"Director Jiang, you are so good at making blockbusters, why not just make "Journey to the West"? Havoc in Heaven is so exciting, everyone will definitely love watching it!"

Xu Qing said suddenly, her voice was a little squeaky, she was obviously a girl from the capital, but she gave Jiang Heng the illusion of a potato princess.

Han Sanping also looked over, looking at Jiang Heng expectantly.

"Well, it's not difficult from a technical point of view to perfectly present Havoc in Heaven. The difficulty lies in recovering the cost. The domestic film market is still very small, and the risk of making such a film is too high!"

Han Sanping wondered: "Isn't the domestic plus international market enough to recover the cost?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "Foreigners are not that interested in Chinese mythological stories, so even if the domestic box office is good, it is hard to tell in the international market. As for the success of "The Matrix", it is because the action scenes can be watched by global audiences. You know, Europe and the United States have always been influenced by Hollywood science fiction films, so they have such achievements.”

After Han Sanping heard this, he was a little confused for a moment. He didn't want to make "The Matrix 2", and he didn't want to make "Journey to the West", so what should he make?

In fact, Jiang Heng will definitely shoot "Journey to the West" in the future, but he just doesn't want to shoot it now.

After all, the Chinese-language film market is too small at this time, and "The Matrix" only won 143 million despite such publicity.

"Titanic", which is about to land in the mainland, is so unbelievable that it earns 360 million, but compared with future results, it is somewhat insignificant.

It was impossible for Jiang Heng to film "Havoc in Heaven" repeatedly, so he naturally had to choose the right time to avoid wasting the script and subject matter.

Ge You suddenly said: "What about shooting mythological stories? Hou Yi shoots the sun, Nu Wa mends the sky, Dayu controls the floods, etc. If the special effects scenes are up to standard, they will definitely look good when shot, and they will definitely make foreigners stunned!"

Jiang Heng laughed, "Teacher Ge You is right, I will definitely shoot it in the future!"

Han Sanping smiled bitterly. I have been saying this for a long time, but it is not something I will shoot this year!

He picked up the wine glass and said with a smile: "Don't worry, you have to stay in the capital for a while anyway. If nothing happens, let's go out to eat, drink, and chat casually. Maybe one of your sentences will be inspired!"

Jiang Heng also raised his glass and said with a smile: "Actually, when it comes to inspiration, I do have some!"

When everyone heard this, their expressions were a little solemn.

Especially Liu Bei and Xu Qing, who are here today, naturally hope to continue to progress in their acting careers!

"Speaking of it, the most glorious year for the Hong Kong film market was 1992. But in 1993, Zhou Xingxing's "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" only had a box office of just over 40 million, and won the box office championship of the Chinese-language films in Hong Kong that year.

But that year, the box office champion at the Hong Kong Film Market was Spielberg's "Jurassic Park", which took in a box office of HK$61.89 million. "

After saying this, everyone in the box had the same expression.

The box office data of the Hong Kong Film Market has always been separated between Chinese-language films and foreign-language films.

Since Hong Kong films dominated Asia in the 1980s and 1990s, the box office ranking of Hong Kong Chinese films was almost equivalent to the ranking of the top-grossing films of that year, so many people thought that list was the entire box office ranking.

But it’s not true. The box office champion at the Hong Kong Film Market in 1993 was "Jurassic Park" with 61.89 million, not "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" as many people thought.

Jiang Heng continued: "Jurassic Park not only broke the monopoly of Hong Kong films in the local area, but also became a box office hit in Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia and other regions. It can be said that since then, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, etc. The traditional overseas market for Hong Kong films was eroded by Hollywood, which led to the decline of Hong Kong films.”

Han Sanping actually understood this paragraph, but he didn't think much about it in the past.

Hearing Jiang Heng say this now, I felt enlightened.

"You mean, follow Hollywood and make a monster movie like Jurassic Park?"

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, "The visual effects of this kind of film are stunning, and the plot is relatively easy to understand. In terms of box office, the global box office of "Jurassic Park" is 912 million US dollars. If converted into RMB, it is almost more than 7 billion!"

Hearing this, everyone in the room was drooling with envy.

More than 7 billion in 1998 is an unimaginable astronomical figure!

It should be noted that the total box office in the Mainland in 1997 may not be 700 million.

7 billion, what a concept!

Han Sanping swallowed his saliva, "In other words, monster-type special effects blockbusters are indeed worth making!"

Ge You said: "It's so worth it. The key is that it can produce a series of movies. "Jurassic Park 2" was the box office champion in the mainland last year, with more than 72 million!"

Xu Qing said: "Well, I went to see it. It's really exciting and shocking!"

Jiang Heng couldn't help but tingle when he heard her whimpering. He smiled at her and said, "Except for Jurassic, the Godzilla series, and the King Kong series that was born in 1933, every time they are filmed, the box office performance is good!"

The movie image of Godzilla first appeared in the Japanese movie "Godzilla" in 1954. After being interpreted in more than thirty movies, it has gradually become a global pop culture symbol.

King Kong, which was born in 1933, was the first monster movie, and has been followed by countless remakes. King Kong has also evolved from the initial height of 3 meters to 103 meters, which can be equal to Godzilla. Jiang Heng is more familiar with "King Kong" in 2005 and "King Kong: Skull Island" in 2017, both of which achieved global box office of more than 500 million US dollars.

The people in the room didn't know much about this, but inspired by Jiang Heng, they all felt that Chinese-language movies should have their own "monster" series of films.

Han Sanping looked thoughtful, but also a little excited. If he could really create a monster series of films that are popular in the global market, the credit would definitely be great!

But he had never thought about this before, and didn't know which monster was better for a while.

Looking at Jiang Heng, the latter smiled and said, "I think the prehistoric era is very good!"

Everyone in the box was at a loss, and didn't quite understand the term prehistoric era.

Feng Xiaogang asked, "You mean the prehistoric period?"

Jiang Heng said, "That's about right!"

Xu Qing worriedly said, "Will all the characters in the play be primitive people?"

Liu Bei put his arm around Xu Qing's shoulder and said jokingly, "Don't worry, there are beauties like Chang'e among prehistoric people. They will never let you play a savage!"

Xu Qing glanced at Jiang Heng and saw that he was smiling warmly. Then he smiled and said, "I'd be willing to play a female savage if I can join Director Jiang's crew!"

Feng Xiaogang, who was standing by, felt very upset when he heard this. The beautiful Xu was young and beautiful, but she had never treated him like this before!

Jiang Heng said with a smile: "If Miss Xu is willing to act in my play, she will definitely be the most beautiful girl in the crew, and she will never play a wild person!"

Xu Qing pretended to be surprised, "Oh, then I thank Director Jiang in advance, I toast to you!"

Liu Bei saw it and said with a smile: "Director Jiang, you can't be partial to one and not to the other!"

Jiang Heng naturally couldn't say too much, and smiled and said: "If there is a suitable one, I must ask you to act in my play!"

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