No company in the industry dares to underestimate the movie "Zhu Xian".

In terms of investment, it is also an amount of hundreds of millions of US dollars.

In terms of the main creative lineup, Jiang Heng directed and acted in the work, and there are also popular domestic female stars such as Tang Yan.

Not to mention that the original novel is hailed as the "martial arts bible of the post-Jin Yong era". Since its release, it has sold countless copies and has a strong fan base, mainly young students, the main force of moviegoers in the film market.

Really thinking about this matter makes Wu Yusen and Zhang Jiazhen feel a headache.

However, the best schedule every year is the summer vacation and the New Year, and even the Spring Festival schedule is a little worse.

During the Spring Festival this year, Cheng Long's blockbuster "Myth" was released. With Jiang Heng's guest appearance to help promote it, it only achieved a box office result of 126 million.

In this era when Feng Xiaogang has a box office of nearly 200 million, the performance of "Myth" is obviously a bit outdated.

Of course, there are also reasons for the schedule.

It should be noted that in China in 2006, the income of the masses was not very high, and watching movies was still a slightly luxurious and even petty-bourgeois thing.

Therefore, most viewers were selective in watching movies, unlike more than a decade later, when some people would watch several popular movies during the Spring Festival.

Many people watched "Pacific Rim 2" during the Lunar New Year, and then watched "The Myth" during the Spring Festival about a month later, and their willingness to watch movies was not so strong!

When a blockbuster movie comes out of nowhere, it often creates a low season for watching movies in the next one or two months.

Therefore, the producers of "Red Cliff" were very entangled in the choice of schedule, thinking that it would not be good to be before "Zhu Xian" or after it, and it would be best to dominate the summer schedule.

"I think it's better to be earlier!" Wu Yusen sighed.

Zhang Jiazhen: "Jiang Heng's previous works were all scheduled on the second Friday of July. This year it is the 14th, so let's choose the 7th, a week earlier than him!"


Wu Yusen was firm and did not mention the challenge with Jiang Heng at all.

It was fine to just shout about the "touching porcelain" style publicity before, but now they must not say anything nonsense. If Jiang Heng is angry and really releases the film ahead of schedule, they will be dumbfounded.

However, when the new film press conference of "Havoc in Heaven" caused a huge sensation in the industry, Jiang Heng had already led the crew to Hengdian World Studios and started filming the film.

This film is exclusively produced by iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures, and the production director, deputy director, action director, etc. are all from their own company.

In terms of actors, Sun Wukong is played by Wu Jing, and the "Prince Professional" Wang Huichun plays the role of the Tower-Bearing Heavenly King.

He played the Eighth Prince in "Yongzheng Dynasty" very well, and he was also majestic and domineering in the costume of "Li Tianwang".

The actress who played Nezha was a girl in her teens, who was discovered when someone introduced her. She has a good foundation in dancing, but she is not a famous actor in the future.

Jiang Heng originally wanted Song Zhuer to play Nezha, but later found out that Song Zhuer was born in 1998 and was only eight years old at the moment. He chose someone else.

The rest, such as Juling Shen, Taibai Jinxing, Taishang Laojun, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Jade Emperor, etc., are all played by veteran actors in the circle, with the main principle of looking familiar and saving money.

After all, the main selling point of this play is the visual effect, not the star effect.

Moreover, Jiang Heng will play Erlang Shen Yang Jian in the film, and have a wonderful fight with Wu Jing's Sun Wukong, which is enough to attract the audience.

On the set, Jiang Heng sat next to the monitor and watched Wu Jing perform the scene of Sun Wukong's first visit to the Lingxiao Palace.

The shooting plan of this movie is to shoot interior scenes in Hengdian first, then go to various places to shoot exterior scenes, and finally return to the China Film Digital Base in Beijing to shoot the special effects part.

The palaces and courtyards selected in Hengdian have all been modified.

As for the panoramic view of the palace in heaven that was finally shown, it still needs to be modified by post-production special effects. We can't let the palace in heaven look the same as the dynasties on earth.

However, the difference in the interior of the palace is not particularly large. If it is too different, the audience will feel uncomfortable.

"Cut, it's done!"

Jiang Heng called a stop, and everyone on the set breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Jing staggered and almost fell. Fortunately, his assistant was quick and stepped forward to support him and sent him to the rest area.

Wu Jing is an action actor, so he shouldn't be so weak.

However, his styling in the film is too delicate. It took more than four hours to put on makeup. After putting on makeup, he couldn't drink water or eat. It was a complete test of his willpower.

However, styling is really a matter of one point of effort and one point of gain.

The 1986 version of "Journey to the West" and "Journey to the West Sequel" directed by Yang Jie are also very different in styling.

In the former, Sun Wukong's styling is very natural, but in the sequel, it is obvious that he is wearing a mask and his expression is stiff.

The styling of Zhu Bajie is also the same, both of which are full of mask feeling.

In terms of conditions, the crew was in extremely difficult conditions when filming the 1986 version, but the effect was very good.

The conditions were better when filming the sequel more than a decade later, but all aspects were relatively perfunctory.

Jiang Heng's version of "Havoc in Heaven" is to strive for excellence and perfection in all aspects, trying to compete with "Avatar".

From the quality of the film alone, there is absolutely no problem.

With "super microcomputers", better audio-visual effects can be produced than "Avatar", but in terms of box office, "Avatar" still has more advantages.

After all, it is about Americans developing alien resources to fight natives. This story is too familiar to European and American audiences, and it is very immersive.

Comparatively, the sense of immersion in "Havoc in Heaven" is much worse, and only the visual effects can be worked on.

After filming for about half a month, several actresses who played the seven fairies came to "visit the set".

The reason why they didn't have to join the crew was that their scenes could not be filmed at this time, and they had to wait until the peaches were ripe in summer.

And there was only one set of scenes, and if everything went well, it would take less than three days.

Therefore, although the "Seven Fairies" are currently widely promoted, they did not join the crew at all when the filming started, and they were all busy with their own things.

The ones who came this time were Jing Tian, ​​Liu Yifei, Tang Yan, and Yang Mi.

The former had been preparing for the entrance examination to the Film Academy, but in fact there was nothing to prepare, and there was no difficulty.

When I was bored and wandering around the Internet, I saw the fans of "Zhu Xian" calling on the crew to put up some promotional posters for the movie, and I couldn't help it.

Came to ask Jiang Heng when the movie promotion would start, so that she could prepare the "schedule" to avoid conflict with the exam.

"Brother, when will this drama premiere?" Jing Tian asked with a sweet smile.

Tang Yan, who was standing by, didn't say anything, but there was curiosity in his eyes.

It has been several years since "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother", and it is really significant that he has only starred in his second special effects blockbuster.

Although Jiang Heng didn't remind her, Tang Yan also reserved her schedule for the recent period of time to prepare for the promotion of "Zhu Xian".

Jiang Heng said: "According to common sense, it should be early July. Why can't you wait in April?"

Jing Tian smiled and said: "I mainly see that the fans can't wait and always leave messages online. I wonder if I can give them some benefits and release some posters in advance!"

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