It was time for dinner, so Jiang Heng asked Jing Tian what he wanted to eat.

The latter rolled his eyes and pointed his right index finger, "Ah, hot pot!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said yes, and drove Jing Tian out for dinner.

After dinner, they went shopping together, buying a bunch of clothes, bags and the like.

"Brother, do you like shopping?"

"Not bad!"

"Then what do you like to buy?"

"Houses, land, shops...!"

"Well, what I buy is the real luxury!" Da Tiantian said after looking at the bag worth tens of thousands of yuan in her hand.

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay, the houses in Beijing are still good, and I can buy some if I have some spare money!"

"Do you think the houses in Beijing will increase a lot?"

Seeing Jiang Heng nod, Da Tiantian said, "Then I'll ask my family to buy some, and then sell them after they go up. Buy low and sell high to make a profit. I'm smart, right?"

Jiang Heng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "You are really smart. Remember to consult me ​​when you want to sell the house!"

Jing Tian was a little puzzled when he saw this, not knowing what he said wrong, and asked back, "It won't keep going up, right?"

"It's hard to say, after all, the situation is changing, but it looks like a long-term positive trend!"

Jing Tian frowned when he heard this, with an annoyed expression, "Oh, anyway, I don't understand it, anyway, just ask my brother in the future, hehe!"

After shopping in the mall, Jiang Heng sent Jing Tian home, and the latter was still reluctant to leave.

Sitting in the car, she said, "I'm so happy today. It would be nice if it could be like this every day!"

Jiang Heng grabbed her hair and messed up her hair, and said with a smile, "What are you thinking about? I don't have time to play with you every day!"

"Oh, then I'll go back to school!" After saying that, he got out of the car, took a few "trophies" bought in the mall today, and waved his hand before going upstairs.

Looking at Jing Tian's back, Jiang Heng was not only a little absent-minded.

Among the girls, he was the most relaxed and happiest when he was with Jing Tian.

Because this girl is carefree, there is no need to worry about any words "hurting" her, and her personality is optimistic and cheerful, which will be more interesting.

Comparatively speaking, the others are too restrained in front of him.

Especially Zhao Liying, she is very nervous every time she sees him. Maybe she will change after she really becomes famous!

But he doesn't force it when it comes to feelings, and his current attitude is to let it go.

Thinking of this, he started the car and left.

Driving on the night road in Beijing, I suddenly felt like drinking.

I pulled the car over and hesitated when I picked up the phone. He seemed to have all kinds of partners, but there seemed to be few friends with whom he could talk.

He had a good relationship with Sammo Hung, Yuen Tak, Yuen Wah and others, but after all, there was a big age gap.

Jiang Heng took his phone and flipped through the address book, wondering who was in Beijing and could drink with him.

Suddenly he saw Wu Jing's name, thought for a moment, and called him.

After all, it was agreed that Wu Jing would continue to play the Monkey King, so it wouldn't be abrupt to ask him to come over, and he might as well talk about "Havoc in Heaven".

In Beijing, in a high-end restaurant, Wu Jing was eating face to face with an actress in the circle, talking about his filming experience.

When he was talking excitedly, the Motorola phone on the table suddenly rang.

Wu Jing glanced at him and immediately picked up the phone to answer the call, "Hello, Director Jiang, you want to see me? Ah, no, no, it's okay, I'm staying at home all day, waiting for you to call me to join the group! Drink, what do you want to eat, I'll arrange a place, okay, okay, I'll be there soon!"

After hanging up the phone, he took out a wad of money from his wallet and handed it to the girl on the other side, "Sorry, Director Jiang wanted to see me, probably about filming, I really can't accompany you, you can pay the bill later, and then go shopping in the mall..."

Unexpectedly, the little actor on the other side was also smart, and hurriedly said: "It's okay, it's okay, Director Jiang is important , you go quickly? Oh, you can't drive here, I'll take you?"

"You drive?"

"Let's go!"

The girl said, got up to pay the bill, and drove Wu Jing to the designated barbecue restaurant. She resisted the urge to go in with him, and only said: "You go there and drink as much as you want, accompany Director Jiang, it's okay if you get drunk, call me and I'll pick you up!"

Wu Jing looked at the girl a few more times, and didn't expect her to be so sensible. He nodded slightly, "It depends on the situation. If it's too late, Director Jiang will call the driver!"

The girl didn't bother, made an OK gesture and drove away.

Wu Jing stepped into the store and came to the agreed private room. He saw Jiang Heng was already sitting there, drinking by himself.

"Sorry, sorry, Director Jiang, I'm late, I'm punishing myself...!"

Jiang Heng waved his hand and said with a smile: "Hey, I just want to drink a little and talk about the new film. There's no need to have a drinking party. Just be casual and moderate!"

Wu Jing sat down with a smile, "Director Jiang, you don't look like you want to talk about movies!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "You don't look like you just came out of the house!"

Seeing Wu Jing stunned, Jiang Heng stretched out his right index finger and tapped his right cheek twice.

Wu Jing was stunned at first, then reached out and wiped his right cheek, and sure enough, he saw the color of lipstick.

He smiled and said: "I just met a girl and we're still chatting!"

Jiang Heng smiled and nodded, "Very good!"

Wu Jing had already opened the beer, first filled Jiang Heng's glass, and then poured himself a glass.

"Director Jiang, you're not also trapped in love, are you?"

"Do you think I'm that kind of person?"

Wu Jing laughed sarcastically, "Of course not. Director Jiang is so lucky, how could he be trapped by love? It's just a spoiler at best!"

Jiang Heng sighed slightly, he was indeed a bit spoiled for choice.

After all, judging from his experience, he no longer believed in love, and he didn't look forward to marriage that much.

Wu Jing saw Jiang Heng thinking deeply and knew that he had guessed correctly.

He smiled and said, "Do you remember the story "Little Horse Crossing the River" in the Chinese textbook in elementary school?"

"Pony crossing the river?"

"Oh, yes, you are from Xiangjiang and have never studied textbooks from the mainland!" Wu Jing slapped his head.

Jiang Hengxin said, I have really learned it, but Wu Jing has already started telling the story of "Little Horse Crossing the River".

In the end, he concluded, "In life, you have to keep trying. Only after you try it will you know whether it suits you or not!"

Jiang Heng smiled when he heard this, picked up the cup and clinked it, "It sounds like you are very experienced, like a love saint. How about I make a similar movie for you another day?"

Wu Jing said: "Okay, I also want to challenge my weakness. The actress must be more beautiful!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "That's for sure!"

An image of a woman in a red dress dancing appeared in her mind.

It is said that Clara has already made her debut. Can she come over and play the role of the Seven Fairies?

If she intends to develop in the mainland, she can also sign under the banner.

Seeing Jiang Heng's expression of not knowing what he was thinking, Wu Jing wisely said nothing and just helped to get the skewers and pour the wine.

Jiang Heng didn't really want to talk to anyone. He simply thought drinking alone was too boring, so he asked Wu Jing to come over and find someone to talk to.

The two of them just chatted about each other, and the topic finally fell on "Havoc in Heaven".

"I value this drama very much. The filming period is at least half a year, and the post-production special effects will take almost a year."

Wu Jing was stunned when he heard this, "Doesn't it take two years to get into school?"

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, "Absolutely, so it will be very hard, so be prepared!"

Wu Jing nodded, "I know!"

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