During the filming of "The Matrix", those who spoke English on the set used the original English voice, and those who did not spoke Cantonese or Mandarin, and the dubbing was unified later.

Therefore, when the film was released, there were three versions: Mandarin, English, and Cantonese.

As for the French, German, Russian and other language versions, the film producers from various countries dubbed the films themselves.

Columbia's distribution channels are not only spread across North America, but also have its own distribution companies or strategic partners in South America and South America.

In this negotiation, Jiang Heng sold not only the distribution rights in North America, but also the distribution rights in South America.

When signing the contract, a law firm was hired and it took several days to complete the transaction.

Subsequently, it successively signed sharing issuance agreements with European countries such as the United Kingdom, France, and Germany.

At this point, the things he needed to worry about came to an end, and he could finally give himself a few days off.

But the reality is that people in the entertainment industry in Hong Kong and the Mainland are always calling him.

Either to congratulate him on his box office success, or to celebrate his success, or to inquire about Jiang Heng's shooting plans for his next film to see if there is any possibility of cooperation.

Jiang Heng refused most of these banquets.

But for some people with good relationships, there is really no way to escape.

On this day, Hong Jinbao called and invited Jiang Heng to have dinner together.

Thinking about the "celebration banquet" I had not long ago, I wanted to refuse.

Hong Jinbao said: "Awei will come too. He was not thinking well before and said some bad things, which made him feel bad. This time, let's go out for a drink together and talk things over. We are still good friends, how about it?" "

Jiang Heng naturally would not be friends with Zeng Zhiwei, but he wanted to see him smile a bit. After all, his unruly appearance that day left a deep impression on him.

"Okay, tell me a place and I'll be there on time!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Heng rested at home for a while. After seeing that it was almost time, he went downstairs and drove to the restaurant where Hong Jinbaoding stayed.

There were many people in the box, including Cheng Long. With a warm smile, he stepped forward and patted Jiang Heng on the shoulder and said, "You kid, you are so amazing. You actually defeated me and Zhou Xingxing!"

Jiang Heng hurriedly smiled and said: "Luck, luck, the audience will also see it as a novelty!"

Cheng Long deliberately kept a straight face, "You mean the things I photographed are old-fashioned!"

Jiang Hengxin said: "It's true!"

Cheng Long's action films were truly unique in the 1980s and 1990s. Not only were many of his films successful at the box office, but his global influence also ranked first among Chinese male stars.

However, after two thousand years, the films produced have gone from bad to worse.

Not to mention the action scenes are not as good as before, and the plot is still very cliched.

Of course, that cannot be said at this moment.

"Brother's action style is unique and you will never tire of it!" Jiang Heng complimented.

Cheng Long laughed heartily, hugged Jiang Heng's shoulders enthusiastically, and said with a sly expression, "Haha, I love hearing that!"

Hong Jinbao stepped forward and asked Jiang Heng and others to take their seats, but he was still sitting at the top.

In fact, Hong Jinbao's position in the Hong Kong film industry is very embarrassing at the moment.

He once opened a company, worked as a producer and director, and made many box-office hits.

However, Luo Wei's "One Knife" directed in 1993 lost all his coffin books. Since then, he has no market in Hong Kong.

To be precise, since then, almost no one has approached him to make movies.

One more thing to mention is that there is a line in "One Sword Allure" that is very popular in the short video era. It is what Yuan Shikai said: In the current world, it has been a lot of hardships to stand... In this world, it is difficult to achieve ambition and everything is difficult to achieve. In this age, it is probably more difficult to get ahead than to reach the sky.

However, it is said that Hong Jinbao was unwilling to give in. In 1995, he collaborated with Yuen Biao, recruited his two sons and members of the Hong family, and made "Modern Comic Detective". The result was only more than 5 million at the box office, which was naturally a loss.

By 1996, Hong Jinbao could only be a director, not even an action director.

Seeing that his senior brother was in dire straits, Cheng Long asked him to direct "A Good Man" and told his senior brother the idea of ​​"Who Am I".

As a result, Sammo Hung turned around and collaborated with Xu Ke and Jet Li to make "Once Upon a Time in the West".

If it weren't for the fact that the relationship between the senior brothers was so good, Cheng Long would definitely fall out.

However, the Hong Kong film market continues to slump at the moment. Although "Lion of the Western Regions" has a box office of more than 30 million, it is mainly due to Jet Li.

There is still no capital willing to hire Sammo Hung as a director or martial arts instructor.

Seeing the global release of "The Matrix", Hong Jinbao was enthusiastic and wanted to have more cooperation with Jiang Heng.

The director's job cannot be taken away, so the martial arts director can always do it!

With cooperation and a certain right to speak, my son can always lead the way!

After eating for a while, Hong Jinbao said to Zeng Zhiwei: "Awei, you talked nonsense last time you drank some wine, you should have something to show for it!"

Zeng Zhiwei stood up and said with a smile: "Director Jiang, last time, I drank too much and talked nonsense. Don't mind, don't mind! I did it, you can do whatever you want, hahaha!"

Zeng Zhiwei's iconic laughter resounded throughout the box, and he immediately drank three glasses of wine in a row and turned the glass down to show his generosity.

In fact, given his status in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, Jiang Heng can't do anything to him even if he doesn't apologize.

But this time, Hong Jinbao came forward to make peace, and Zeng Chiwei naturally wanted to give him face.

Besides, he has never sacrificed his own interests for fame. Seeing that Jiang Heng has become the most popular director in Hong Kong's film industry and that investors are offering him cash for cooperation, he is naturally willing to settle this feud.

Otherwise, it will not be worth it if he is retaliated against in the future.

Seeing Zeng Zhiwei drink three glasses in a row, Jiang Heng did not want to embarrass him in front of him. He picked up the glass and said with a smile: "Hey, drunken words, I never took them to heart!"

Zeng Zhiwei said: "I have always remembered it. At that time, I really didn't think that Hong Kong could make a good science fiction film. But when it was released, I saw it. My God, it was too good. Cameron and Spielberg were no match for it...!"

Zeng Zhiwei's exaggerated expression and flattering tone made everyone in the box laugh.

Jiang Heng was also overjoyed, thinking to himself: "I still want to see your rebellious look!"

After drinking for a while, Hong Jinbao asked, what are the plans for the new film, are you going to shoot the second part of "The Matrix"?

Jiang Heng said: "There is no plan for this yet, it should be a new movie!"

Cheng Long said: "It's a pity that our styles are not compatible, otherwise we can cooperate once!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "There are some, but if there is a suitable role in the future, are you willing to come and play a cameo?"

Cheng Long said proudly: "If you say so, I will definitely go!"

Take a sip of wine and say to everyone: "Everyone who has time should also go to support it!"

Everyone naturally agreed, Zeng Zhiwei smiled and said: "I can pay a low salary, as long as I can show my face in front of the global audience!"

Jiang Heng thought, "Forget it!"

On the one hand, it is impossible to accept this person, and on the other hand, it has reached a preliminary intention with the Beijing Film Studio to cooperate on a film.

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