China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 238 Breaking through one billion

Hollywood Universal Studios.

The famous producer Don Murphy brought a bucket of popcorn and led his girlfriend into the screening room of "Pacific Rim 2".

As the most important promoter of the birth of the movie "Transformers", Don Murphy has been paying attention to the project approval of "Pacific Rim 2".

I thought that "Transformers 2" would be ahead this time, but it turned out that "Pacific Rim 2", which started shooting later, was released first. It's really hard to explain!

Not only that, after "Pacific Rim 2" was released, it also won the box office championship for the week and received very high reviews. This made the people involved in the "Transformers" series unable to sit still.

Michael Bay was busy with post-production and couldn't spare the time, so Don Murphy volunteered to come.

In the theater, Don Murphy looked at the crowded crowd, frowned subconsciously, and muttered: "Damn, there are so many people here!"

His girlfriend is also in the entertainment industry. She is an actress with a good figure, but she is not completely brainless.

Shrugging, he said, "Perhaps they thought this was "Transformers 2"?"

Don Murphy said angrily: "That bitch Amy is so shameless. She actually made the poster of "Ring 2" so similar to "Transformers". She should sue them until they go bankrupt!"

But it was said that when Columbia was promoting the film, it held a premiere ceremony, and major theaters in North America also carried out posters.

The problem is that the film's promotional posters look so similar to "Transformers" that some North American viewers can't tell which one is "Transformers" and which one is "Pacific Rim."

Later, experienced viewers shared their experience identification methods on the Internet. The robots fighting robots are from "Transformers", and the monsters fighting are from "Pacific Rim".

Someone replied, shouldn't they be distinguished based on their names?

Then, no one discussed this topic.

This is not surprising. Perhaps it is due to the prevalence of "happy education". Many Americans are extremely lacking in common sense and know nothing about the world outside the United States. Some are even ignorant of their own country.

There are some Americans who really don’t know when Independence Day is, which is quite outrageous.

Therefore, there are many viewers who mistakenly mistake "Pacific Rim 2" for "Transformers 2". After all, the styles are too similar.

You know, Shelter Pictures relied on blockbusters with fake special effects to be released first. It has successively produced films such as "Sharknado", "Atlantic", "Transformer", "Triassic World", etc., and also made a profit. You know, you can earn a lot of money if a movie of the same type is released first, you can really make a lot of money!

One more thing to mention is that the English name of "Pacific Rim 2" is very similar to "Transformers", and it is not entirely because of the poster.

Combining various factors, "Pacific Rim 2" took in a box office of US$91.35 million in its first three days of release, far exceeding the US$66 million of "Inception".

In the three-day box office list of the first weekend in the North American market, "Pacific Rim 2" ranked second to 2002's "Spider-Man" with 114 million, 2005's "Star Wars Episode III" with 108.5 million, and "Shrek 2" with 108 million. 102 million for "Harry Potter 4" and 93.68 million for "Harry Potter 3", which is also quite dazzling.

As soon as this news came out, more people came to watch the movie, so much so that Don Murphy couldn't even buy a ticket for the latest show, not to mention how depressed he was.

After finally sitting down, the theater was still noisy, with people constantly coming in and out.

It didn't stop until the movie was playing, because even North American audiences were shocked by the scenes shown in the movie.

Everyone's eyes widened and their mouths opened wide. When they saw "Storm Red" falling from the sky and cutting off the head of the monster that sprayed blue acid, the whole place cheered.

"Oh yes!"

"This shot is really great, director Jiang Heng is so awesome!"

"Why are they fighting monsters together? Aren't they two groups of robots?"

"Dude, those are Transformers you're talking about!"

"Well, isn't this Transformers?"

Don Murphy in the back row really wanted to cry when he heard this. He had already said that he should be early, early. If he could get it released before "Pacific Rim 2", why would he suffer such a loss?

Later, he forgot how he walked out of the theater, and his memory of the plot of the movie was not very deep. He just felt that the fighting scenes in "Ring 2" were super shocking, and seemed to exceed the expectations of the "Transformers 2" currently being produced. Effect.

So he left the theater and rushed to where Michael Bay worked.

"Hey man, we might be in big trouble!"

"What happened? Is it really that good?" Michael Bay was still a little unbelievable.

Don Murphy nodded slightly, "The comments on the Internet and in the media are not exaggerated. The real situation is that they did not describe the shocking aspects of the film. Really, if you don't go to see it live and just read the comments, you won't expect it. "

After hearing this, Michael Bay's face instantly became very ugly, "Oh, damn, that Chinese film should be banned from entering the U.S. market!"

Don Murphy smiled bitterly, "I also hope that the gentlemen in Congress can come up with a relevant bill. The problem is that we all know that it is impossible. Now let's think about it, what should we do during the summer?"

The movie "Transformers 2" is currently scheduled to be released in the summer of 2006. The two blockbusters with similar themes are released so close to each other. If the special effects and fighting scenes, the main selling points of the latter, are crushed again, the box office will be really bad.

Michael Bay tried to ask: "What do you think about additional investment?"

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to pass!"

"Then what do you think should be done?"

Don Murphy spread his hands, "I just don't know what to do, so I came to ask you!"

"Well, then let's not think about it, let those executives have a headache!"

The two discussed for a long time, but there was no good result, and finally decided to kick the ball to the production company.

The executives of Paramount and DreamWorks were also very troubled by this. They had already secretly started filming in advance, but Jiang Heng got ahead of them. They couldn't do anything!

As for this moment, they really watched "Pacific Rim 2" conquer the North American market and won the annual box office champion in the North American market with a super high box office of 410 million US dollars.

In Japan, South Korea, Britain, France, Germany and other box office powerhouses, Pacific Rim 2 also triggered a viewing craze.

The final result reflected in the box office was that Pacific Rim 2's global total box office exceeded 1 billion US dollars, reaching 1.039 billion US dollars.

The news spread back to China, shocking the entire entertainment industry.

Although it has been repeatedly shocked in recent years, this time is different.

This time, a single film's global box office performance exceeded 1 billion US dollars. In the entire history of Chinese-language films, it is also worth writing about.

Jiang Heng's fame at this moment is unparalleled, and all kinds of interview invitations have been ringing, and everyone is looking forward to an exclusive interview as soon as possible.

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