The day when the box office results of "The Monkey King" were released was the first day of release of "Pacific Rim 2".

The theaters in the central business districts of major cities in the Mainland were almost full, with all of them coming to watch mechas fight monsters. Many theaters had sold out all their tickets for the day early.

When most viewers see this situation, they usually decide to watch it again in two days.

But I was also a little anxious, taking a taxi to a remote theater to watch the movie.

As a result, some theaters in poor locations had an attendance rate of more than 60% on the 23rd, and some shows had an attendance rate of 90%.

When the manager of a theater in the suburbs of Beijing saw this, he couldn't help but sigh, "It has to be Director Jiang's film. This audience, from Wuyangwuyang, is so enthusiastic!"

The finance lady on the side said with a smile: "No, you said that our theater chose such a poor location, almost to the Fifth Ring Road, where usually no one comes, and we expect Director Jiang's movies to make some money all year round! "

The manager sighed, "That's right. If it weren't for Director Jiang's film, it wouldn't be able to survive! No, we can make more money during the good time of more than a month. What about "The Great Sage"? One day Just save one game, and the rest will be "Pacific Rim 2."

The finance eldest sister said: "If you ask me, I shouldn't have signed that distribution agreement. What a bad movie! How dare you be on the same schedule as Director Jiang's movie!"

The manager was also a little puzzled, "You said that Liu Zhenwei is also a big director, and Xie Tingfeng and Cai Zhuoyan are also big stars. How could they come up with such a thing! There are too many bad movies in Xiangjiang!"

The finance eldest sister said: "It's okay to be impetuous. They are all bent on making quick money. No one must be calm and take good pictures! Director Jiang and Xingye are the ones who are willing to take good pictures."

"According to what you said, next year's "Red Cliff" is also on hold? I'm still looking forward to it!"

Speaking of mainland male audiences, it is really difficult to resist blockbusters with the theme of the Three Kingdoms. The theater manager is also a fan of the Three Kingdoms, and he is still waiting for a preview of "Red Cliff" when it is released next year!

The finance eldest sister said: "I didn't know, I want to watch "Zhu Xian" anyway!"

The manager said: "I hope Director Wu Yusen will make this movie well and make a classic Three Kingdoms blockbuster!"

At Huayi Company, Wang Zhonglei looked at the data report in front of him with a horrified expression.

"Is the number on this wrong?"

"I called to check and there was nothing wrong!"

"How is it possible? It was 3.23 million on the first day and dropped to 670,000 on the second day. How could it be such a drop?"

"Boss, "Pacific Rim 2" is so popular. Nowadays, the prime and ordinary theaters of many domestic theaters are all lined up with "Pacific Rim 2", which has pushed "The Great Sage" into the garbage dump. After two years, "Pacific Rim 2" is so popular. God, I’m afraid there will be even fewer films scheduled!”

When Wang Zhonglei heard this, his expression became more solemn.

According to this trend, maybe it will drop to 500,000 tomorrow, which will become a joke.

No, I'm afraid it's already a joke now!

"What was the first-day box office of "Pacific Rim 2"?"

"There is no accurate information yet. Some say it is 53 million, while others say it is 59 million!"

When Wang Zhonglei heard this, he felt a little dizzy. This damn thing can't even compare to someone else's fraction!

But it’s normal to think about it. The total investment for "Pacific Rim 2" is 120 million U.S. dollars, which is nearly one billion yuan. It would have to sell at least more than 400 million U.S. dollars globally to make a profit. "The Great Sage" only cost a few dollars. !

Maybe if I change the schedule, I can make more money. I definitely shouldn’t choose such a schedule. I’m really out of my mind!

"Okay, you go out first!"

After driving away the department manager, Wang Zhonglei took a few steps and called Yang Shoucheng of Yingsu to tell him about yesterday's box office results and his suggestions.

"Cancel it, wait until the New Year, pick a new schedule and start it again!"

Yang Shoucheng was angry when he heard this, "Withdrawal? Are you kidding me? Now that pirated CDs are out, who can go to the theater to watch it after it is withdrawn?"

Wang Zhonglei said to himself, it's not you who caused trouble. You insisted on choosing such a schedule, which caused me to lose money. I haven't settled the account with you yet!

He asked, "What should we do?"

"Didn't you say that the current share of film arrangement is very small? Hold a press conference and declare that Jiang Heng suppresses competitors in film arrangement!"

"Then what?"

Wang Zhonglei asked, what he actually wanted to say was, what's the use of this?

The largest theater chain company in the mainland market is currently the "China Film Red" theater chain jointly established by China Film and Aiyouteng Pictures. The second is Lianhe Cinema, the third is Dadi Cinema, the fourth is China Film South, and the fourth is China Film Southern. The fifth is the "Shanghai Film Red" cinema chain jointly established by Ayoteon's "Red Film" and Shanghai Film Group.

Three of the top five theater companies in mainland China in terms of market share are China Film and Aiyute.

Now you are saying that their theater chains are suppressing film arrangements, which will only make people laugh!

Furthermore, given the quality of "The Great Sage of Love", saying this will not garner sympathy at all.

Only when good movies are suppressed will the audience be sympathetic.

But Yang Shoucheng doesn't think so. He only feels that the films produced by the company are suppressed and bullied in the mainland.

However, he also knew that the mainland might not take him seriously, so he held a press conference in Hong Kong first.

Angrily denounced Jiang Heng as the biggest "cancer" in the Chinese-language film market, dominating the best Lunar New Year and summer schedules, and squeezing the living space of competitors in the film schedule. In the global film market, this situation is very rare, calling on the mainland The market is developing healthily and soundly.

The media in Hong Kong are eager to see the excitement and report the incident crazily, but the public opinion thinks that there is nothing wrong with the mainland cinemas.

Because the cinemas here have also greatly reduced the number of screenings of "A Chinese Odyssey" and increased the number of screenings of "Pacific Rim 2".

And they themselves also think that Liu Zhenwei's film this time is not very good.

It has been so many years, and they are still using the same old tricks.

After learning the news, the mainland media reprinted it and wanted to interview Jiang Heng to ask him what he thought about it.

Jiang Heng had no time to pay attention to it because he was being interviewed by the program team of CCTV 7 Military and Agricultural Channel.

The program team invited the famous domestic military theorist and military commentator "Juzhang" to discuss the modern weapons that appeared in "Pacific Rim 2".

What the "Juzhang" was more interested in was naturally the "drone" and "robot dog" that appeared in the film.

He talked with Jiang Heng about the possibility of the two weapons and the possible results they could achieve on the battlefield.

Once this program was broadcast, it quickly gained good ratings and was repeatedly replayed by CCTV 7.

Many military fans have heated debates on major Chinese forums.

The box office of Pacific Rim 2 in China has also soared under the influence of various popularity, quickly breaking through 100 million, 200 million, 300 million, 500 million...!

In the North American market, Pacific Rim 2 quickly ended the box office prospects of King Kong and won the box office champion of the week as soon as it was released.

As for Japan, the main battlefield in the film, it also attracted a large number of fans to watch the monsters wreak havoc in "Tokyo Bay".

Ayase Yao, who appeared in the beginning of the film for less than a minute, became a rising star in the Japanese film industry because of her performance in Pacific Rim 2.

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