At night, Jiang Heng returned to the hotel and couldn't sleep. He sat in front of the window and thought about the shooting ideas for the second film.

The late 1990s was an awkward time. Hollywood films were conquering the global film market, but the Chinese-language market was still in its infancy.

Relying solely on the domestic market for special effects blockbusters will yield too little revenue.

Looking at the world, we have to consider whether the audience can understand it.

Monster movies are a good choice. The production cost of "Jurassic Park 1" is not high, but it has grossed 912 million U.S. dollars at the global box office. The product peripherals are selling like crazy, and the theme park projects are continuously providing revenue to the company. Generate revenue.

Jiang Heng plans to draw on the ideas of "Jurassic Park" and create a localized monster movie.

As for the plot, in fact the entire Jurassic series is lackluster, and the "chase and escape" drama cannot be avoided over and over again.

It is precisely because of this that the box office of the "Jurassic Park" trilogy has been declining. It took more than 10 years to restart this IP and shoot "Jurassic World".

Therefore, stunning visual effects and novel storyline are equally important.

Jiang Heng sat in front of the computer. After copying the settings of "Jurassic Park", he spent a long time figuring out how to find and violate the rules.

If we were to shoot a scene purely from the ancient times, we would be afraid that the audience would not feel immersed in it.

When I was irritated, I suddenly saw "Looking for Qin Ji" which was half turned upside down by the bedside, and I was instantly inspired.

"I can write about a modern special forces soldier who takes a time machine to the Qin Dynasty and accidentally enters the prehistoric world due to machine malfunction and ends up in the Jurassic."

A special soldier goes to Jurassic and can show many plots of survival in the wilderness.

The "Wild Survival" series premiered in 2006 and has been popular for more than ten years.

In the era of short videos, some wilderness survival videos are still extremely popular.

"There shouldn't be primitive people in the Jurassic, right?"

Jiang Heng once imagined that the male protagonist would meet primitive people and help them fight against dinosaurs.

Immediately I felt that humans did not appear that early, so I checked on the computer. Sure enough, the earliest apes were only 35 million years ago.

The end of the Jurassic Period was 145.5 million years ago, which is too far away.

"There's only one male lead, so Wu Yanzu can play the role himself, and there can't be any casualties!" Jiang Heng stood up and murmured.

Thinking back to the overabundance of shark movies in Hollywood, there always have to be a few characters killed to make it look exciting!

But if you want to transport multiple people to prehistory, the setting of the time machine is a bit inconsistent.

"We can't learn from the setting of "Shading the Sky", let's do a Nine-Dragon Coffin!"

Although it is presented in a movie, the visual effect will be super shocking, but it seems difficult to understand for Chinese and foreign audiences who have not been baptized by fantasy novels.

"Let's use the power of astronomy to do a nine-star continuation!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng had a rough idea in his mind and started typing on the keyboard with both hands.

The plot summary is that in 2000, the national archaeological team discovered a large group of dinosaur bone fossils in the mountains and forests of the Xiaoxing'an Mountains in Jiayin, a small town on the border between China and Russia.

The news was learned by international cultural relic dealers, who sent a small team of mercenaries to cross the border from Heilongjiang and sneak into the Xiaoxing'an Mountains, waiting for an opportunity to steal dinosaur fossils.

Although the Chinese side did not know the news, for the safety of the archaeological team, it still sent several armed police to protect it.

The male protagonist with extremely high force value is naturally a former special forces soldier.

A big battle, with slight damage to both sides.

Then the astronomical spectacle of "nine stars in a row" appeared, and everyone in the dinosaur burial pit was transported to the Jurassic era by a magical force.

In this prehistoric world full of dangers, the archaeological team and mercenaries had to stay together and fight with all kinds of dinosaurs with the only weapons in their hands...

Jiang Heng was so excited that he stayed up all night and had breakfast before going back to his room to sleep.

I woke up at around two o'clock in the afternoon, picked up my phone and saw a bunch of missed calls.

Except for the less important ones, I returned all the calls one by one.

Han Sanping was a little excited when he received Jiang Heng's call.

"Are you okay? I thought you didn't answer for a while, so I went directly to the hotel to find you. Did you drink too much?"

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "No, I stayed up all night writing the script!"

Han Sanping said in surprise: "How was the writing?"

"Well, we have a prototype of the script. If we modify it within this framework later, it will be almost ready!"

"Wait for me, I'll be there in less than half an hour!"

Han Sanping hung up the phone and ordered the driver to drive him to Shangri-La. He came to Jiang Heng's room and asked how the script was written.

Jiang Heng dictated the synopsis of the plot, and Han Sanping said in surprise: "It's a good idea for modern people to go to the Jurassic Period. To be honest, when I went back yesterday, I was also thinking about writing a copy of the book based on the model of "Jurassic Park". It’s awkward no matter how you write it!”

Jiang Heng said with a smile: "The situation in our country is different from that in the United States. It would be too inconsistent to copy the settings!"

Han Sanping smiled, "Yeah, I'm even thinking about putting the dinosaur park on Snake Island off the coast of Dalian!"

"It's a good idea!"

Han Sanping added, "The addition of mercenaries is a good setting. It can bring weapons to prehistory and increase the intensity of the confrontation!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "I just felt that having foreign mercenaries and adding Western faces would be more conducive to overseas sales of film copyrights!"

Han Sanping nodded repeatedly, "Indeed, the overseas box office of this kind of film is so important!"

After a moment of hesitation, he asked, "How many tens of millions do you think it will cost to film it?"

Jiang Heng thought for a moment, "The scenes of the prehistoric world basically require special effects, plus all kinds of dinosaurs, it will cost tens of millions at least!"

Hearing this, Han Sanping was shocked and murmured, "Tens of millions, so we can't spend too much on actors!"

Jiang Heng nodded. He wanted Wu Yizu and Li Meiqi to continue to participate.

After all, "The Matrix" starring the two was released worldwide, and it was more or less well-known, which was more conducive to achieving higher overseas box office.

"Okay, I'll find a few supporting actors with good acting skills and low pay!"

Jiang Heng naturally had no objection. Since he chose to cooperate, he must give up some power.

The two discussed some details of the co-production and basically reached an agreement.

Only the investment amount of Beijing Film Studio could not be decided by Han Sanping, and he had to go back to discuss and decide collectively.

But he also said an approximate investment amount, between 10 and 20 million yuan.

Although there are certain risks, considering that The Matrix is ​​a big hit at the box office and Jiang Heng has made super high profits, I believe that the leadership of Beijing Film Studio will approve his proposal.

Han Sanping left without saying anything, Jiang Heng called Wu Yizu again, "What are your recent plans?"

Wu Yizu hurriedly said: "I just finished filming a movie, and I don't feel good about the rest of the script. Brother Cheng Long said he is willing to take me, but he is going to Hollywood, and it seems that there is no role suitable for me..."

"Okay, I have a script here, and it will start shooting around April. Remember to leave the schedule for me!"

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