China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 231 The monster is very ferocious

In 2005, China's military weapons were not that advanced, but it did not prevent some Chinese people from yearning for high-tech modern weapons.

Mechas are indeed a bit sci-fi.

But drones and robot dogs seem to be possible.

Many people really stared at the battlefield performance of drones and robot dogs in the film.

Some viewers said excitedly, "Director Jiang should hand over his design drawings to the country, maybe they will be researched out!"

"Director Jiang only drew the appearance, which should be of no use, right?"

"It's also a way of thinking!"

On the big screen, overwhelming robot dogs and drones swarmed up and kept shooting at the two monsters.

Although the two monsters were not hurt, their intelligence was still a little worse than that of humans.

In theory, they only need to do what they want to do and don't need to care about these harassments at all, but they stopped to fight.

The huge claws can smash several drones with a slap, and can kick several robot dogs with a kick.

There is also a tail sweeping across, and the venom sprayed corrodes.

It can be said that the two monsters are destroying these "unmanned weapons" with extremely high efficiency, but they can't resist the massive rush.

In the field, a scholar's eyes lit up, "This fight to the end, isn't it a competition of industrial strength? With China's size, once the industry is developed, no one can compare!"

The person next to him said: "I think it would be great if Director Jiang could shoot a future war movie!"

"I heard from Lao Han that there is such an idea, called a company, all super warriors!"

"It's better to shoot more future weapons, just watching it will cheer you up!"

On the big screen, two giant mechas left the port in the secret base in Busan.

It is still the "joint" style of the first part, dark night, thunderstorm, and giant transport planes flying.

In fact, this kind of shooting is not only to save special effects funds, but also related to the style of the story.

This kind of movie where a giant monster comes to the world and wants to destroy the world has a bit of "apocalyptic" style, so the atmosphere of dark days and rainy nights is more in line with the story.

It's like the style of supernatural and horror movies, which are all gloomy and weird.

If you change to a sunny day, that atmosphere will be gone.

The previous version of "Pacific Rim 2" was a complete failure, and there is also a reason for this.

The atmosphere in the first part was very good, but in the second part, several major fighting scenes took place in sunny weather, which immediately reduced the "apocalyptic" atmosphere.

It's like under the sun, there is a man wearing a hat, a black cloak, and fangs saying that he is a vampire count from Europe and wants to suck the blood of everyone in the city.

What will the reaction of the people around you be?

They will definitely think you are crazy!

If it's at night, it may scare people, but during the day, everyone will just think you are Cosplay.

In addition, the original "Pacific Rim 2" has another important problem. There are too many scenes of the mecha civil war, and the monsters appear too little. The audience was confused at first and there was no sense of oppression.

The problem is that the audience's expectation for this film is to watch mechas fighting monsters. If they are not satisfied with this, they will definitely curse!

Therefore, Jiang Heng spent more time on the battle scenes than the plot in this version. There are not so many conspiracies and tricks. Just do it!

Hong Kong, Dome Hunter Mecha Base.

General Huo looked at Huang Xiaoming and Liu Yifei in front of him with a serious expression, "You two may not arrive for support this time, and the battle will be over before you arrive!"

"So, we should also develop the sixth generation of light mechas, which can shorten the deployment time by half!" Huang Xiaoming muttered.

General Huo's eyes were wide open, which was very scary.

"What do you know? The sixth generation, light mecha, is just a showpiece made by the arms giants of the United States, Japan and other countries in order to make more profits.

They thought that once the channel was closed, they could rest assured and make money! They never expected that the monster would come so quickly. Tango Wolf II didn't even last 20 minutes."

Huang Xiaoming and Liu Yifei were silent. After a few seconds, Liu Yifei said, "We know!"

"Return safely!"

"Okay, Dad!"

Liu Yifei and Huang Xiaoming strode to the mecha cockpit.

General Huo, played by Gao Xiong, stood there looking at his daughter's back, his eyes full of worry.

Some viewers sighed, "This old man is afraid that the sixth generation is not safe enough and will affect his daughter's life, so he opposes the sixth generation mecha!"

"There is such a possibility!"

"But speaking of that Tango Wolf, it is too vulnerable!"

While the audience was discussing, Liu Yifei and Huang Xiaoming had already changed into the driver's uniform and came to the mecha cockpit, which was still connected by the old-fashioned connecting rod.

Then the hatch closed, revealing the cockpit, which was a huge red helmet-shaped steel giant.

Then, the cockpit fell rapidly and connected with the equipment below with a clang.

Then, the giant mecha, which was 100 meters high, "came to life", and its arms, legs, and feet moved one after another.

The audience discovered that this "Storm Red (upgraded version)" was red, heavy, and sturdy, with a giant "Mo Dao" 100 meters long in its hand, like a majestic steel general.

"Fuck, this mecha is so cool!"

"It's so tall, it feels more powerful than the previous Dangerous Wanderer!"

"It feels like it can beat two Tango Wolves alone!"

While the audience was discussing, the Storm Red on the big screen had been lifted by eight giant transport planes and flown to Japan.

Under Mount Fuji, under the feet of the two monsters, there was a mountain of drones, helicopters, and robot dogs "corpses", a whole area that made people's scalps numb.

At the base in Tokyo, Jiro Aso saw the pictures sent back from the scene through the screen, with a sad expression on his face.

"How long will it take them to get there?"

"Three minutes? The problem is that there are no more drones and robot dogs. If we can't continue to contain them, the two of them will soon climb Mount Fuji."

Jiro Aso closed his eyes, "Order the Ground Self-Defense Force to go up, they must be contained!"


The soldiers who were originally watching the battle from a distance were already scared by the tragic scene. Not running away was already a good military discipline.

When they heard that the superior ordered them to die, someone immediately protested.

The officer at the scene shot one and ordered the rest to move forward.

The soldiers had no choice but to bite the bullet and shoot forward.

As a result, the two monsters turned around and rushed over, killing a large number of them in an instant. Seeing this, the rest of the soldiers turned around and ran away, and some even threw away their guns.

The monster turned around and continued to run towards Mount Fuji. Suddenly, a rumbling sound was heard in the sky. The camera turned and saw two tall mechas being hung by a giant transport plane.

There were two monsters on the ground. One of them pounced suddenly, jumped into the air, and slapped the mecha on the left with its claws.

In the cockpit, Megan Fox and a white guy, who played the mecha pilot, raised their arms, and the mecha also raised its arms synchronously to block the fierce attack.

The problem was that the mecha was hung in the air by the transport plane. The monster pounced and rolled on the ground with the mecha, knocking down countless trees.

The transport planes connected to the mecha were pulled to the ground, exploded one after another, and burst into flames.

The other transport planes carrying another mecha rushed out of the flames produced by the explosion and wanted to land.

Another monster that had been accumulating power for a long time suddenly opened its mouth and sprayed a stream of blue liquid, which directly hit the torso of another mecha. The torso of the mecha was instantly corroded with a large hole, revealing the mechanical devices inside, some of which were still emitting electric sparks.

The monster pounced again, and its huge claws directly grabbed the large hole corroded by the strong acid, and directly grabbed the mecha through.

The cockpit was full of smoke and fire, and the two pilots inside were already confused and had no idea what to do.

The audience at the venue was also a little confused. The plot was so intense at the beginning, and the monster was a bit fierce!

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