

After learning about the role assignment, while taking photos, they were already thinking about how to write the press release.

They also asked questions to all the veteran actors present.

After the press conference, as usual, the main cast and crew of the crew had a dinner together, and the next day the official shooting began.

For this movie, Jiang Heng plans to adopt a shooting method that combines real scenes with special effects.

In Hengdian, the main scenes are shot indoors and in Heyang City.

In addition, a green screen studio will be built here to shoot some special effects shots.

Then they will go to Zhangjiajie to shoot. The scenery there is majestic, beautiful, and misty, and it is extremely magnificent. It is simply a real version of the Qingyun world.

If the scenery is slightly changed with special effects, Zhangjiajie will definitely become famous.

In addition, they will also go to Nanxi River in Yongjia, Laojun Mountain in Henan, Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake in Yunnan, and Longhu Mountain in Jiangxi.

There is a village at the foot of Longhu Mountain, which looks very much like Caomiao Village at the foot of Qingyun Mountain.

After the official start of filming, the crew first filmed the indoor scenes.

Because most of the main creators are veteran actors, and Jiang Heng's storyboard script is relatively detailed, the filming can be described as lightning fast.

It's just that when it comes to Tang Yan's scenes, the speed will slow down a little bit, after all, she has learned it in the Central Academy of Drama.

When it comes to Jing Tian, ​​it's not just a little bit slower.

The biggest problem is that she has not systematically learned acting. Although she had a little experience in "Journey to the West: Pingdingshan", she has forgotten it all now, and Jiang Heng has to explain the play to her and demonstrate it bit by bit.

Fortunately, Da Tiantian is very humble and polite, and she has a little talent in acting. The performance effect is not bad, except that it's a little slow.

So, the shooting scenes of the crew are more funny.

Often, many people gathered with coffee cups and tea cups to watch Jiang Heng directing and Jing Tian acting.

Teacher Wang Gang held a tea cup, drank a sip, looked at Jiang Heng and Jing Tian in the venue, and smiled at Zhao Wenzhuo beside him: "Director Jiang is really patient. Not to mention that this girl has some talent, even if she is replaced by someone who knows nothing, after being trained by Director Jiang, she can also get a nomination for the leading actress!"

Zhao Wenzhuo said enviously: "No, no!"

In fact, when he debuted, he had good resources. After playing the villain in "Fang Shiyu", he got the most popular role of "Huang Feihong".

Unfortunately, the Hong Kong film market later went downhill, martial arts films gradually declined, and his resources became less and less. Later, he could only shoot TV series.

Seeing a resource-rich person like Jing Tian, ​​I really envy him!

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