Jiang Heng was not in the country at all right now.

Firstly, I don’t like the cold winter, and secondly, I don’t have a family.

It was the Chinese New Year in China, and he felt lonely staying alone in the mansion!

It would be better to come to Sydney for a vacation and relax for a while, with Megan Fox by your side, and go to the beach from time to time. Not to mention how pleasant it would be.

However, good days are always short-lived.

Meghan always has to go back to Hollywood to film, and Jiang Heng also has to go back to China for interviews. There is no way, the phone is busy, and each caller is more important than the last.

Besides, it's not a problem if you don't show up all the time. If you don't show up again, the entertainment reporters will start spreading rumors!

In fact, some tabloids have already started spreading rumors, saying that Jiang Heng was skiing in Switzerland with a certain domestic actress.

Chinese people these days have a very serious filter on European and American countries. They always think that feeding pigeons in Paris or skiing in Switzerland are very high-end and very honorable things. They rely on this to spread rumors about Jiang Heng.

Little did they know that Jiang Heng had rarely been to Europe in recent years, and the number of times he had gone to Paris was even less.

Not only is he not interested in Paris, he also has no favorable impression of European luxury goods.

I always feel that those things have no practical value other than telling others "I am rich".

The problem is that Jiang Heng doesn't need to tell others that he is rich now. A movie has a global box office of over one billion US dollars, and he invested most of the funds. How much money do you think he should have?

There is absolutely no need to use luxury goods to show your status!

Not only that, but he has to be a little more modest on weekdays, saying that in fact he doesn't make much.

The terrible thing is that the host I met was Chen Luyu, and he directly said, "I don't believe it!"

Jiang Heng didn't say anything, and Chen Luyu asked again: "Then how much does it mean if you don't make any money?"

"This is a company secret, it's not easy to tell!"


"Because the company is about to go public and it will be disclosed in the financial report. I can't tell it in advance!"

"Wow, your company's stocks will be snapped up by then!"

Jiang Heng felt her eyes light up immediately, and said with a smile: "Maybe, it's hard to say, after all, there are losses and profits when making movies, and the risks are higher than those of conventional companies!"

"No, you will always make money!"

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I think you will always make money!" Chen Luyu said confidently.

Jiang Heng was a little dumbfounded. He really couldn't understand this woman's brain circuit and how she did it.

"Thank you, thank you for your belief!"

"Look, you also believe me, I will buy your company's stocks then!"

"Well, the stock market is risky, so you have to be cautious when investing. I don't really recommend it!"

"I understand, but the market is really hot right now. If you make so much money, don't you want to use it for stock trading?"

Jiang Heng smiled and shook his head, "Let's talk about movies!"

Chen Luyu was a little reluctant, but the words "money" and "stock market" were indeed very sensitive. After a moment's hesitation, he changed the topic back to movies.

"You have made so many films, which one is the most satisfying?"


"It's indeed very good-looking, but why is it? "The Matrix" and "Inception" are also very good!"

“More emotion is invested!”

"Well, I read some movie reviews and said that the movie had a lot of metaphors, but it's a pity that I haven't seen it on the big screen."

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "There will be a chance!"

Chen Luyu wondered, "Do you want to re-screen it? Although the film is very good, not many people will go see it, right?"

Jiang Heng said: "It's definitely not a simple re-screening, there will be something new for everyone!"

Chen Luyu's eyes lit up again, "A new plot? But the story is already complete!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "This must continue to be kept secret!"

Chen Luyu was a little depressed when he heard this, and asked casually: "Does Director Jiang have a girlfriend now?"

"Not yet! (Not yet in China)"

"Then why didn't you find it? Do you resist girls?"

"of course not!"

"With your conditions, it shouldn't be possible. There will be many girls who like you!"

Jiang Heng smiled: "Really?"

Chen Luyu nodded, "Of course, I think there will be many!"

"I think you are right!"

"Yeah, but you haven't had it all this time, which makes people feel a little weird!"

Jiang Heng laughed, "This is the first time someone has told me that!"

"That's because others don't dare to tell you the truth!"

Jiang Heng said: "Maybe!"

"Then what do you like?"

"Be optimistic and cheerful!"

“Why is it the character that stands out?”

"Because I'm not optimistic enough. I hope to find a partner with very positive energy!"

Chen Luyu heard this and murmured: "Positive energy, this word is really good!"

"Haha, I think so too!"

The two had such a nonsensical conversation. After recording, Chen Luyu stood up and shook hands and said: "Thank you Director Jiang for your strong cooperation and support. I hope your movies will continue to be a box office hit in the future!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "Then let me lend you some good words!"

The recording location of "A Date at Lu's House" was in Beijing. After the event, Jiang Heng drove back to Aiyouteng Film Company.

Boss Du Huan came over and said with a smile: "How was the show?"

"Let's make do with it, just pick out what can be said, and what can't be said, no comment!"

"The boss is still domineering!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "Why are you so domineering? I was asked a lot of weird questions."

Du Huan said: "That's how talk shows are, not to mention that she is just that kind of person!"

Jiang Heng nodded slightly. He didn't want to comment on Chen Luyu anymore!

While chatting, the secretary came over to report that Jing Tian was here.

Du Huan said hurriedly: "Then I'll go back first!"

Jiang Heng didn't keep him. Not long after, Da Tiantian came in wearing a light-colored woolen coat and sunglasses.

"You're not afraid of falling!" Jiang Heng said with a smile.

"Of course not, I'm very careful!"

"Are you unhappy recently?"

"Busy, of course! But no matter how busy you are, you have to come. It's been so long since we last met, and you're hiding abroad. I was thinking of going to Lama Temple with you during the Chinese New Year!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "Why, are you going to ask for something?"

"Of course, I want to ask for too much, but you're not here. Is it so fun outside?"

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, "It's okay, mainly because I was too busy before, take a good rest and relax!"

Jing Tian sighed, "That's right, you were busy filming before, it was too hard, you should take a good rest! Otherwise, how about going on a self-driving tour together?"

Jiang Heng waved his hand and smiled, "Don't, people will say I kidnapped a little girl later!"

Jing Tian was unhappy and pouted.

Jiang Heng explained, "I'm about to start filming a new movie!"

Jing Tian's beautiful eyes widened, "So soon?"

Jiang Heng nodded, "Yes!"

"You really are a workaholic!" Da Tiantian didn't know how to comment, she had never seen such a hard worker.

Jiang Heng said, "It's mainly because some people's schedules have been negotiated, so of course we have to film as planned!"

Jing Tian's eyes widened instantly, "Why didn't you talk to me?"

Then she said pitifully, "It's over, even the cameo role is gone!"

Jiang Heng couldn't help but knock her on the head when she saw this, "You don't study hard all day and run around everywhere, what schedule are you still negotiating?"

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