China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 244: The press conference that shocked the industry

In early March, Ayote Pictures held a press conference and officially announced that it would exclusively invest US$300 million to shoot a 3D version of "Havoc in Heaven."

The first reaction of the reporters was confusion. They all looked at the people around them, not knowing what "3D" was!

After all, I had never heard of this concept before.

Then I was shocked by the huge investment amount of 300 million US dollars, which was simply unimaginable.

Speaking of the Chinese entertainment industry at the moment, there are also blockbusters produced by other companies.

For example, Huayi took the lead and invited Liu Weiqiang to direct "The Legend of the Gods" with a total investment of US$100 million.

"Red Cliff", which has completed post-production and is preparing for release in the summer, is also said to have a total investment of over 100 million U.S. dollars.

So at this point in time, the investment amount of 100 million US dollars is no longer a news selling point.

Jiang Heng suddenly raised the production cost of mainland film investment to 300 million US dollars, and he still invested exclusively. This is so surprising, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it shocked the entire Chinese entertainment industry.

Reporters speculated that it was because the investment amount was too large and the so-called "3D" technology was immature that China Film Group did not participate this time.

At the same time, I was shocked by the powerful strength of "Aiyouteng" Pictures. They actually took 300 million US dollars as soon as they asked for it. How much money they made!

"Hello Director Jiang, I am a reporter from Xinlang Entertainment. The investment amount for this new film is so high, it has once again refreshed the total investment record for Chinese films. I would like to ask, is this 3D technology very expensive? Its effect is also What will it be like?”

"Of course, the reason why we spent so much money this time and used 3D stereoscopic film technology to shoot "Havoc in Heaven" was mainly to use the most perfect effects to present the most exciting chapter in "Journey to the West".

Speaking of 3D movies, it is not a new technology. This thing appeared as early as the 1920s...! "

Jiang Heng first introduced the development history of 3D movies to a group of media reporters, and everyone realized that it was not a new technology. Even domestically, in the 1960s, 3D films such as "The Adventures of the Magician", "Happy Laughter", "Happy Zoo", "Beautiful Girl A Ping" and "The Thirteenth Sister" were produced.

It’s just that it hasn’t existed in recent decades and has gradually been forgotten.

What many people don't know is that the first 3D movie released on a large scale in China was not the well-known "Avatar", but "Journey to the Center of the Earth" in 2008.

Because of the outstanding visual effects, the high ticket price of 100 yuan and the unprecedented visual impact, the film was screened on a limited 80 3D screens for 27 weeks, with a box office of 67 million yuan, with an average box office output of 800,000 yuan per screen.

"Red Cliff" (Part 1), which had a box office of 320 million yuan, was screened on 3,600 screens, with a box office of more than 80,000 yuan per screen.

Comparing the two movies, the average box office of 3D movies is 10 times that of ordinary movies. The box office of selling one movie can recoup the investment in projection equipment, which is an investment miracle.

It was the success of "Journey to the Center of the Earth" that set off a craze for 3D movies, causing many domestic theaters to expand and update projection equipment and promote 3D movies.

In 2008, the number of 3D screens in China was only 86. By the time "Ice Age 3" was released in the summer, the number of 3D screens had rapidly grown to 350.

When "Avatar" was released, the number of 3D screens in China had exceeded 600, making it the world's second largest 3D movie market after the United States.

The reason why it can achieve a box office miracle of 1.34 billion is also inseparable from the transformation and upgrading of theaters brought about by the 3D movie boom caused by "Journey to the Center of the Earth" and "Ice Age 3".

However, Jiang Heng's "Havoc in Heaven" had to be released in advance, so he had to find a way to let theater owners know that 3D movies are more profitable and upgrade their equipment. That's why he introduced the benefits of 3D movies at the new film press conference.

I believe that after large-scale media reports, some theater owners will be willing to upgrade.

After the press conference, media reports were just as Jiang Heng expected, with "3D movies" as the core of their articles and looking forward to the future development of the Chinese film market.

Some people who are more supportive of Jiang Heng said that this move will lead to the continuous expansion of the Chinese film market. They believe that it will not be long before China will become the second largest film market in the world after North America.

There are also some who are bearish and express doubts about the film's final effect, saying that Jiang Heng's move is too risky. Once the reputation and box office fail, the amazing results achieved over the years will be in vain. Jiang Heng is advised to proceed with caution.

In Hong Kong, Wu Yusen, who has completed the post-production of "Red Cliff", took a rare break in the studio to handle some chores and plan the release of the famous film.

Producer Zhang Jiazhen came over with some newspapers and laughed: "Come and see, what's wrong with that kid again!"

Wu Yusen raised his head, "What is it that makes you so happy?"

"look by youself!"

After Zhang Jiazhen finished speaking, he placed "Ming Pao" in front of Wu Yusen, but saw that it read, "Jiang Heng is obsessed with new technologies and invested 300 million to make a 3D version of "Havoc in Heaven"."

Looking further into the article, we first report on the press conference of the new film, then review the development of 3D technology in the history of world cinema, and finally talk about the huge risks of this move.

To sum it up, the process of 3D technology can only be regarded as magic, not art at all.

Over the years, no major director has used this technology to make a movie.

Perhaps due to time constraints, this article was not written rigorously.

Before the movie "Avatar", most great directors looked down on 3D technology, but Hitchcock didn't think so. He shot a 3D version of "Dial M for Murder" in 1954, which became one of the few fine 3D films at the time.

However, Wu Yusen certainly didn't notice these. He glanced at the newspaper and said disdainfully: "This director Jiang, probably because of the inflated global box office of "Pacific Rim 2", aimed at the throne of the world's box office champion in film history, and knew that ordinary movies could never beat "Titanic", so he took a different approach from 3D technology!"

Zhang Jiazhen laughed, "You still see it clearly. He really dared to invest 300 million US dollars. It seems that he has made a lot of money! I just don't know how much he can lose this time!"

To be honest, few directors and producers in the circle are not envious of the amazing box office of "Pacific Rim 2".

After all, "there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts", and the director industry is also considered to be on the "literary" side, and they are not very convinced of each other.

Some people insist that their works are good even if their works are criticized as bad movies, and their box office and reputation are both bad, but you just don't understand them.

So no matter how great Jiang Heng's achievements are, there will always be people who are not convinced, not to mention the famous director Wu Yusen.

He smiled and said: "How much he earns or loses is his business, it has nothing to do with us, just don't affect "Red Cliff"!"

Zhang Jiazhen said: "The problem is that his "Zhu Xian" is scheduled for the summer vacation, competing with "Red Cliff"!"

Wu Yusen also had a headache when he heard this.

The so-called strategic contempt for the enemy and tactical respect for the enemy.

Jiang Heng's special effects blockbuster, Hollywood directors dare not underestimate it.

Not to mention that this movie has an original novel, and there is a group of "original party" waving flags and shouting on the Internet!

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