When Liu Zhenwei was young, he was also a fierce player in the Hong Kong film industry. The box office myths of films such as "East and West" have always been talked about by movie fans.

And because "The Gambler" he directed made Zhou Xingxing famous, many mainland investors and filmmakers are somewhat "superstitious" about him.

This is also the reason why Liu Zhenwei can keep jumping out and "frying".

It’s just that many people have overlooked one thing. Whether it is Liu Zhenwei or Wang Jing, the peak moment of their directing careers was the participation of Zhou Xingxing.

Without the "best comedian" (Wang Jing's original words), those terrible plots are unbearable to watch.

In fact, the story is still the same story, and the jokes are still the same. But because it is not starring Zhou Xingxing, the effect is completely different.

People didn't realize this at first until director Er Dongsheng remade a classic segment of "Kung Fu" in a variety show.

Only then did the audience realize that they were not even as good as the bit players taught by Master Xing.

But at this moment, Liu Zhenwei, Yang Shoucheng and others still maintain blind confidence.

"What's wrong?"

Yang Shoucheng smoked a cigar, his eyes were majestic, and he showed his majesty as a boss.

Liu Zhenwei smiled, with a helpless and unwilling expression, "Zhou Axing actually persuaded me to withdraw!"


Yang Shoucheng looked disdainful, "Isn't he really smart? Doesn't he really think that special effects can conquer the world?"

"It's hard to say, but in the past few years, he has become quite obsessed with special effects technology!" Liu Zhenwei sighed.

Yang Shoucheng took a puff of his cigar, waved and talked eloquently: "Using movie special effects to create a screen image that has never been seen before is very shocking and stunning when you watch it for the first time, but when you watch it again, the feeling will weaken a lot.

When Spielberg's "Jurassic Park" was released in 1993, to be honest, I was dumbfounded. I really didn't think anyone could make such vivid dinosaurs, as if they were real. But the two subsequent works were not as good as the first one in terms of reputation and box office, so special effects are not omnipotent! "

The last sentence was categorical.

Liu Zhenwei also had a general view, and because he had seen Jiang Heng's appearance before he became successful, he always felt a little dissatisfied.

I'm afraid even he himself doesn't know what he's thinking about secretly competing.

"Mr. Yang's words are true. This time, let our colleagues in the mainland take a look, so as not to be afraid of them all the time!"

Yang Shoucheng said disdainfully: "There used to be no movie market in the Mainland. At the lowest point, Jiang Heng went north with his special effects blockbusters, which grossed over 100 million in box office. They were scared to death. The best Lunar New Year and summer movies, every time It’s all a blockbuster movie, so it’s no wonder it didn’t do well at the box office!”

This kind of thing is indeed unimaginable in Xiangjiang.

Especially in the golden age of Hong Kong films, the best Spring Festival film was always the "double-week" show. Most of Jet Li's films were scheduled in the summer, so the competition was even fiercer.

These two people made a lot of bold statements, but when it came time to promote "The Great Sage", they never left "A Westward Journey" and called "The Great Sage" the final chapter of "A Westward Journey".

Liu Zhenwei also talked about the role he played as Patriarch Bodhi, saying that the actor he originally found was not effective, so he was cast as a temporary save.

When asked by a reporter how he viewed "Pacific Rim 2" being released one day earlier, Liu Zhenwei's answer was that he didn't realize it was a problem.

Because the mainland film market has developed, if two blockbusters are released at the same time, I believe they will both do well at the box office.

Besides, the two films have different genres. "The Great Sage" focuses on special effects and love, while "Pacific Rim 2" focuses on mechas fighting monsters. They are not on the same track at all.

Finally, I hope that both films will achieve good box office results.

While "The Great Sage" was being promoted in China, Jiang Heng was abroad, in the United States, Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, Germany, France...

He has visited almost all the major global film markets.

Except, of course, India.

There are dozens of languages ​​in this country, and it is too troublesome to distribute it nationwide. It is impossible to divide the accounts.

We can only sell the local distribution rights of the film, and we can get back whatever we can.

Jiang Heng's hope is to create a non-3D special effects blockbuster worth a billion dollars, and "Pacific Rim 2" has the greatest hope.

Because he wants to release a 3D movie before "Avatar" in the summer of 2009, he has to rely on "Pacific Rim 2" for the global box office of a non-3D movie to exceed one billion US dollars.

Therefore, Jiang Heng showed unprecedented "diligence" and only slept four or five hours a day, either while promoting the film or on the way to promote it.

Megan Fox followed at first, but then she couldn't stand it anymore, so she had to take a day off and follow again. Fortunately, she finally persisted until the end.

Jiang Heng's promotional schedule ended on December 20, when he stayed with Megan Fox in a mansion in Sydney.

Because there are very few people who know them here, you don’t have to worry about being photographed by the media when you go out to eat or go shopping.

Besides, it’s summer here in Australia, so it’s very pleasant.

Domestically, the crew of "The Great Sage" are still working hard to promote, and they will release news from time to time, but they also know that it will have little effect, and the success or failure will only depend on the 22nd.

At the entrance of Jiahe Cinema in Xiangjiang, Liu Zhenwei strolled over after having morning tea. He was very happy to see many young people pouring in, and then took the subway to Yingsu Company.

Hearing that Yang Shoucheng was busy, he went to Yingsu's CEO Liabo.

The latter smiled and said: "Don't worry, Director Liu, we won't know the box office data until tomorrow morning!"

Liu Zhenwei said: "I'm not in a hurry. I just came here when I had nothing to do. You know, I have fewer and fewer old friends in Hong Kong. If it weren't for my comeback, I would be having afternoon tea in Vancouver now."

Leah laughed and didn't say anything else.

To be honest, Liu Zhenwei has been "quitting" and "returning" to the entertainment industry over the past few years, which he is a little uncomfortable with.

But the boss is superstitious about Liu Zhenwei's previous achievements, so he can't persuade him too much.

For the movie "A Chinese Odyssey", he thinks the quality is average. If it is put in the summer, or in a different time period, and not competing with "Pacific Rim 2", maybe it can make some money.

But at this moment, it's really hard to say, I hope there will be a good result!

The next day, the box office results in the mainland were reported back to Hong Kong.

But everyone in the Yingsong company was dumbfounded, because the box office on the first day was only 3.23 million. What's more terrible is that the film has a very bad reputation.

In another time and space, the mainland audience at this moment is watching Hong Kong movies with a "filter" and will be more tolerant.

But at this moment, they have been baptized by a large number of excellent commercial films. How can they look down on a "bad movie" like "A Chinese Odyssey"?

Douban's score is only 4.9. When you open it, you will see all the bad reviews. Many film critics have written long reviews and made all-round criticisms.

Liu Zhenwei was stunned. Although he felt that "A Chinese Odyssey" was not as good as "A Chinese Odyssey", he did not think it was that bad.

How could this be? Don't you like "postmodernism"?

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