Jing Tian was envious after hearing this. She also wanted to go out with him, but she had no legitimate reason.

She glanced at Liu Yifei beside her, "Aren't you going out with us?"

Liu Yifei shook her head: "Director Jiang didn't say that!"

Jing Tian wondered, "Aren't you the heroine?"

"Maybe he thinks I'm not famous internationally, so it's useless to go!" Liu Yifei said lightly.

Megan smiled and said, "It's hard to take a long-distance flight. He must be filming you to make you tired!"

Liu Yifei looked at Megan deeply, "I've never been afraid of hard work!"

Megan smiled enthusiastically, "It's a beautiful quality, but in the entertainment industry, this won't be of any use, because extras have it harder."

Liu Yifei nodded, "That's right, but Director Jiang's heart is in the mainland. Going to Hollywood is just for fun and he'll be back in a few days!"

Megan was a little unhappy when she heard this and took a big bite of beef.

Liu Yifei didn't care and continued to eat elegantly.

She actually never considered Megan as an opponent, but her best friend Jing Tian and good friend Tang Yan were more threatening.

There was also a Yang Mi, but she was more focused on her career and was busy filming everywhere. The threat seemed to be much smaller, but she still had to be on guard. It was really tiring to think about it.

The dinner ended and the guests left.

Several girls stared at Megan, fearing that she would pounce on Jiang Heng in the next second.

The latter was a little proud, "I'm really too tired today, go back to sleep. When I get to Hollywood, I will treat Director Jiang well!" After saying that, he turned around and left with his slender waist twisted.

Several girls looked at Megan's back as she left, with disdainful expressions and a little envy.

Just like a line said, "I wish I could be as cool as you!"

They really couldn't walk out such a charming pace.

"She's so arrogant?" Tang Yan couldn't help but say, and Jing Tian and Liu Yifei nodded subconsciously.

Seeing the two people's expressions and movements in sync, Tang Yan couldn't help but smile, "How about we go out and have some more drinks?"

"Okay, okay!" Da Tiantian said happily.

The three beauties changed to a hot pot restaurant, but they didn't eat much, just drank some wine and chatted.

Jing Tian said: "What do you think, let's go out together and suddenly appear at the premiere in Hollywood?"

Liu Yifei shook her head hurriedly, "Not very good?"

"Why, it's so fun, it will definitely scare him, haha!"

Tang Yan had a look of "caring for children", "But if you do that, the second brother will be angry, unless you don't care whether he will be angry or not!"

"You traveled thousands of miles to see him, and he still gets angry, so heartless!" Jing Tian pouted slightly.

Liu Yifei said lightly: "It's indeed a bit heartless, it's better to turn a blind eye to it!"

"What are you talking about, why does it sound weird?" Da Tiantian looked puzzled.

Tang Yan smiled but said nothing. Although she likes to play the role of "silly and innocent", she is not really "silly and innocent".

I wonder if Da Tiantian is really so innocent or just pretending to be stupid!

But the next day, hundreds of domestic media reported the news that "Pacific Rim 2" held its premiere in Beijing.

Among them, CCTV's six movie channels even recorded a program called "Premiere".

The whole process of many celebrity guests walking on the red carpet at the premiere ceremony was shown, as well as the video footage of Jiang Heng and the film's main creative staff being interviewed, and the final trailer of two and a half minutes.

The "Storm Red" and "Explorer" in the trailer are extremely shocking and domineering, and the monsters that appear are also huge and oppressive.

The cuts also added shocking shots such as the monster spraying blue acid, the mecha being hit by the monster, the more than ten-story building being easily knocked down, the drones all over the sky, and the robot dogs everywhere.

Coupled with the exciting soundtrack, just the ultimate trailer has made countless viewers excited, and they can't wait to go to the theater to watch the movie.

The "Premiere" column praised "Pacific Rim 2" for surpassing its predecessor in all aspects, and believed that it would definitely achieve amazing box office results.

Many domestic paper media have used similar words such as "The world's first Chinese-language 1 billion US dollar box office movie is about to be born" as titles, half praising and half predicting the market performance of "Pacific Rim 2" after its release.

From the influence of the film's predecessor to the upgrade of visual effects, from the cast to the analysis of competitors in the same period, the whole article means one thing, "Pacific Rim 2" will create a new box office myth.

There are also many media, from the perspective of Jiang Heng's establishment of a "director training class" to recruit young directors to learn special effects shooting, believe that Jiang Heng's move is to create China's own "Hollywood".

Chinese-language movies are about to rise.

The overwhelming praise and publicity made Wang Zhonglei feel a little disappointed.

Because some not so polite media bluntly said that "A Chinese Odyssey" is "a dog's tail and a marten", and the quality is definitely not very good.

And in the article, it is written: Although I haven't seen this movie, but from the shoddy production style of most Hong Kong directors, the quality of this movie can be imagined.

In addition, I want to say that the Chinese-language film market is no longer what it used to be. We have seen director Jiang Heng's super high-quality special effects blockbusters and well-made Hollywood movies. Here I would like to advise some Hong Kong production teams that the days of making shoddy movies and selling feelings to make money are really gone.

If you don't believe it, the market will make you believe it!

Putting down the newspaper, Wang Zhonglei suddenly felt a toothache. Why was he so superstitious about these people in the first place that he invested money in a daze?

Why are they competing on the same schedule as Jiang Heng? Even if they really compete on the same day, it would only be Zhang Yimou and Zhou Xingxing who are qualified!

Wang Zhonglei thought for a long time and dialed Wang Zhongjun's phone number.

The latter listened in silence for a long time and said: "It's over now, let's wait and see. Fortunately, we didn't invest much, so even if we lose, we won't lose much. It would be too embarrassing if it was temporarily withdrawn and publicized by the media."

In the entertainment industry, face is sometimes more important than money! "

"All right!"

Wang Zhonglei sighed, "Then let's fight once on the same schedule. Speaking of which, we are the first ones in China who dare to compete on the same schedule as Jiang Heng!"

Wang Zhongjun laughed: "This title is hard-won, but it may cost money!"

However, when the "Wang Brothers" were not optimistic about the box office performance of "The Great Sage", Hong Kong's Yingsuan boss Yang Shoucheng and the famous director Liu Zhenwei still maintained optimistic box office expectations for the film.

How should I put it? Many filmmakers in Hong Kong have old-fashioned and solidified thinking and cannot keep up with the market. They also show blind confidence in the "routine" that once created box office miracles.

Liu Zhenwei talked to Yang Shoucheng very confidently at this moment, saying that "The Great Sage" was completely made according to the preferences of young people in the mainland, using the formula of "Westward Journey" to create a classic with a "post-modernist" style Romance movie.

Yang Shoucheng really believed this. After all, he knew that "Westward Journey" was popular in the mainland, and he also knew that "Titanic" won the global box office championship with its poignant love and shocking special effects.

Therefore, in his opinion, the two selling points of love and special effects are invincible together, and each one can be equally powerful.

"The Great Sage" is a classic love story, and its scenes are at least as good as "Westward Journey", and it will definitely not be bad at the box office.

While chatting away, Liu Zhenwei's cell phone suddenly rang.

I picked it up and saw that it was Zhou Xingxing calling.

"Axing, he must have called me to congratulate me in advance!"

Liu Zhenwei answered the phone with a smile and heard the other person say: "Well, I have been thinking about it for most of the night, and I feel that as a friend, it is necessary to say that "The Great Sage" is no match, and it is best to withdraw it!"

When Liu Zhenwei heard this, his expression instantly froze, because with Zhou Xingxing's character, it was difficult for him to say this.

To be able to say this, it seems very unpromising.

Liu Zhenwei wanted to refute, but he didn't know where to start.

Because as an old friend and a comrade who experienced the box office failure of "Westward Journey", he showed Zhou Xingxing the finished film of "The Great Sage" and naturally made comparisons.

Liu Zhenwei paused for several seconds before slowly saying: "Okay, I understand!"

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