China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 232 Storm Red's First Battle

The light mecha driven by Megan Fox is called "Explorer", and her partner is Tom Hiddleston, who later became well-known for playing "Loki".

But in 2005, he was just a young man who had just debuted. When he traveled to Hollywood, he happened to encounter the "Pacific Rim 2" crew recruiting male actors.

Just like the common story in the film and television industry, he went to the audition with his friends and was inexplicably selected. He also played the male second with a heavy role in the film. It's really unbelievable to say it.

At this moment, Tom Hiddleston was sitting in the audience, staring at his performance on the big screen with wide eyes.

"Oh no, Atlantis is in danger!" Tom Hiddleston struggled to get up.

The "Explorer" mecha also stood up suddenly and swung his iron fist to hit the monster in front of him.

"Let's think about how to deal with the monster in front of us. You don't think we have the strength to fight two people?" Megan Fox shouted while swinging his fist.

While the Explorer was fighting the monster, the cockpit of Atlantis had been smashed. The two pilots inside just showed a look of fear when they were covered by a small mouthful of blue liquid from the monster.

The monster didn't spit out much, just a large basin of water, but it was a strong acid that could corrode even aerospace-grade materials.

The two pilots only showed their faces, and they were corroded to nothing. Even the cockpit of Atlantis was corroded by half, and the audience looked at each other in bewilderment.

He said again: "Fuck, this monster is too strong, right?"

"This is its ultimate move, and the charging time is relatively long, otherwise it can't be beaten at all!"

"How can it still spit!"

"It should be the remnant of the launch just now, the volume is completely incomparable!"

"Too fierce, how can we fight Storm Red!"

"The Explorer may not be able to hold on for that long!"

While the audience was discussing, the monster that could spit strong acid had already rushed to the Explorer, and the latter turned around and ran away!

In the cockpit, Megan Fox also said: "Don't listen to Dr. Newton's judgment, he is a lunatic!"

Tom Hiddleston said: "I think these two monsters may just want to jump into the magma in Mount Fuji and burn themselves. Why should we stop them?"

But the "Explorer" is obviously moving faster. If the monsters don't chase, it will turn around and launch various weapons.

If the monsters want to chase, it will turn around and run away.

After the two sides stalemate for a while, the two monsters suddenly separated, running away one east and one west.

"What should I do?" Megan Fox said anxiously.

Tom Hiddleston said: "Connect to the Tokyo Mecha Hunter Base, they should have monitoring equipment nearby."

The communication was quickly connected, and the base replied: "One is at ten o'clock, and the other is at three o'clock, moving quickly towards you."

"I've felt it!"

After Megan and Tom said this, they turned right suddenly and crossed their hands to protect their chests.

At the same time, a monster rushed from the right and knocked the Explorer to the ground with a "boom".

"Run, another one is coming!"

The base's communicator shouted in a hurry in the communicator.

The Explorer did not hesitate and turned around and ran down the mountain.

The two monsters chased after it but couldn't catch up, and they howled in anger.

"Storm Red" was still on the way of long-distance transportation.

Huang Xiaoming and Liu Yifei could chat casually in the cockpit.

Although some words seemed to have no nutrition, they explained the basic information of the two people to the maximum extent.

There was no mental journey. The character played by Huang Xiaoming was a soldier. When the monsters were rampant ten years ago, he was still in middle school.

When he ran to join the army, the "channel" had been blown up, but he still applied for a mecha pilot, hoping to drive a Chinese mecha on the battlefield one day.

As for the character played by Liu Yifei, she looked even more stupid. She said that she had never thought about going to the battlefield. The reason she came to be a mecha pilot was that she thought this big guy was too cool and fun.

Huang Xiaoming asked: Are you afraid? The latest battle report just now said that Atlantis has been destroyed, and the pilot inside was burned to ashes by the monster's strong acid!

Liu Yifei's body trembled slightly, and her expression was still calm, "Dad said that I can only sacrifice other people's children with peace of mind if I send my only daughter to the battlefield!"

Huang Xiaoming turned his head to one side, and quickly turned back and said: "China, must win!"

"Must win!"

The background music suddenly became passionate, and the "Storm Red" was getting closer and closer to Mount Fuji.

The screen switched, and the "Explorer" was covered with scars all over its body, still struggling with the two monsters.

"Damn it, when will that bulky mecha come? If it doesn't come, we will see God!" Megan looked a little collapsed.

Tom's mouth was full of blood, and his eyes were a little blurry. He asked Megan: "You said, after meeting God, he said that the doctor's inference was wrong. Wouldn't we die too unjustly?"

"Then pray to God to bring the doctor here and have a good debate!"

As he spoke, the acid-spitting monster opened its mouth after a long period of accumulation and prepared to use acid to sneak attack the "Explorer" in the distance. The blue acid had already sprayed several meters.

At this moment, hundreds of meters in the air, a commander of the transport squadron said: "This is the position, release!"

The steel cables hanging the mechas were "broken" at the same time, and the "Storm Red" fell from the sky, waving a giant "Mo Dao" hundreds of meters long in its hands.

In the cockpit, Huang Xiaoming and Liu Yifei waved their arms and shouted "I will kill!"

"I will kill!"

The "Explorer" in desperate situation subconsciously raised its head, and in the cockpit, Megan and Tom raised their heads at the same time.

From the camera looking up from below, the red, sturdy and tall "Storm Red" was seen falling from the sky with a giant "Mo Dao" in hand, majestic and awe-inspiring, like a god descending from heaven.

This scene made countless audiences in the venue burst into tears.

"Fuck, China's mechas are so cool!"

"The swordsmanship of falling from the sky!"

The monster that had been accumulating power for a long time and was ready to spray strong acid to attack the "Explorer" was chopped on the neck by the giant "Mo Dao", and it was killed with just one knife.

The huge corpse fell to the ground with a bang, and the monster's head rolled far away until it reached the foot of the Explorer.

Seeing this, the other monster turned around and ran towards the sea, disappearing into the night in the blink of an eye.

"Storm Red" took two steps to chase, and the Explorer said, "Forget it, a heavy mecha like you can't chase and chop monsters!"

"Are you okay?"

"Fortunately, I finally held on!"

As soon as the voice fell, Megan in the cockpit of the Explorer had fainted, and Tom vomited blood again.

The huge Explorer fell to the ground with a bang, shaking the ground a few times.

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