China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 24 Beijing Circle Cooperation

In the 1990s, as Hollywood blockbusters entered China, the domestic film market gradually took shape.

Various private film companies began to rise and show great vitality, and traditional film studios embarked on the road of reorganization and reform.

The reason, of course, is that it is time to change.

For example, Changchun Film Studio, the first in New China, created many firsts in the history of New China's film.

But in the 1990s when the market economy emerged, it encountered an unprecedented crisis.

In 1997, it had been losing money for six consecutive years and was on the verge of bankruptcy. It was not until 2000 that it was reorganized into Changchun Film Group.

Although the other film studios were not as miserable as Changchun Film, they were not much better. They were all in the stage of struggling to maintain and waiting for the fate of reorganization.

But with the hit of "The Matrix" and the amazing achievement of 143 million, the minds of the leaders of various studios began to become active again.

It's not that they want to resist the reorganization, but they think that if they can cooperate with Jiang Heng, it would be good to make some money to pay wages and benefits to employees!

The thought that Jiang Heng's production and distribution companies could get nearly 50 million in box office revenue made all the studio leaders envious.

If we count the revenue from the share and copyright of "The Matrix" in Hong Kong and overseas, it would be at least 100 or 200 million!

Although we don't know how much Jiang Heng's production cost is, it is certain that he will make a lot of money.

Just for this, we have to find a way to cooperate!

Xi'an Film Studio was the first to call, but perhaps affected by the box office failure of "A Chinese Odyssey" co-produced with Zhou Xingxing, Xi'an Film Studio's attitude was not firm.

After two calls, Jiang Heng said that he had no ideas, so he didn't contact him again.

Other studios such as Shanghai Film Studio, Bayi, Xiaoxiang, Emei, etc., all called once, and when they saw that Jiang Heng didn't seem to have much willingness to cooperate, they gave up.

Only Han Sanping from Beijing Film Studio seemed determined to make a film with Jiang Heng. He kept calling Jiang Heng to invite him to Beijing. The subject matter, inspiration, and time of filming were all fine. As long as they could make a film together, it would be fine.

Jiang Heng knew Han Sanping's future development, so it was difficult for him to refuse.

Besides, Hong Kong films were declining, and his future career focus would be on the mainland, so he couldn't offend him.

In late February, Jiang Heng flew to Beijing again and stayed in the hotel again, but he had the idea of ​​buying a house and a car here.

After dinner, he called to inform him of his arrival.

Han Sanping asked about the flight time and "complained": "Why didn't you tell me in advance? I'll send someone to pick you up!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "It's not a big deal. Just call the hotel and they'll send a car!"

He stayed in a five-star hotel with airport pick-up service.

Han Sanping said: "How can that be the same? We are partners, and I must do my best to be a good host!"

Jiang Heng smiled and didn't answer.

Han Sanping looked at the time and asked him to go out for a drink.

Jiang Heng said he had just finished dinner, and Han Sanping said, "It doesn't matter. Let's have a drink and chat. Wait for me to arrange it!"

The call came back about half an hour after the call was hung up. The location was Donglaishun. Jiang Heng packed up and took the hotel car.

After getting off the car and walking a few steps, he saw Han Sanping leading a group of people out.

"Director Jiang, long time no see!" Han Sanping came forward and shook hands warmly.

To say that the two had not had much contact before, when "The Matrix" was released, the two sides were still competitors because of the production and distribution of "Party A and Party B" by Beijing Film Studio.

One more thing to mention is that because of the viewing craze driven by "The Matrix", and the quality and type of "Party A and Party B" are very suitable for the Lunar New Year period, the film finally won more than 27 million box office results, which is not much less than the previous life.

Compared with the investment of more than 6 million, the box office revenue alone is a huge profit, not to mention the subsequent income from videotapes and TV broadcasts.

This made the leaders of Beijing Film Studio and the main creative staff of "Party A and Party B" very happy. In addition to the senior executives of Beijing Film Studio, Feng Xiaogang, Ge You, Liu Bei, and the beautiful Xu Qing came tonight.

The latter is almost 30 years old now, but she still looks bright and charming, full of girlishness. No wonder she was able to play the role of Ren Yingying in "Swordsman" three years later.

Han Sanping thought Jiang Heng didn't know him, so he introduced him warmly. Jiang Heng was able to talk about several works of Liu Bei and Xu Qing since their debut, which surprised several men present.

Feng Xiaogang whispered to Ge You: "This kid has bad intentions, how can he know everything?"

Ge You was afraid that he would ignore it, so he whispered: "Not that, not that!"

He thought to himself that he was young and rich, and he could earn more than 100 million yuan by making a movie, and he was also a well-known director. Now it's not him who covets the female stars, but many female stars who covet him!

After entering the box and sitting down, the topic naturally turned to the overseas distribution of "The Matrix". Han Sanping asked how the negotiation with the Americans went?

Jiang Heng said that they would adopt a split distribution method with Columbia, and the release date was set in mid-March, which is less than a month away.

Ge You praised, "It's amazing. Our Chinese-language films can be distributed in Hollywood by splitting the revenue. Your "The Matrix" should be the first one, right?"

Jiang Heng nodded slightly and smiled and said, "Yes, it should be!"

As far as he knew, Jackie Chan's first Hollywood box office hit "Rumble in the Bronx" was bought out and released. After re-dubbing, it was released in more than 2,000 theaters across the United States in February 1997.

Before that, non-American films could only be released on a small scale in dozens of theaters.

It was the first time in Hollywood to screen a non-American film on such a large scale.

Jiang Heng's "The Matrix" is the first Chinese-language film to be distributed on a large scale in the United States.

If Cheng Long wants to get box office dividends, he has to start with "Rush Hour" in 1998.

At this moment, in the eyes of everyone in the room, Jiang Heng has already surpassed Cheng Long.

So everyone couldn't help but praise him. Although Feng Xiaogang was unhappy, he had to praise him.

Although "Party A and Party B" made him famous in the film industry, he still didn't dare to act rashly in front of Han Sanping.

After talking about the sale of copyrights for "The Matrix", Han Sanping couldn't help but say: "Director Jiang, do you have any good creative ideas recently?"

Jiang Heng smiled and shook his head, "You don't know how much I worry about the distribution of the film. I have repeatedly talked with film distributors from various countries! So far, it has been sold to more than 40 countries. It takes more than a month to sell one a day!"

When these words came out, the executives of the Beijing Film Studio were envious and felt sour.

Feng Xiaogang's eyes turned red when he heard this. He thought he was a successful person because his movie made less than 30 million yuan at the box office.

But compared with Jiang Heng's achievements, there is a huge difference!

More than 40 countries purchased the distribution rights, how much money must he make!

The two actresses present thought of the heroine played by Li Meiqi, who became an international superstar after the release of the film, and their eyes looked at Jiang Heng more and more brightly!

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