The plot of "Pacific Rim 2" is relatively simple, but the fighting scenes are more outstanding, especially the debut of "Storm Crimson", where he kills a "mage" monster with a sword in seconds, and the audience is excited. After all, this is The cargo easily killed the "Atlantis".

Of course, the success of "Storm Crimson" was partly due to a sneak attack.

The problem is that the two monsters also have sneak attacks and cooperation. It goes without saying that no one has martial ethics.

The subsequent plot involves meetings, large-scale monitoring, and finally finding the location of the new "passage". The generals in the PPDC Pacific Rim Defense Force discuss with the doctor consultant what method should be used to solve the problem.

Some people suggested that as before, a mecha would pass through the "passage" to the planet where the monsters are nested, and blow up the passage there.

The biggest problem is who will drive the mecha over.

Then, the heroine played by Gao Yuanyuan in the first film appeared. She drove a mecha into the passage with another older mecha pilot in the film, but unfortunately she failed in the end.

At this moment, there are only four mechas left in the human race, but five monsters have arrived outside Tokyo Bay.

Four against five, the advantage lies with the monsters.

But humans have no choice. Using nuclear bombs can destroy monsters, but it will cause a large amount of toxins in their bodies to be released.

These toxins will change the earth's atmosphere, soil, and water environment, causing the extinction of life on earth.

There is no other way but to start a group.

Therefore, at the end of the film, there is a wonderful team battle between mechas and monsters, which unfolds in a rainy night with lightning and thunder.

Jiang Heng incorporated the ideas of later battle games into this.

For example, the "Storm Crimson" in the film is a proper "tank" mecha. Its biggest feature is its "thick blood", which is super resistant to beatings and can be punched to the flesh.

Rush at the front, catch the monster with the weakest armor and beat it hard, then use your ultimate move to kill it instantly.

Subsequently, in the "four on four" team battle, "Storm Crimson" suffered the most injuries, but was also the best at collecting "remaining blood", taking down three "Beast Heads" in the whole game.

The American "Explorer" won one, and the Russian mecha won another.

The last shot of the film is in the monster's lair. In the dim environment, a pair of devil-like eyes suddenly open, which is chilling, and then the film ends.

The audience in the venue was "hard-controlled" for a second or two, and many people couldn't help but think: "It seems that the ultimate BOSS is going to appear in the lower part!"

Since there were no easter eggs, the lights came on quickly, and the guests, reporters and audience applauded.

The host Tu Jingwei walked to the stage and said with lingering fear: "To be honest, Director Jiang, I was really frightened by the look in the eyes of the devil in the monster's lair at the end. I want to ask, in the third part, will the earth enter the end of the world? "

Jiang Heng had already stood up, holding the microphone and said with a smile: "To be honest, I'm still thinking about the plot of the third part. The story will definitely continue to escalate. For example, in the first part, it was basically one fight after another. By the second part By that time, several mechas and monsters were already fighting in a team battle together.

Whether there will be a war between the monster army and the mecha army in the third part depends on the box office performance of this one. After all, only if the film makes a profit can we dare to invest huge sums of money to shoot a sequel! "

While talking, Jiang Heng had already walked to the stage.

Tu Jingwei smiled and said: "I understand. If you want to watch the third part, you should support this movie more! Then I would like to comment here. The "Storm Red" in the film is really so handsome. In that moment, it was like a god descending to earth and killing the monster with one strike. Really, when I watched it, I could not help but feel my body shaking.

When they played together later, it was even more exciting. There were so many tactics and coordination. How did you come up with this? What game influenced it? "

Jiang Heng smiled and shook his head: "I don't usually play games. I just kept thinking during the filming that the audience must see this clearly, at least so that they can see clearly who is beating whom.

You can't just be so stunned that you can't tell who is who!

Therefore, when designing these mechas and monsters, we focused on enhancing their own styles.

Our Storm Crimson is characterized by its huge size, stoutness, thick blood, and resistance to beatings. Although it moves slowly, it is also very invincible within the range of its Mo Dao.

The second generation of Japanese mecha Tango Wolf looks very powerful, but it is too light and has insufficient armor. It was flattened by a slap from the monster.

As for the American Explorer, it is fast, has strong defense, and ranks first in the world in long-range attacks, but compared to Storm Red, its melee combat is slightly inferior...! "

Jiang Heng commented on the mechas and monsters that appeared in the film one by one. The audience listened to Jiang Heng's narration and thought it was quite interesting to recall the battle scene they had just watched.

Then came the stage where the main creative staff came on stage and the media reporters and the audience asked questions.

Guo Fan, who was among the reporters, was extremely excited. He raised his hands so high that he was actually called. When he got the microphone, he still couldn't believe it.

Then he asked: "Hello, Director Jiang, I am a reporter from China Tourism TV. My name is Guo Fan. I like your movies very much. I am also a science fiction fan. I like the "The Matrix" series you shot very much. But I I think the overall style of this film is still a bit Western. Will Director Jiang make a very Chinese science fiction film in the future?

Jiang Heng looked at the young man in front of him carefully and said with a smile, "Your name is Guo Fan?"


"Like science fiction very much?"

"Yeah!" Guo Fan was a little puzzled, but still responded.

Jiang Heng said: "I have thought about making a science fiction film with more Chinese elements. Since you like science fiction so much, are you interested in learning from me?"

Guo Fan was dumbfounded when he heard this!

The other guests, reporters and even the audience at the scene were also dumbfounded.

This is a good thing to come out for an interview?

"Director Jiang, is what you said true?"

Guo Fan wanted to agree immediately, but this matter was a bit outrageous, so he had to ask something clear.

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "Feeling that there are not many directors in China who like to shoot special effects blockbusters and can shoot special effects blockbusters, iQiyi Films is preparing to open a director training class. After passing the training class, you can first work as an assistant director with the crew, and have the opportunity to become a director within one to three years."

Guo Fan immediately took off his press card, held it in his hand and shouted loudly: "Director Jiang, I sign up, I sign up, I am willing to learn from you!"

Seeing this situation, many people in the venue were envious, and more than a dozen people shouted to sign up on the spot.

Most people still consider their own talents, preferences, and current work situations, and dare not take up this topic.

The other directors present all looked at each other, with different thoughts.

Zhang Yimou thought: "Is he going to establish a school and become a master?"

Feng Xiaogang pondered: "Does Director Jiang think that making money alone is too slow, so he wants to take a few more apprentices to occupy the market?"

Jiang Wen only felt that Jiang Heng was domineering at the moment, and was very suitable for the male lead of his new film in preparation. It was a pity that he was too young, otherwise he could really play against him.

Jia Zhangke thought: "What made him come up with this idea? Is he going to copy the 'Wireless Artist Training Class' and build his own movie kingdom?"

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