"Zhu Xian" has been a book for many years, but there are still a group of loyal fans who are looking forward to the novel being adapted into a film and television like Jin Yong's works.

When the film just started, they were really excited and exchanged and looked forward to it in forums such as Tianya.

In the blink of an eye, a year has passed, and as the film is about to be released, these people's expectations are getting higher and higher.

However, the general pre-promotion of movies is two months before the release, and the concentrated promotion is basically within one month before the release.

If it is too early, it cannot be said that it is useless, but it can only be said that the "input-output ratio" is not high.

At this moment, it has just entered April, and the release date of "Zhu Xian" is mid-July. Normally, there will be no promotion activities at this time.

However, seeing that Jing Tian is so enthusiastic, Tang Yan is also looking forward to it, and Jiang Heng can't deny it.

However, spending money is not allowed, there is no such rule.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly asked, "Do you have a blog?"

"What is a blog?"

Jing Tian was confused, but Liu Yifei said, "I know, it's a kind of self-media. It has existed in the United States a few years ago. There is a Xinlang blog in China. Well, it seems there are others!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "Yes, it's this thing. You can register an account yourself and post some of your own stills on it. Of course, you can't post content that needs to be kept confidential!"

Da Tiantian's eyes lit up when he heard it, "Really? That's great, I'll register one later and post my stills!"

I immediately looked at Jiang Heng, "Brother, do you have a blog? Are there any photos of you on it?"

Jiang Heng smiled and shook his head, indicating that he didn't.

Jiang Heng looked down on "transitional" products such as blogs. He valued Weibo more.

As far as I can remember, Xinlang Weibo was born in 2009. It's really time to make a move now. The opportunity of the 2008 Olympics can't be missed.

Jiang Heng didn't think much of it, but for Da Tiantian, it felt very fresh.

After staying for a short while, he went out to find a laptop. After returning to the hotel, he registered a blog account named "Tiantian Xiaowu" and began to think about what to write.

"How stupid! Post a photo with my brother!"

He immediately picked up the camera and looked through the old photos.

He looked for a while and slapped his forehead, "What happened today? All my cleverness is gone!"

After that, he took the camera, went downstairs and drove into the "Havoc in Heaven" crew.

The girls who were still on the set looked at Jing Tian with puzzled faces.

The latter smiled innocently, "Come back and take a photo!"

After Jiang Heng finished shooting a group of shots, Jing Tian stepped forward and asked others to help take a photo, and then ran away in a hurry, which made the people around him puzzled.

"She ran back just to take a photo?" Tang Yan wondered.

Liu Yifei also looked at the direction where Jing Tian disappeared, "At present, it should be!"

Immediately understood what Jing Tian was busy with, he must be preparing to post a photo of her and Jiang Heng on the newly registered blog account!

Liu Yifei immediately stepped forward, "Uncle, can someone take a photo of us too?"

Jiang Heng, who was sitting behind the machine, was stunned, and then he understood and said with a smile: "Okay!" He asked someone to bring the camera to take a photo.

Tang Yan, Yang Mi and others saw this and naturally couldn't fall behind, and they also took photos with Jiang Heng separately. The three girls took a few more photos and then left the crew together.

The dinner will have to wait until the crew finishes work. There is nothing to go shopping at this time, so the three girls go back to the hotel together.

First go to Jing Tian's room and see her grinning at the computer.

"Hey, what's the matter, so happy!" Yang Mi asked first.

Jing Tian hurriedly stood up and said with a look of surprise: "Look, my new blog has been read by more than a hundred people!"

"So fast?"

Several girls were very surprised and came forward to read the short essay written by Jing Tian.

Seeing that the blog was called "Tiantian Xiaowu", the first article was "Director Jiang Heng in my eyes".

The article described in detail some details of the interactions with Jiang Heng in the past few years, and attached many group photos, which can be said to be very readable.

The number of views of the article exceeded 300 in the time that several girls had just read it once.

"So many people are reading it!"

"Oh, it turned out to be on the homepage of the website!"

"I didn't realize that, big Tiantian, can also write short essays?"

Jing Tian smiled innocently, "Actually, I am most afraid of writing essays, but this one is so easy to write. I feel that the words are all in my mind, and there are still many things that have not been written!"

The other girls were a little envious when they saw this.

They can make a name for themselves in the entertainment industry, and they still have some "sense of smell".

Knowing that Jing Tian's "small essay" will probably be reprinted by major media and become a hit.

It's a pity that if you follow the trend and publish it later, your influence will be far less than Jing Tian's.

But the article should be published. There are four people who came to visit the crew today. What would Director Jiang think if others published it and you didn't?

Liu Yifei and others chatted for a few more words, and then went back to find computers to write small essays.

As a result, by the afternoon, seven or eight actresses had published blogs online, and the content was similar to "Director Jiang Heng in my eyes".

Even Zhao Liying, who was filming a TV series in Beijing, dictated on the set at the request of her agent, and her assistant sorted out an article, and then attached a photo of her and Jiang Heng and posted it online.

In the evening, when the crew of "Havoc in Heaven" finished work, Jiang Heng took his mobile phone and found that there were many more text messages, all of which were congratulations, saying that he was very lucky.

"What are you talking about?"

The assistant said, "Yes, there are more than a dozen actresses who have posted on their blogs about their interactions with you... the details of their interactions!"

Jiang Heng was confused, "What's going on?"

He knew that Jing Tian suddenly came back to take a photo, most likely to post something about him on the blog, and he didn't think there was anything wrong.

There was nothing wrong with Liu Yifei and others taking photos with him.

It feels weird that more than a dozen beautiful female stars suddenly wrote about their interactions with me on their blogs!

"Well, according to the latest news, some male actors who have worked with you have also posted articles like "Director Jiang Heng in My Eyes" on Weibo!"

Jiang Heng was a little "broken" when he heard this. Small actors need exposure and traffic, and there is nothing wrong with writing about their interactions with big names and posting photos.

But so many people posting together is not right, it is easy to create a popular online communication event like "Jia Junpeng".

If others mistakenly think that they are manipulating it, it will not be good.

But if they are asked to delete it now, it seems that they are "guilty of the crime".

Jiang Heng thought for a moment and smiled bitterly, "These girls!"

During the meal, Wu Jing, who knew about this, raised his glass and said with a smile, "Director Jiang, I have to open a blog too, and write about your promotion and care for me. After all, I wouldn't be where I am today without you!"

The rest of the crew also followed suit, saying that they would open a blog to write an article to express their gratitude to Jiang Heng.

Jiang Heng waved his hand and said, "No, no, work is work, life is life, it's better to separate them. It's fine if you want to share your feelings about life on your blog, but don't make it seem like you have to complete a work task, that's not good!"

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