China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 242 Entertainment Godmother

Jiang Heng has no branch in South Korea, after all, this is the world of chaebols.

As for the distribution of a series of films, they are all in cooperation with CJ Entertainment.

Speaking of this company, it is not small. Its founder is Lee Mi-kyung, the granddaughter of Lee Byung-chul, the founder of Samsung Group.

This woman is not simple either. The company invested heavily in DreamWorks under her leadership when it was just established in 1995, and became the agent for DreamWorks movies to be distributed in South Korea.

The more common CGV cinemas in the mainland are under the CJ Group.

The cinema chain was established in South Korea in 1996, entered the Chinese market in 2006, and opened the first CGV cinema in Shanghai.

However, this time, CJ Group chose to go north and wanted to open its first cinema in Beijing.

The reason is still influenced by Jiang Heng. In recent years, due to the distribution of films, it has cooperated a lot with China Film and iQiyi Films.

In addition, because of Jiang Heng's words, China Film Group introduced CJ Entertainment's "Memories of Murder", which made them inexplicably earn an unexpected fortune, and their good impression of Jiang Heng increased dramatically.

This time, they are preparing to enter the Chinese market to invest in the construction of cinemas, but they first come to Jiang Heng to pay their respects.

Beijing, Kempinski Hotel, Longyuan Chinese Restaurant.

Jiang Heng and Li Meijing sat opposite each other, eating and chatting.

"Congratulations to Director Jiang, "Pacific Rim 2" has a global box office of over 1 billion US dollars, and it has also set a new record for the highest box office in our Republic of Korea. Congratulations!" Li Meijing said, holding up the red wine glass.

Jiang Heng also picked up the glass and said thank you with a smile.

He took a sip and said, "Chairman Li came here this time, not just to say thank you!"

Li Meijing put down his chopsticks, "Of course, I came to China this time because I am optimistic about the development of the film industry here and want to invest in the construction of high-end cinemas. I wonder if Director Jiang has any advice for me!"

Jiang Heng was stunned when he heard this, and then laughed. This is really a pillow when you are sleepy!

He is now preparing to shoot the 3D version of "Havoc in Heaven", and he faces a very important problem, which is the lack of high-end cinema 3D screening halls.

If there are not enough 3D theaters, there will be very few people watching 3D movies, and it will be difficult to form a positive effect of word-of-mouth communication.

When "Avatar" was released in the previous life, how many people scrambled for 3D movie tickets!

Therefore, the transformation and upgrading of theaters are also crucial.

At present, he can influence the two theater companies "China Film Red" and "Shanghai Film Red", but because successful 3D films have not yet been released, the transformation project is progressing very slowly.

Jiang Heng was angry and directly invested a huge amount of money to acquire a small theater company, and has sent people to promote the transformation of the theater.

However, in general, high-end 3D theaters are still too rare, and it would be great if CGV could participate in it.

In addition, the CJ Group in the previous life was very successful and was the fifth largest film investment company in the world, with a market share of more than 50% in South Korea.

Strengthening cooperation between the two sides is also good for Jiang Heng.

"I don't know if President Lee has ever learned about 3D technology?"

Li Meijing was stunned, and then said: "I heard that director James Cameron seems to be making a 3D movie. However, there are no successful 3D movies in the world. Is Jiang Heng optimistic about this?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "Indeed, I am optimistic, and I also plan to invest in a 3D movie."

Jiang Heng is not afraid that Li Meijing will leak the news. After all, both filming and post-production take time. The schedule of "Avatar" is almost fixed and it is difficult to advance.

Li Meijing's eyes lit up when she heard the words, as if she had heard a very important business secret, and even her voice trembled a little.

"You said, you are also planning to invest in a 3D movie?"

This reaction made Jiang Heng confused, and he immediately reacted. Damn, CGV at this moment is not the first theater company in South Korea later. She must have found a track to surpass her competitors.

Li Meijing did, as Jiang Heng thought, have the idea of ​​"differentiation" competition and found a way to surpass other theater companies.

If it was just James Cameron who was shooting a 3D movie, then the renovation of the theater hall might need some discussion.

But Jiang Heng was also involved and wanted to shoot a 3D movie, so in Lee Mi-kyung's view, this was a gamble worth taking.

The question was, did she dare to take the gamble?

Too daring!

Lee Mi-kyung was short and slightly fat, and looked unremarkable, but she was the behind-the-scenes boss of the Oscar-winning Korean film "Parasite", and she was also a super academic master.

After graduating from Seoul University in the 1980s, she first studied for a master's degree in East Asian Studies at Harvard University, and then went to Fudan University to complete a doctorate in Chinese history. During this period, she also studied at Formosa University and Keio University in Japan, and was proficient in Chinese, Japanese, and English.

Later, she went to the United States to work, and often brought DVDs of Korean movies to visit large Hollywood film companies: Warner Bros., Universal, Fox, etc. This enthusiasm was later described by the Hollywood media as "like a believer in Korean movies."

However, at that time, South Korea had no internationally renowned directors, nor classic works recognized overseas, so everything she did was basically in vain, and then she decided to use money to pave the way.

First, she helped Spielberg and Samsung's then leader Lee Kun-hee to reach a $900 million cooperation to establish "DreamWorks".

After the cooperation failed, the next year, she signed a contract with Spielberg again on behalf of South Korea's CJ Group, exchanging $300 million for a 10.8% stake in DreamWorks and the exclusive distribution rights of its films in Asia (excluding Japan). What a powerful person!

After reaching the cooperation with Spielberg, another focus of Li Meijing's work is to build a chain of high-end theaters with his brother Li Jae-hyun.

It can be considered a steady progress at this moment, but from Jiang Heng's words, there is a new opportunity, and there is no way to miss it.

First, I asked Jiang Heng about the difference in the audio-visual effects of 3D movies and 2D movies. Of course, it was the audio-visual effects of brand-new 3D movies, because the audio-visual effects of 3D movies at this time are really average.

After listening to Jiang Heng's description, Li Meijing's heart skipped a beat.

But as a strong business person, she naturally would not make a decision immediately. She only said: "Don't worry, Director Jiang, I will order the team to study this project carefully. If it is feasible, all CGV theaters in the Republic of Korea will be converted into 3D cinemas!"

Jiang Heng said with a smile: "I am just making a suggestion. Whether to modify it or not is your own business!"

Li Meijing said: "I understand, but I believe that in the next ten years, 3D movies will be an important reason for the explosive growth of the global movie market."

Jiang Heng said: "Probably. After all, for 3D movies, you have to see the essence of the movie in the theater. This cannot be replaced by DVD!"

"Yes, so I am really grateful to Director Jiang for his suggestion. It is really the most correct decision to come and visit you first when I come to China this time!"

Jiang Heng smiled: "You're welcome!"

Li Meijing said: "Do you have anything, Director Jiang, that you need help with? Could you please let me know?"

Jiang Heng smiled and shook his head, because the essence of this matter is mutual benefit and everyone benefits.

But Li Meijing was always polite. Jiang Heng thought for a while and said, "Then help me find someone!"

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